: “? ”

Arthur King: “? ”

Wang Dadong: “? ”

The lively scene of the original crusade against Rex fell silent in an instant.

The mixed characters were stunned, they didn’t understand Su Yu’s words at all.

Wang Dadong was stunned.

The Ultimate Class was also stunned.


In the distance, Arthur, who was listening to the cheerful king, was also stunned.

From the time Su Yu told the story of his being wronged by Rex, Wang Arthur did not mention how happy he was in his heart! All of this is snowing! Although he knew that the Ultimate Class and Wang Dadong would not believe it all, at the very least, at the very least… Someone believed him.

The below asked why Rex was targeting him like this.

King Arthur also suddenly remembered—



Why are you targeting yourself so much?

Obviously, he had never provoked him, on the contrary, it was Rex who was provoking himself, but at this moment, he was targeting himself everywhere and driving himself out of the ultimate class, which was simply incomprehensible!


When Su Yu said who Rex was targeting.

King Arthur.


This is…

What’s the situation?


He targeted.

Not King Arthur.

It’s rather…

Wang Dadong?

“Mr. Sue, what do you say?”

It’s hard for a jerk to open his mouth.

“Is Rex targeting Wang Dadong?”


“How is this possible?”

The bastards couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, although the story is very outrageous, it can’t be so outrageous!”

“Wang Dadong and Rex are good brothers who grew up from small to large, they have fought side by side so many times, fought so many fights together, and even Wang Dadong trusts Rex without reservation, how can Rex target Wang Dadong?”

Many are puzzled.

“Isn’t it…”

“Inside, is there any story?”

Some of the idiotists speculated that there might be some story in it.

“If there is, that’s too exciting, isn’t it?”

“Not right…”

“Didn’t Mr. Su say it before?”

“It’s not just the brothers Arthur Wang and Wang Dadong who are looking at each other!”

The bastard suddenly remembered what Su Yu had said earlier!

“Could it be that the other person is Rex?”

“But why?”

“Rex and Wang Dadong, will they turn their backs on each other?”

Although this story is indeed very exciting, it is unbelievable, but at the same time, it also arouses the strong curiosity of these mixed generations, who want to hear what is going on!


“Mr. Su, can you tell us that we are going to die of curiosity?”

The mixed word generation and KO list masters have looked at Su Yu and begged Su Yu.

Su Yu’s words instantly triggered their curiosity!

Everybody wants to know….

What the hell is going on.



After Wang Dadong was stunned, he looked at Rex.


This time, when he saw Rex, he was almost shocked.

Rex’s face.

Never been so pale.

It’s like…

Got it right, too?

No way.

“Me, it’s all right.”

Rex opened his mouth calmly, he didn’t want to do anything to hide it anymore, his eyes looked straight at Su Yu above, his calm and self-confidence, completely collapsed at this moment!

Rex didn’t think about it at all!

This secret is hidden in the deepest recesses!


Will be above Su Yu, without hesitation to tell the whole world in front of the whole world!

Listen to the secrets of the bastards around you.

Rex’s look was getting calmer, but in his eyes, there was fear, it was uneasiness.

Don’t say.

Don’t say.

Don’t say it!

A fierce chill flashed through his eyes.

He didn’t dare to gamble.

It was like he just didn’t dare to bet whether Su Yu knew it or not.

He is now….

Completely scared!

Will he know?

Does that guy really know?

He stared at Nasu Yu above with dead eyes, and a chill appeared in his eyes.


Wang Dadong shouted again.

“I said it.”

“I’m okay.”

But Rex did not look at Wang Dadong at all, but looked straight ahead.

The Ultimate Class of Classmates around them also gradually discovered that something was wrong…

This Rex….

How does it feel like you’ve been right?

Is it…

It’s true?



Listen to the questions of the mixed word generations below.

Su Yu thought about it.

Half ring.

He shook the fan and said:

“Since you all want to know.”

“Then it will be from…”

“A girl said.”


“A girl named Angie.”



A hint of murderous intent pops up in an instant!

Rex’s eyes, from the initial chill, at the moment of hearing Angie’s name, the chill in his eyes instantly turned into a killing intent.

His look.

It’s getting more and more wrong.

Violent and depressing.


“Say her name.”

Rex’s words were very calm, every word was very heavy, and there seemed to be countless killing intentions in it!


[There is still a difference between the last two more ~ ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation votes, monthly passes ~].

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