“All right.”

“Foresee what will happen next—”

“Listen to the next breakdown—”

On a high platform.

As soon as Su Yu’s fan was closed, he stood up.

Dressed in a black Tang costume and holding a fan, he turned and left the high platform, walked toward the building behind the high platform, and soon disappeared on the high platform.

See this scene.

The following mixed characters all reluctantly got up and left here, while some mixed characters were discussing the plot and found it very interesting.

“Squad Leader?”

Wang Dadong stood where he was.

Half ring.

He shook his head.

What the hell was I thinking?

This is just a story made up by the storyteller, how can the identity of the class director not be simple?


So what identity will the storyteller assign to the class director?

“This Mr. Sue, it’s quite interesting.”

Wang Dadong gradually became interested from the previous disdain, and finally felt that Su Yu was very interesting.


After taking a look at the scattered, Wang Dadong and Jin Baosan hurriedly left there, if they were seen listening to his own story, they would feel full of trouble.

On the way back.

“Brother Dadong, how’s it going, isn’t that interesting?”

Jin Baosan asked cautiously.

“It’s really interesting.”

“Do you know who this Mr. Su is?”

Wang Dadong asked.

Jin Baosan shook his head: “I don’t know, I happened to pass by, I saw Mr. Su talking about the story of Wulin, Brother Dadong, you know, I am very interested in Wulin, the story he said is very good, what Tian Meng’s main town guards the martial arts world, and confronts the demon world, it is very strange, it is not available in other martial arts novels, but I did not think of …”

“He could tell the story of the ultimate class!” It’s so well made up, even I look forward to the follow-up development of his story. ”

Jin Baosan sighed.

“This Mr. Su actually knows the KO list…”

Wang Dadong was thinking.

This Mr. Sue…

What exactly is the origin?

The evaluation of his combat strength that he had just made was made up, or did he really know?


Wang Dadong couldn’t think straight, he just shook his head and threw out all these miscellaneous things——


It’s a made-up story.

Why should I take it seriously?



Su Yu returned to the hall.

The building behind the high platform.

It was his residence.

“Check the popularity.”

He meditated inwardly.



A data panel emerges.

[Host: Su Yu].

[Popularity: 10000].

[Combat Power Index: 7000].

[Martial Arts: Fragments of the Yi Jian Sutra].

[Item: Full record of the final series].

[Drawable Reward World: Martial Arts World].

That’s right.

He is a crosser, from the earth to the world of the final series, here is completely different from the earth, here, there is the existence of the supernatural, and after crossing here, he binds the [storytelling spoiler system], as long as the spoiler through the storytelling, the more people like, the more people listen, the system will reward the popularity value!

And once he says the story of the book, it is felt to be real, including the world in the book, which is real, and the popularity value will be higher!

Popularity value can be drawn, there are very many kinds of rewards, martial arts, items, treasures, characters, etc., but at present, he can only draw martial arts worlds, if you want to unlock, you need to tell different worlds, but the current system only unlocks the story of the final series, and all the stories are recorded in the [Ultimate Series Full Record].

There are stories in the [Final Series], and only the stories of the first thirty years and the last thirty years are currently unlocked, which records all the stories, all the character lines, the story lines, including the identity of the characters, the past of the characters, the future, and so on!


All things know!

That is to say, this record can not only see a person’s past, but also find the future of a person from the record, and everything about a person can be found in this object!

And Su Yu.

It is through this [Final Series Full Record] that the sermon is taught.

After this period of hard work, the popularity value of others reached 10,000 points, the Yi Jian Jing fragment is the system’s novice reward, and the 7000 points combat strength index is his lottery plus spent a period of time to cultivate, through the Yi Jian Jing fragment, he cultivated very quickly, dare not imagine how quickly he will cultivate once he gets the complete Yi Jian Sutra!


If you want more popularity, you must let people know the story in the book he said, that is, the things he spoiled, and the more people who know and the more people believe it, the higher the popularity value.

“System, conduct the bronze lottery.”

Looking at the 10,000 popularity value, Su Yu decided to draw the lottery.

The lottery is divided into five levels: bronze, silver, gold, diamond, and god, bronze once 1000 popularity points, silver once 10000, and so on, the more the popularity value spent later, the more terrible, but the reward will also be more terrible.

【Draw -】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms Martial Arts Cheats x1].

[Ximen Chuixue Character Fragment x1 (Ten Fragments will be able to synthesize a complete character, the more character fragments collected, the stronger the character will be, and after ten, the peak strength will be restored)].

[Combat Power Index 500 points].

[Combat Power Index 300 points].

[Combat Power Index 1000 points].

[Combat Power Index 200 points].


[Ten Kinmen Guards (character costumes will be automatically changed to contemporary costumes)].

[Yi Jian Jing Fragment x5 (can be synthesized into the full version after ten copies)


The lottery information kept flashing in front of me.

This was Su Yu’s first ten consecutive draws, and looking at the reward above, a few smiles appeared on his face.

All good stuff!

Descend the Dragon Eighteen Palms! The top martial arts in the world of martial arts!

West Gate blowing snow! Top martial arts masters! Not in its heyday though!

The Combat Power Index rewards a full 2000 points!

The fragments of the Yi Jian Sutra plus the ones he had cultivated were 6 in all!

Jinyiwei! This is an all-powerful existence, not only can fight, but also can investigate, arrest, etc., although for the time being, I don’t know what the use is, but it can also be regarded as adding to his strength.

“Don’t know the story of this storyteller…”

“When can it be fermented?”

Su Yu was slightly expectant.

Once it spreads out—

The popularity value will be higher.

At that time, you will be able to extract more rewards to enhance your own strength and survive in this twelve time and space that is about to destroy the world at any moment.


Just wait for the story to ferment.


【Chapter 5 is coming!】 Tomorrow 2000 flowers, 200 evaluation votes, immediately ten more! When it comes to doing it, ask for flowers, evaluate tickets, monthly passes ~].

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