Chapter Ninety-Four Mr. Sue’s Happiness… We experienced it! 【6 more】!!




The knife madly watched Su Yu leave on the stage.

Half ring.

He came back to God.

For those who are mixed characters, this is a huge pit, a huge foreshadowing, but for him and the knife ghost, it is a message, an extremely important information!

Look at the Black Dragon in what this story will reveal in the future.

Two people were captured.

“Black Dragon.”

“It’s a black dragon.”

Knife ghost opening.

The two looked at each other and both saw each other’s thoughts.

This story reveals the content information

That is……… The Black Dragon took the two men away.

But……… How did the Black Dragon capture the two?

“Dadong has been vacillated by the rapid return of needles, and we must use our internal strength to treat him.”

“This is foreshadowing.”

The knife furrowed wildly.

“But it’s not enough.”

The knife ghost shook his head.

“Although we consume internal strength, according to the severity of the rapid return of the needle, in the story mentioned by Mr. Su, you consume a maximum of 5,000 combat power indexes, and we have killer organizations and weapons, with the strength of this black dragon, there should be no way to capture us.”

Both of them felt very strange, in the incident of the quick return of the needle, the two should have lost part of the combat strength index, but it was not as terrifying as the Yuanshen Ferry, and there was a killer organization in the seat, this black dragon could not just take the two people like this.

“Unless… The knife’s crazy eyes narrowed slightly. ”

“The strength of the Black Dragon suddenly soared.”

He had already guessed some.

“It’s the Sword Demon in the Stone.”

“According to what Mr. Su mentioned, this black dragon should be likely to break through the second layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination and completely fuse the Sword Demon in the Stone.”

The knife ghost also guessed something.

Think of this.

Both sensed something was wrong.

If only it really followed the direction of the story

It is very likely that the Black Dragon has broken through to the second layer of cultivation! Of course.

This is just a guess from the two people, although it is roughly close, but the two feel that there are still many details that may not have been thought of.

“The content of the message that Mr. Su said……”

“It’s not easy.”

“We need to digest it well.”

Knife crazy calm opening.

From that shock, both of them found that what Su Yu was saying contained a lot of information, and even many details were hidden in these key information, according to the end of the fourth story, the two were most likely to be arrested, and according to the reality of what they were going to do now!

Once the Black Dragon cultivation succeeds in Heavenly Demon Fusion Second Layer! They could also be caught!

But now the problem is

They already know this information in advance! Next, they had to see from the information they digested to see if they could find the key to dealing with the Black Dragon!


“That’s what Mr. Su is for.”

Knife Mania seemed to think of something.

“A fire.”

“Illuminate the fire of darkness.”

He muttered to himself.

Although Mr. Su did not intervene in the battle between good and evil, the information he told made the story have a key reversal, and even went to a different future!

“Dadong, what’s wrong?”


Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Arthur Wang all noticed that Wang Dadong’s expression was a little strange.

“Dongcheng Wei……”

“Look for me.”

Wang Dadong said.

“Very urgent.”

He added one more sentence.

He hadn’t digested it for a while.

“Dongcheng Wei……”

“That is, Mr. Su’s mouth, the Chief Combat Regiment of the Iron Guard of the Iron Alliance?”

The three of them were slightly stunned.

“If you follow what Mr. Su mentioned…”

“They may be looking for you because of what happened in space-time recently?”

All three had a guess.

“Wait a minute…”

Wang Dadong took a deep breath.

“I felt like my mind was going to explode.”

He was brooding.

“That is……”

“According to the development of the fourth story, the martial corpse wanted to deal with the class guide, to arrest the class guide, and then my parents, that is, the knife mad knife ghost, sent the class guide to the shelter, but the martial corpses did not have a dead heart, and successively shot at us, I was secretly calculated by ‘nothing’, and I was hit by the needle quickly.”

“And then…”

Wang Dadong pointed to King Arthur.

“The sword demon in the stone appears in the narcissist’s body, and the crack in the lock sword stone appears, and the sword demon in the stone will become a demon with the narcissist.”

