The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1001 This guy is too stupid

Li Zedao expresses his understanding that the shadow will not be affected, after all, there is no such person as shadow in this world.

Mother Xiao Qiangwei and Chen Xiaomo will not be affected, which is easy to understand, because although they know each other and even have a close relationship, Master gave the brilliant international to mother, but Master has gone abroad a long time ago, and it has been a long time since he went abroad. For a while, this kind of intimate relationship has long been broken, so they are not considered to be the core people around Master at all.

But I won't be affected... Is it because I have been his apprentice for too short a time, and I can't even be regarded as a core figure, so that terrible person doesn't bother to trouble me?

"At that time, Lao Wang told me that after leaving this hotel, he would resume his identity as Wang Ying immediately, and asked me to find a chance to transfer back to Huaxia, and then continue to find opportunities to meet you idiot, and give you something "Shadow bit his lip lightly, and big tears began to fall again, "Old Wang said before he left that when he couldn't get in touch with Master, it meant something happened to her, and if something happened to her, it meant something happened to him. problem occurs."

"A few days later... I really can't contact Master... woooo..." Shadow began to cry very sadly, "Something happened to Master... something must have happened to him... woooo..."

Li Zedao seemed to find a ray of light in the dark, because according to Shadow, she didn't actually see what happened to Master and his women with her own eyes. She just followed what Master said. Something happened... In other words, something may have happened to Master?

At this moment, Shadow seemed to suddenly remember something, he had forgotten to cry, and said anxiously: "Damn, I have been crying too much, and I haven't taught you how to wear a mask yet... It's been so long We haven't gone out yet, will Director Qian think you are a big fool? Maybe you will think that you are a big fool, you are trying to do something inferior to me inside, and then you broke in... No, no, teach me first You wear masks, and we will talk about the rest later..."

"..." Li Zedao's face twitched, and he looked back at Nanji, who was also twitching, so Li Zedao's face twitched even more.

However, after a few minutes, Li Zedao really had to admire the foresight of the shadows, because they had been in for too long, and even outside, even the masks had been made, and the three of them hadn't gone out yet. Considering that these two guys from the Ming team won't do anything to Xiao Zhang, right?

What? One of them is a woman? Who said women can't beat women? Don't you hear that and what... In short, Director Qian, who took care of Xiao Zhang as his daughter, was a little anxious, so he opened the door outside and went in.

Those who came in with him, of course, were the engineers who were waiting outside until the flowers withered.

"You are so stupid,

What about the elites from the Ming Group, who have been teaching you for more than two hours and still can’t wear it... Look at her Anji sister, she will be able to do it as soon as I teach her... Ah, Director Qian, you are here..." Shadow turned back to look at Director Qian and complained, pointing at Li Zedao and complaining, "This guy is really stupid...Ahhh, I'm going crazy..."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, please, I haven't even had time to touch this legendary imitation mask, okay? I did touch Antarctica, but before the shadow could start teaching, Director Qian and the engineer came.

But Li Zedao had to cooperate with the shadow to act over there: "'s too difficult...ha..." But I have the urge to fuck this little girl's ass in my heart, and you haven't even started teaching it yet. OK?

It turned out that I didn't learn it! Director Qian looked at Li Zedao with a look of... contempt! Although the method of wearing it is indeed a bit complicated, but it took more than two hours to learn it, which is really unheard of and unseen. How stupid is this guy to do such a sad and crazy thing? It seems that even if this kid didn't enter the Ming Group through the back door, he is still a guy with strong limbs and a simple mind.

But he is also an elite of the Ming group anyway, so he still has to give face, and said immediately: "This... don't worry, some people are just a little doesn't matter whether the brain is stupid or not... Oh, yes, then The two masks have been made, you can use that mask to practice wearing, Xiao Zhang, you have to be patient, and you must teach them."

After speaking, Director Qian's expression became a little serious, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"Understood, I'm so troublesome, I've never seen someone so stupid!" Shadow pouted, and gave Li Zedao a very unhappy look.

You are stupid, even more stupid than a pig! Li Zedao was so depressed, looking at the whole of China, no, the whole of Asia... no, no, the whole world, where is there anyone smarter than him except Master?

Not long after, two freshly baked masks appeared in Li Zedao's hands... Antarctic also got two, in case they were damaged, there were replacements.

