The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1003 Old Wang's Safety Buckle

" let go of this genius..." She couldn't help but make that kind of voice, and she knew very well that there was a vacuum under her large T-shirt, and it was really hard for this damn bastard to attack her. It was heavy, so there was a burning pain in the buttocks, and shadow's helpless tears began to swirl in his eyes.

"Give me something? Tell me what Master told you to tell me?" Li Zedao still said the same thing, maintaining an indifferent tone. He wanted this weird and self-willed little girl to know that he let her be bullied by his stupid appearance before, and he really pissed himself off, and the consequences would be very serious.

Of course, Li Zedao also had a little bit of vengeance in his heart. When he was in Amsterdam, this chick dared to tamper with the gift she gave Baili Bing. Where was there Crystal Conan in it? Fortunately, I have such a close relationship with Baili Bing, otherwise, if the gift was selected for others, wouldn't it be a shame?

"..." Shadow bit his lip firmly, but didn't speak, tears dripping down to the ground like broken beads.

"Crack!" The charming voice sounded again. Well, it feels very good!

This time, Shadow didn't dare to behave like a donkey again.

"Woo...don't hit it's okay if the genius girl is wrong...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Woo..." Shadow's tone immediately softened. Although he is precocious and tough, he is a master who has read countless movies, and his favorite is the legendary human-dog fight, but he is a girl at heart after all, and has never experienced anything in the world. She pouted at Li Zedao for so long, she couldn't take it anymore, and surrendered directly.

Seeing the sob and grievance of the shadow, Li Zedao really felt a little pity for her. After all, she is also his junior sister, and she had some ambiguous actions before, so her tone softened: "Really wrong?"

"Wrong... woo woo..." The shadow of Recognition, looking so weak and helpless, is really distressing.

Seeing this, Li Zedao also felt that she should not dare to act recklessly, so he let her go.

Unexpectedly, just after he let go, the shadow turned around directly, went up and grabbed Li Zedao's arm that hadn't had time to retract, and then bit down violently.

"Bastard, dare to violate this talented girl...I will kill you...I will kill you...I will kill you, you big bastard..." Shadow roared in his heart, and then he clenched his teeth even harder.

Gradually, she felt that something was wrong, because she had bitten so hard, but this damn bastard didn't respond at all, didn't cry out in pain, even didn't struggle, didn't retract his arms,

It was as if the arm wasn't his own.

At the same time, there was already a bloody smell in the shadow's mouth, that is to say, she bit Li Zedao's arm to bleed, but Li Zedao remained motionless.

So, Shadow suddenly felt a little guilty, or a little boring... You bite a person, but that person doesn't say a word and lets you bite, do you think it's interesting?

Shadow still felt a little wronged, inexplicably wronged!

So she let go of her mouth, raised her head, stared at Li Zedao who was looking at her indifferently with red eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "Bastard! You bastard!"

" hurts..." Li Zedao's complexion changed, he jumped around on the spot, gasping for breath, "Damn, you belong to a dog..."

"..." Shadow stared at him blankly for a while, then burst into tears and laughed, then gave this guy a hard look and snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'd better love you, idiot!"

"Yes, I am a fool, at least in front of you, an invincible beauty in the universe." Li Zedao said, "Look at your bite, it's don't have AIDS, do you?

"Bah have bastard!" Shadow was so annoyed that he wanted to grab his arm and bite him a few more times.

Shadow really hated this bastard to death, and knew that this guy's rough skin and flesh had a strong self-healing ability, so he didn't worry about the little bite mark on his arm, and sat down on the sofa resentfully.

"Hiss..." Shadow took a few breaths, jumped up and down, and then stared at Li Zedao fiercely, "Fool, look at what you did to this genius girl? Bastard, go to hell..."

Li Zedao chuckled and said nothing.

I couldn't sit still, so Shadow could only lie there very depressed.

"Don't you need to apply some medicine for you?" Li Zedao said jokingly.

"Okay, Bu Tu is a bastard!" Shadow said viciously.

"Ahem..." Li Zedao blushed and shut up resentfully. He didn't dare to provoke this tough little kid with words casually, so he quickly changed the subject, "That... what did Master ask you to do? brought me something?"

"It really is a bastard!" The shadow gave Li Zedao a blank look, but there was a strange feeling in his big eyes, but he didn't make trouble at the moment, but pointed to a jewelry box on the coffee table and said, "See for yourself." , what Old Wang gave you is in that box..."

Li Zedao, his eyes fell on the jewelry box on the table, he quickly picked it up and opened it, only to see a safety clasp lying quietly inside.

