The dark ancient ink attic stands in front of you.

The door was open—

From the outside, you can only see the faint light of the candle inside, which is very blurry, and it is impossible to see the scene inside.

Seems to know about Tian Xin’s arrival.

A figure came out and led Tian Xin in.

The interior of the Tianji Pavilion is very dark, and candles hang on the walls of the surrounding buildings, giving people a very private feeling.

The figure took Tian Xin through the front hall to the back hall, where a man dressed in black antique clothes was sitting there, and when he saw Tian Xin, the man smiled slightly, giving people a feeling of being untamed:

“Welcome to Tianji Pavilion.”

Tian Xin sat down.

She looked left and right: “Tianji Pavilion? ”

What a strange name—

“Yes, Tianji Pavilion.”

“Omniscient, omniscient, here, everything you want to know, there are answers.”

“Character intelligence, treasure intelligence, even past, present, future—”

“The premise is—”

“You need to pay the price.”

The man smiled and explained.

“The cost… What cost? Tian Xin asked.

“Then it depends on your problem.”

The man continued.

“My question…”

Tian Xin thought for a moment, she came here, naturally she wanted to know the fate and whereabouts of her brother.

“I want to know my brother’s life and whereabouts.”

She tries to say the problem in the simplest way possible.


The man nodded.

“The price of this problem …”

“One hundred thousand pieces.”

The man said the price.


Tian Xin did not hesitate and directly agreed.

“I want to know the fate and whereabouts of my brother, his name is Tian Hongguang, he originally died three years ago, but I listened to the story told by Mr. Su, it seems that he did not die, but was taken away by the armed ruling.”

Tian Xin said hurriedly.


But as soon as her voice fell, the man’s expression gradually became serious:

“The Armed Judgment House?”

Tian Xin was slightly stunned: “Yes, yes.” ”

The man opened his mouth with a serious look on his face and said, “Don’t you know that the Armed Judgment Institute is the most powerful force in the martial arts world?” This is a force that makes the whole martial forest feel frightened, and if your brother is involved in the martial law adjudication, it is likely to involve the great secrets of the martial forest…”

Tian Xin was slightly frightened, a little overwhelmed: “So, so?” ”

The man opened his mouth very seriously:


“You have to add money.”

Tian Xin: “??? ”

Her beautiful eyes opened slightly, obviously she did not expect that she would be sitting on the ground for a price!

The most outrageous thing is!

The man in front of her said half a day, she also thought that the man was afraid of the force of the verdict, the result… Want to add money?!

“Yes, you can.”

Tian Xin gritted his teeth gently, a pretty face that wanted to be angry but did not dare to be angry, and had to pile up a grudging smile.


The man smiled happily, and his eyes narrowed slightly: “As long as you add money, everything is easy to say.” ”

“One price.”

“Three hundred thousand.”

Tian Xin heard this and was almost angry.


I endure!

“No, problem.”

Tian Xin took a deep breath and smiled slightly, but in that smile, he gritted his teeth a little.


The man nodded.



Tian Xin smiled even more gritted his teeth: “Swipe the card.” ”

She took out the card, and after the man swiped the card, he gave it back to Tian Xin.

“Wait ten minutes.”

He got up and left.


Ten minutes later.

The man came back with a file bag in his hand, which he had placed on the table.

“That’s the answer to the question you want to know.”

“Happy cooperation.”

He smiled slightly and handed over the document bag.

“My name is Ding Xiu.”

“If you have any more information you want to know, feel free to do so.”

Tian Xin took the document bag, turned around and left.

She walked out of the Tianji Pavilion and glanced at the Tianji Pavilion behind her.

She had thought that this Tianji Pavilion might have something to do with Mr. Su, but now it seemed that there was no relationship at all! Mr. Nasu looks so mysterious and mysterious, this day Ji Ge… Not at all Mr. Sue!


In the room.

Tian Xin returned to the place where he lived.

Looking at the file bag in front of him, Tian Xin’s expression gradually became solemn, and the hand that opened the file bag trembled a little.


She opened the file bag.

Inside was a piece of paper.

Recorded above is the answer that Tian Xin wants to know.

Seeing the above answer, the tears in Tian Xin’s eyes, at this moment, snatched out of his eyes.

Life and Death State: Alive—

“Ah Guang…”

“Not dead.”

At this moment, Tian Xin finally let go of her heart, how scared she was, just empty joy.

It’s just…

She looked behind the answer.

“Martial corpse?”

“The miasma of immortality?”


[There is still seven more, this chapter is written for a few hours, after sorting out, will be updated soon, the book is on the shelves at eight o’clock tonight, the first day of ten more twenty thousand words, subscription data is good, direct fifteen more ~ If you think it is good, you can subscribe, thank you readers greatly ~].

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