As the tourist bus left, it began to rain again. It wasn't raining heavily, but it was mixed with snowflakes, that is to say, it was sleet, which added a lot of damp and cold atmosphere.

At this time, Li Zedao, Nanji and Yingying had already got into a Toyota car that is very common in island countries.

Li Zedao didn't know who the owner of the car was. Instead, the car was parked there, and Nanji walked over and opened the door as if opening his own car and got in.

Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, then looked around like a guilty conscience, and then opened the door of the back seat and got into the car.

Of course, Li Zedao soon realized that this car must have been left here in advance by a "spy" hiding in the island country, so that they could use the car when they arrived in Antarctica.

"Where are you going?" Li Zedao asked.

"Inn, you understand." Nanji replied very briefly. So Li Zedao understood that the hotel mentioned by Anji should refer to a stronghold of the Shenlong Organization in DJ City, an island country, just like the small hotel where the business was not very good when he stayed in Amsterdam.

Li Zedao glanced at the shadow in front of her, only to see that her big eyes fell outside, looking at the rain curtain outside, but the sadness of a literary and artistic young woman was revealed in her eyes.

"It was also raining and snowing that day," said Shadow.

"That day? What day?" Li Zedao had a big question mark in his mind. Thinking of the series of strange expressions and behaviors of the shadow from the time of boarding the plane to the present, if it was not because she deliberately imitated some literary and artistic young women but was really touched by the scene and felt sad, then what can be guessed is , Shadow had been to this place, and it was a sad place for her.

She fell in love once in this place and ended up falling out of love?

Guessing is guessing, Li Zedao didn't ask any more questions. On the one hand, he is not the kind of person who is too gossip. He will say something that is enough to choke him to death, so it's better to shut up obediently.

Immediately, he turned his gaze out of the window and saw the scenery of dj city.

It is said that women in island countries dress more openly. For example, the girls in those island countries have bare thighs in the cold weather. , very seriously observed the girl who was shopping with an umbrella on the side of the road.

Sure enough, there are many beauties with bare legs in winter,

And judging by the green and immature expression, he is basically a high school student or even a junior high school student.

Still young people are antifreeze! Li Zedao sighed in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the car stopped in front of a hotel.

In the small land of the island country, there are many small family-style hot spring hotels, many of which have experienced dozens of generations and hundreds of years, and some are located in remote hot springs in deep mountains and forests. The scenery is beautiful and the surroundings are surprisingly quiet. Definitely a good place for self-cultivation.

The so-called highest state of the island people’s life is when it snows in winter, after soaking in the hot springs, sitting on the tatami mats in the house, drinking warm sake, enjoying the snow scenery outside, and having a confidante next to them, it will be even more kind The feeling of this life is not in vain.

Moreover, in island countries, the land is privately owned. Whoever buys it will own it forever. Therefore, some people go to places with hot springs in the mountains to buy a piece of land cheaply to build a small hotel, which can be passed down from generation to generation.

This is similar to when in China, many city people went to a high resort on a certain mountain or some farmhouse, but ours is only rented for decades, not really privately owned, so there is no demolition in this island country, as long as the owner If you don't agree, no one can move him.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, such as gangsters, they come here to make trouble, you have to tear it down if you don't want to.

"The environment is good." After getting out of the car, Li Zedao said with emotion.

"You can't even flatter us in Huaxia." Nanji glanced at him and said coldly.

"That's right, you actually said yes to this shitty place? Traitor! Traitor!" Shadow looked contemptuous.

"Yes, Huaxia is the most beautiful place in the world." Li Zedao smiled, not bothering to argue with Shadow, because he also thought so in his heart.

This has nothing to do with the beauty of the local environment, but with the blood left in our bones. In any case, we are Chinese, and we are proud of it.

And as a soldier, he is even more sensitive to this kind of thing, so no matter how good this place is, and the environment is beautiful, in Antarctica, they think it is just like that, and even disgusting.

The three walked inside, and Li Zedao looked around curiously. This kind of family hotel is indeed completely different from what he saw in his home country.

The one who greeted him was a little old man with gray hair and wearing high myopia glasses.

Just from the appearance, Li Zedao really can't tell whether he is from the island country or from the Chinese people. It is reasonable to say that he should be a Chinese talent, but he is wearing the traditional island country kimono, white socks and wooden clogs. Such a dress is very island country .

But I understand in my heart that he should be an "undercover" or "spy" like Lao Ge in the hotel in Amsterdam. The difference is that this little old man is much more enthusiastic than the always silent and expressionless Lao Ge. up.