This is a milky safety buckle the size of a dollar coin, which is a bit dazzling in the room. There seems to be a circle of fog around the safety buckle, which adds a bit of mystery.

"Safe deduction?" Li Zedao was taken aback again. What does it mean that Master gave him a safety deduction? Is it really his family heirloom?

Li Zedao is not very familiar with this aspect, but he can also guess that this Baise safety buckle should be polished by some kind of jade.

"Yes, the safety button." Shadow said, "This safety button was originally hung on Lao Wang's neck. Lao Wang took it off and gave it to me. I asked me to give you this safety button when I returned to Huaxia, and let me give you the safety button." I'm warning you... oh, it's not a warning, it's a reminder... I remind you that you must never let others know that you have such a safety button, otherwise you will definitely be killed."

"This safety buckle... is very valuable? Or does it have some symbolic meaning? Or function?" Li Zedao looked at the shadow and muttered to himself, frowning.

"Hmph, aren't you very smart?" Shadow snorted coldly, "I thought you knew everything."

Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly: "Do you know the purpose of this safety buckle?"

"Hmph!" Shadow snorted coldly, turned his haughty little head away, so he didn't tell you that you bastard turtle, this talented and beautiful girl just wants you to itch and suffocate you to death!

Li Zedao looked at his hands and said with emotion: "It seems that I just did it lightly."

The shadow was startled: "Bastard, won't your conscience be tormented by using such cruel means to deal with such an innocent, lively and lovely girl?"

Li Zedao shook his head: "No!"

"...Bastard!" Shadow gritted his teeth. If eyes could kill someone, Li Zedao might have died eight thousand times by now.

Seeing that Li Zedao was gearing up shamelessly, the shadow said loudly: "Hmph, this genius girl is in a good mood and wants to tell you, not because you threatened me... Lao Wang asked me to tell you, That safety buckle is the key."

"Key? What key?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"The key to unlock a certain ancient tomb." Shadow's small face was full of mystery, looking like a magic stick.

"Ancient tomb?" Li Zedao was taken aback again, why did it become more mysterious the more he heard it?

"Ahem... Now you can just treat this talented girl as Lao Wang." Shadow cleared his throat and said, "Big fool... oh, no, Lao Wang doesn't call you a big fool, but a brat ..."

Li Zedao had a black line on his face: "Actually, you can talk about the key points."

"Damn it, what the beautiful girl said today is not the point... Don't do anything to a girl if you have the ability... Can I say it's okay..." Seeing Li Zedao stretching out his hand, the shadow directly admitted, " That's what Lao Wang told me back then, Shadow, you know that there is actually such a magical stone in this world..."

Shadow fell into the scene of the conversation with Lao Wang, the Hand of God that day.

"A miraculous stone? How miraculous is it?" Shadow's big eyes swept across Lao Wang's face, which was so young that he was too young. Immediately, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, as if he could stuff a tennis ball into it. Yes, "This genius girl knows, the reason why you are still so young, old Wang, is not because you have such a magical stone, right?"

Old Wang smiled mysteriously, and didn't answer her question, but said, "I think you must have heard of the legend about Nuwa mending the sky, right?"

"Five-colored stone?" Ying Ying is a top student with profound knowledge, and he said these three words in one go.

Lao Wang nodded and said: "Yes, just the five-color stone. According to legend, the five-color stone made by Nuwa has five colors: red, yellow, white, blue, and pure blue. It is said that this stone has the power to reach the sky. Whoever gets this stone will instantly be reborn and invulnerable to all poisons.””

"Hey, hey, I said Old Wang, maybe it's just a legend, isn't it true?" Shadow asked, rolling his big eyes, then chewed the gum in his mouth, and blew a big bubble.

"Besides, let's not talk about whether this multicolored stone has that kind of ability. Whether the stone itself exists or not is still the same thing. You old man, don't fool this talented girl into a three-year-old child." Shadow murmured road.

Old Wang smiled kindly... such a baby face could reveal such a kind smile, but in the shadow's eyes, it didn't feel weird, instead it had a kind of fatherly warmth.

Lao Wang has this kind of ability. He is obviously younger than you, but he can give you a feeling of father.

"This stone does have supernatural power, and the person who gets it will instantly be reborn and invulnerable to all poisons. This has been verified by someone, and it does have the ability to defy the sky." Old Wang said with certainty.

"Really? Who?" Shadow looked like a curious baby.

"you guess."

"...I guess it's your sister!" Shadow had black lines on his face.

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