The protagonist of the third paragraph——


Those three words.

Let the countless mixed word generation, KO list masters, students, all stunned!

Who is Rex?

Although Rex is not a master of the KO list, but he is a well-known figure, his popularity comes from the ultimate class, it is rumored that Rex is a good friend who grew up with Wang Dadong, and the two of them read the national primary school and junior high school together, and entered the ultimate class together!

And then—

In every fight in the final class, there is the shadow of Rex!

He didn’t fight because he suffered from asthma, his body was very weak, and he was not suitable for fighting, but every fight of the Ultimate Class had his advice, Wang Dadong’s force, plus Rex’s mind, so that the Ultimate Class was invincible in the college world! It is also one of the core figures who laid the foundation for the ultimate class of prestige

And everyone’s impression of Rex is that he is a good student, very good at studying, has a good mind, has asthma, and does not fight!

But now!

Mr. Su above said—

The protagonist of the third story turns out to be Rex!

And Mr. Su once said that the person who shot at the end of the second story is the mysterious character of the third story, and should also be the protagonist of the third story! The first story is Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Black Dog and others, and the second story is Tian Xin and Yu Shengde.


Wang Dadong’s eyes looked at Rex for a moment, and his eyes were a little incredulous and sluggish for a moment.

Rex felt a little dry mouthed, and after Mr. Nasu called out his name above, he could no longer sit still, but seeing the unbelievable eyes of Wang Dadong and the ultimate class around him, he quickly said:

“It’s just a story, don’t you believe it?”

“Although he may really be able to predict, but he is not a divine operator, how can he know everything, everyone’s identity, and everyone has said that his setting and identity are all made up by him, just for the needs of the story and the plot.” 」

He explained.

The people of the Ultimate Class listened to it, and it was indeed very reasonable.

But Wang Dadong’s look was somewhat complicated.

“Dadong, don’t you believe me?” Rex saw Wang Dadong’s expression and was shocked.

You know—

No matter what he said, Wang Dadong, an idiot, would believe it, and now he didn’t believe him?

“It’s all right.”

Wang Dadong reluctantly smiled and shook his head.

He didn’t know whether to believe it or not, but the previous story didn’t seem to be wrong, but now what Mr. Su was talking about was Rex, the good friend he grew up with, the brother he knew, trusted and believed the most, how could he immediately suspect because of a sentence and a story?

It’s just…

Wang Dadong felt a headache, and he didn’t want to think about it anymore.

Rex looked at the stage, and he knew that Wang Dadong must still believe him.


What is the origin of this Su Yu? I even know his name!


Did he guess, or…

Thinking of this, he remembered that when he met with King Arthur earlier, Wang Arthur went from his initial anger to the calm laughter after listening to his question.

One of Arthur’s hole cards is you?

Rex narrowed his eyes slightly, and calmed down slightly.

He didn’t believe it

This storyteller can reveal his identity and his schemes and small actions!

Guy pretending to be a ghost.

Luckily I just reacted quickly.

Think of this.

He looked at Su Yu’s eyes, more and more unkind.


“Sure enough, it’s coming.”

King Arthur saw all the silence in the audience, and a happy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

At the same time—

He saw Rex too!

Looking at Rex’s expression, he thought it was very interesting! The anger in my heart seems to be subsiding.

Be aware!

In the beginning, he was like this!

Now the rex under the stage, can still be calm, must not believe that Mr. Su on the stage can tell all the stories clearly, but soon…

“Rex, I hope you enjoy this gift.”

King Arthur laughed.

“This is just the beginning.”


“You’re probably going to have to be prepared.”

He’s cheerful.

He believed Mr. Sue’s story…

Enough to make Rex fidget and reveal his identity!

After all…

He was also shocked many times.


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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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