“Then the identity of the Golden Pen is revealed……”

“The golden pen dotted dragon appeared……”

“Ji An is a demon warrior, and if you become a narcissist, he will kill you.”

Wang Dadong sorted out the content a little.


“And then…”

“Then the identity of Dongcheng Wei is a Stranger from the Iron Time and Space Alliance.”


“The person with the broken intestine will disappear, and my parents will disappear.”

He finished with a little bit of general content.

But even if it is sorted out.

What is involved in it.

All made Wang Dadong’s mind feel chaotic to explode.

“It seems……”

“We have to digest it one by one.”

“Just right, on the way to find Dongcheng Wei, you can digest and deal with it.”

Rex spoke.

There is a lot of content in this, and there will certainly be no way to figure it out for a while and a half.


The identities of so many people are exposed!

Among them is Arthur King’s father, Tulong! Wang Dadong’s parents knife crazy knife ghost!

The ultimate class of demon warriors skill! Bale High School President Jin Penke!

There are also countless hidden people who thought they were dead, all appeared on the gold list, and once again appeared from the gold list in front of everyone in the golden time and space!

“Let’s go.”

Wang Dadong and the others decided to go to Dongcheng Wei first.

Wang Dadong seemed to think of something interesting: “I think…”

“It’s our turn to tell a story.”

Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex looked at Wang Dadong puzzled.

Wang Dadong said mysteriously, “You…”

“Want to experience Mr. Sue’s happiness?”

Experience the joy of Mr. Sue?

The three of them didn’t even have Wang Dadong’s brain turn fast for a while.

But soon.

The three people’s eyes narrowed slightly, and at the same time, they suddenly realized Oh.

What is Mr. Sue’s happiness?

That must be storytelling digging a hole! Abandoned place in the middle of nowhere.

Dongcheng Wei four people stood here.

“It’s weird…”

Meditation said.

“There has just been another fluctuation in the order of space-time and has lasted for a very long time.”

“Golden space-time……”

“What the hell is going on?”

All four of them looked solemn.

None of them understood what was happening.

Just now

There were two or three fluctuations in the order of space-time in the golden space-time! And more than ever, the rules and order of space-time are disturbed, so that they are very puzzled and do not understand what is wrong with the golden space-time.

This is also the reason why Dongcheng Wei is so anxious to find Wang Dadong.


“We should also reveal a little information to Dadong that they know.”

“There have been so many chaos of order and rules in this golden time and space, I am worried that this great war of good and evil is probably not so simple, and we may need to reveal a little information to Dadong to know.”

Jie said.

Xiu thought about it and nodded solemnly, “It’s time too.” ”

“Twelve time and space and the things of the demon world, the great war of good and evil, let’s try to reveal a little bit first, if it does not cause fluctuations in time and space, we can say part of the content, and wait until the end of the great war of good and evil, if… If we can win, we’ll tell Dadong everything else to them. ”

“If we can win, we may have a chance to fight the devil.”

“Twelve Spaces.”

“It’s time to be prepared.”

Repair took a lot into account.


“Dadong, they’re coming.”

Stirrup spoke.

Wang Dadong also mentioned that he wanted to bring Wang Arthur and others with him, and Dongcheng Wei did not think much about it.

From a distance

They soon saw the figures of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex walking towards here.

Xiu looked solemnly and walked towards Wang Dadong and the others.


“Here you are.”

Wang Dadong walked over to Xiu.

Look at the repair in front of you.

Wang Dadong said, “Xiu.” ”

“You look for us…”

“Is it because of something that has happened recently in Golden Space?”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth directly.

Hugh: “??? ”

Ring: “??? ”

Meditation: “??? ”

Stirrups: “??? ”


Xiu solemnly looked, his eyes widened in an instant, for a moment……… He didn’t react.

Rings, meditation, stirrups are even more stunned in place.

The four of them looked at Xiu and the three of them.

There was only one sentence left in their minds

Mr. Sue’s happiness……… We experienced it!

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