"Welcome to come. I'm Chiyo Xingjian... You should call me Lao Wang." Lao Wang speaks fluent Chinese, and the name "Lao Wang" is very Chinese, which can easily make people fantasize , so Li Zedao knew that he was from Huaxia.

Later, under the simple explanation from Antarctica, Li Zedao learned some information about this old king. He was indeed a member of the Shenlong organization. Later, his eyes were injured during a mission, and his vision was severely damaged. Finally, he was secretly sent to the island country. And he started a family here, and married an island woman named Yoko Chiyo.

To be more precise, Pharaoh is getting married.

Back then, Yoko Chiyoko’s father offended a certain gang in the island country, and the family of three were chased down the street. The three of them inadvertently broke into a place where Lao Wang had just gone to hide in the island country, out of humanitarian spirit or because they thought the girl was good-looking What, Old Wang rescued them, but Chiyo Yoko's parents were seriously injured and died in the end. Before his death, Chiyo Yoko and the family hot spring hotel passed down from generation to generation were handed over to Lao Wang.

Lao Wang accepted it very bluntly, so the hotel became a stronghold of the Dragon Organization in the island country.

Of course Yoko Chiyo didn't know these things, she only knew that her husband was a Chinese who was willing to give up his nationality for her, give up his original name and forget who his ancestors were.

A few years ago, Chiyo Yoko passed away due to illness, and the hotel completely belonged to Lao Wang.

Lao Wang has no children. In his opinion, as a soldier, having a child with an island woman is a very shameful thing.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that when Chiyo Yoko's family was hunted down, Chiyo Yoko was also injured and lost her fertility.

So later, Chiyo Yoko often expressed that she was sorry for him with tears in her face, and Lao Wang always smiled secretly in her heart, but on the surface she said very gently that it was okay, it really didn't matter, so Chiyo Yoko was even more moved.

Some irony!

"Hello." Nanji nodded to him, "I will trouble you for the next few things."

"It should." Lao Wang said, his eyes hidden in the thick lenses were full of smiles.

Afterwards, Pharaoh took the three of them to a room. The house was made of wood, and the door was also left and right. There was no bed, and there was no heating that is common in northern China, but there was air conditioning.

In addition, there are tatami mats about five centimeters high, and it is enough to sleep directly on it.

Li Zedao looked around curiously, his eyes glanced at the shadow inadvertently, the girl's head was slightly lowered, her expression was silent and sad... she began to pretend to be literary again.

"You may not be used to it." Lao Wang introduced with a smile, adjusted his glasses, but his tone was a little emotional, "It is said that the culture of the Tang Dynasty was in an island country. Although this sounds harsh, it still makes sense. Huaxia During the Tang Dynasty, people sat on the floor and slept on the ground. There were no chairs and beds. Chairs and beds became popular after the Song Dynasty, and the island countries learned the culture of the Tang Dynasty, so they retained that tradition.”

"Of course, they also have their own reasons." Lao Wang continued, "This place often suffers earthquakes, so the houses you see are all made of wood, and it's safe to sleep on the ground, and it's easy to escape...Maybe, tonight There will be an earthquake, don’t panic when the time comes, no one will die.”

In the last sentence, Lao Wang was naturally joking, but he also pointed out a fact that in the island country, earthquakes are not a big deal, and basically no one will die. Experts, they know that the earthquake is coming, what to do, at least they will not panic.

But in China, when an earthquake strikes, the first thing is panic, running around like headless chickens; the second thing is that the house collapses and collapses; the third thing is that people die, many people die.

Lao Wang suggested that you can go to the hot springs for bubbles and have a meal after running. Of course, the hot springs are divided into men's baths and women's baths.

Shadow glanced at a certain fool, and snorted coldly: "Separating the men's bath from the women's bath is something that a fool really doesn't want to face."

"Why don't you come with me to the men's bathroom?" Li Zedao looked embarrassed.

"Okay." Shadow said shyly, "At that time, he will help you with that...just like the scene in the movie..."

"..." Li Zedao ran away in despair, and he didn't dare to provoke this witch with a dirty little head all day long. He suddenly missed the shadow who pretended to be literary and artistic and sad a few minutes ago. Arouse pity.

After changing into a bathrobe and clogs that Li Zedao was not used to, Li Zedao came to the hot spring under the leadership of Lao Wang. At this time, no one else was there, which also avoided some embarrassment for Li Zedao... He I'm really not used to showing my butt in front of other men.

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