At that moment, Shadow led Li Zedao and Nanji into the storage room again, and as for the engineer... well, they were waiting outside in pain.

Li Zedao touched the uneven thickness of the mask, but it felt very good to the touch. It was almost the same texture as the real person's skin.

The reason why the thickness is uneven is because different parts of the face require different levels of camouflage. Some places are almost transparent, such as around the eyes, while some places are thicker, such as the nose... From Director Qian's perspective Well, the reason why men in island countries look so wretched is because of their big noses.

So the pigskin-like mask in the movie must be a fake thing, and that kind of thing will definitely look like a dead face when worn on the face.

But the mask in Li Zedao's hands is different. He can even change different expressions at any time according to the user's mask expression. Of course, using the expression after wearing the mask is also a technical task, such as grinning in normal times. The smile, perhaps now turned into a wry grin, is another reason why special training is needed.

In addition, this kind of mask is completely simulated. You can clearly see the pores and the hair on it, and even a few acne and blackheads. It is breathable, so you won’t feel uncomfortable wearing it for two days. It is a little troublesome for men, because men have beards, so they should be shaved off before use.

Because Li Zedao is too stupid to learn... Of course, in fact, the shadow has not had time to teach, so the shadow pretended to be very upset and murmured "Idiot!" Then he helped put on the mask and see Effect.

After wearing it, Ying stared blankly at the changed face for a while, then muttered to himself: "Like, it's really too similar..."

"What do you look like?" Li Zedao asked, wanting to find a mirror to see what he looks like now.

"Mr. Kato!" Shadow sized up Li Zedao with big eyes and started to tsk, "Young and wretched version of Mr. Kato..."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Mr. Kato, who is he?"

Nanji also looked at the shadow curiously. She also wanted to know who the hell is Mr. Kato, but what is certain is that this Mr. Kato must be very wretched... Li Zedao looked very wretched after wearing that mask.

Shadow glared at Li Zedao, and muttered contemptuously: "Damn it, pretend to be innocent with this genius girl... Mr. Kato is the guy you men admire the most, he claims to be the godfather of the island nation's AV world..."

"..." Li Zedao's face darkened, and he almost choked to death at Ying Ying's words!

Nanji's face also darkened all of a sudden, and he glared at Shadow without saying anything.

After Shadow helped Nanji put on the mask, he clapped his hands and laughed happily: "Haha, sister Nanji, after you put on the mask, you look as pure as Mr. Ozawa..."

"Shut up!" Nanji said very depressed. Although he didn't know who Mr. Ozawa was, there was a precedent like Li Zedao. In addition, Nanji knew that Shadow was the master who read countless movies, and his favorite was the human-dog fight, so It is natural to guess that Mr. Ozawa must be someone who made that kind of film. "

Li Zedao looked at it and was also happy, it really is! But his expression is so confused, he looks like I don't know who Ozawa-sensei is, causing Shadow to despise him time after time, this guy who pretends to be someone's boss!

Next, Shadow began to teach Li Zedao and Nanji how to wear this kind of mask. This is an extremely delicate job, so just put it on, but it still needs a little bit of sticking, and even pays attention to some fingering.

However, both Li Zedao and Nanji are the kind of people with very strong receptivity. Li Zedao has already mastered it in less than five minutes, and Nanji took a little longer, about ten minutes.

"Fool, you are so stupid. It took five minutes. This genius girl... Well, that will be done in a minute!" Although the shadow was astonished that Li Zedao grasped it so quickly, his mouth still hurt Li Zedao to death. .

The black line on Nanji's face on the side, if Li Zedao spent five minutes being stupid, then what is it that he spent more than ten minutes? Fighter among idiots?

But she also knew that Ying had such a personality, and Li Zedao and Li Zedao were simply enemies, so she curled her lips and said nothing.

Li Zedao didn't even bother to pay attention to this chick's making things difficult, but asked: "Isn't the production cost of this kind of mask very high?"

"It's not high, and the cost of one piece is only five million." Shadow chewed the gum in his mouth, spit out a bubble, and said very richly, "Well, it's not my money to spend anyway."


Shadow's eyeballs swept over Li Zedao's face, and he suddenly realized: "Big fool, why are you so concerned about the cost? Oh, I see, do you want to use this material to make a Masturbation cups, molds and even sex dolls, right?"

"Pfft..." Li Zedao sprayed directly.

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