Ten o’clock in the evening.

Wang Dadong was reading Anqi’s letter and getting ready to sleep.


The phone rings.

He picked up the mobile phone, saw the above information, the look changed slightly, he immediately picked up the mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu


It’s gone.

After he said hello to his parents, he quickly left the house.

“Dadong his father.”

Zeng Meimei looked at Wang Tianyang, and his eyes seemed to want to ask something.

“It’ll be all right.”

Wang Tianyang shook Zeng’s hand and signaled her not to worry.


Late at night.

Rex’s figure appeared in the alley.

He shuttled through here, his face cold.

At night.

He walked in the darkness, through the streets, through the alleys, like a ghost in the night, not knowing where to go.


“Will it happen?”

He looked to the left and right, seeming a little hesitant.

By the end of the third paragraph of the story, he has been targeted by the arbiter of the armed ruling.


He didn’t want to bother Wang Dadong and chose to leave.

Of course, he also seemed to sense that in the darkness, someone was watching him, so he left the hospital and sneaked in the darkness, and at this moment, he had been gone for a long time, and that feeling seemed to dissipate.

Will the arbiter of the force of the verdict really appear?

He walked slowly through the alleys.


He was just halfway there.




A figure slowly appeared in the darkness at the end of the alley, and the moment it emerged, a terrifying cold breath suddenly swept out! In an instant, Rex felt his body tremble slightly at this moment, and his heart beat wildly at this moment!


The accented sound begins.

This was a figure dressed in black robes, his whole body melted into the night, the breath on his body, making him like the king of the night, brought people an extreme sense of oppression, he looked at this Rex, slowly walking towards Rex.

Under the black hood, a pair of eyes looked at Rex coldly, as if he had seen prey.

Another martial corpse whose combat strength index has broken through 10,000 points…

Distance from the target.

But it’s getting closer.

He was admiring the rex in front of him, waiting for him to escape with a look of fear on his face, and then he slowly enjoyed the process of the pursuit like a prey.



Just as the figure was thinking about countless scenes of Rex’s escape.

It’s just…


He walked forward, but there was a slight pause, and those eyes looked at Rex with a hint of doubt.

What’s the situation?

Only to see the Rex in front of him, since he appeared, to the breath on his body exploded, from beginning to end, yes, from beginning to end, it was a cold and calm look, even if the body trembled slightly, the fear in his eyes was only a flash!

And then…

It was calm all the time!

Always very cold!



No escape?

No sign of trying to escape?!

What’s going on here?

Like, like…

I already knew what it all looked like!

“You are…”

“The arbiter of the Armed Judgment Institute?”

Rex was expressionless, his eyes calmly staring at the figure in front of him.

Figure: “??? ”

The eyes under the black hood were slightly stunned, and the cold eyes blinked, obviously not reacting.

Wait a minute….

How did he know who he was?

The figure was somewhat stunned and stunned.

His identity is so mysterious and powerful, how can he be easily known?


The figure looked at Rex in front of him with some disbelief, and even felt… Did he fall into some trap? This Rex has a terrifying killer and is waiting for him to appear?

Thinking of this, he stopped and looked closely at Rex.

After all…

There are very few people in the entire martial arts who can know his identity, and the university community? No one in the university community knows his identity!

Rex in front of you.

How do you know?

“You want to take me…”

“With the miasma of immortality, I will become a corpse and a killing machine of the Judgment of Force.”

Rex continued to speak with calm eyes, his eyes not fluctuating at all, as if to say something trivial, not even about him.

Figure: “??? ”

His eyes blinked, and his brain was a little off.


Wait a minute.

How did he know?

The silhouette’s eyes gradually became a little shocked and unbelievable, and although it was well hidden, it still exposed a little.


The figure was a little suspicious, thinking that the Rex in front of him was not holding back some big moves.

“How do you know?”

He finally asked.

Although his identity…

It’s not appropriate to ask this sentence.

But the doubts in my heart are too heavy! It’s just too heavy! He didn’t know what was happening, how his own thoughts, his own plan, would be known by the rex in front of him, you know, this plan is also what he just thought, and then he wants to execute, take Rex, refine one more martial corpse, no one knows at all!

Moreover, the matter of the miasma of immortality, even the person with the broken intestine did not know, how did Rex know it in front of him?

Hear the problem of the figure.

Rex showed a clear look.


“It’s true.”

He nodded slightly.

Figure: “??? ”

Are you insane?!

People say I’m neurotic!

Are you more neurotic than me?

For a while, the figure couldn’t tell who was neurotic!


Under his observation, this Rex did not have any great killing weapon at all, and even the Rex combat strength index in front of him could not explode under the suppression of his breath! Thinking about Rex’s expression just now, well… It’s like looking for answers before you die.


The feeling of being teased floods into your mind!

“Find Death!”

The figure opened its mouth coldly.

Just when he was about to strike!



The figures of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu emerged from a distance and instantly came to the front of Rex!


Instantaneously stood in front of Rex.

“You guys…”

Rex was stunned.


How did it come about?


[There is still a difference, but it seems that the word count has exceeded two thousand words, and it will be on the shelves, ask for a wave of subscriptions ~].

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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