The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1014 The Magical Place

Li Zedao's heart suddenly turned from sour to... scared!

What does no egg mean? In fact, it is "she" instead of "he", which means that the person who abandoned the shadow is a woman? Shadow likes...women? Shadow was abandoned by women?

So Li Zedao's heart was bleeding, this is a woman, this is a woman with a bad personality but an undeniably good-looking appearance, why... is she cheaper than other women? It's too wasteful, is there any wood?

Or, it is indeed "he", but his eggs have already been kicked by the shadow, so there are no more eggs, and you don't have any if you want to kick them?

"Asshole, she's my mother...she's my mother...I don't allow you to scold her...don't..." Shadow cried, beating Li Zedao's chest with his little hands.

Li Zedao was stunned, and the sadness in his heart disappeared instantly, replaced by distressed, extremely distressed.

He sighed softly, hugged the trembling and cold delicate body with both hands, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't scold her... be good, stop crying."

Shadow hugged Li Zedao's neck with both hands, as if exhausting all his strength, buried his face in his chest, sobbing silently.

Li Zedao didn't know Ying Ying's life experience at all. He only knew that the master and his wife treated this little girl as an adopted daughter. He didn't know how Ying became the teacher's disciple, let alone her biological parents and her family background. , Of course, I don't want to ask now.

"Still buying the whip? If not, let's go back." Li Zedao said softly. Although the sleet is not heavy, staying too long is enough to make your body wet. In addition to the cold weather, you will inevitably catch a cold.

Li Zedao was really afraid that this little girl who looked so pitiful and helpless was getting sick, so he wanted to take her back to Lao Wang's family hot spring hotel.

" course I buy...this genius girl wants to slap your ass..." Shadow said while crying.

"..." Li Zedao really wanted to throw her on the ground and give him a slap in the face, what's the point of being so cheap, just knock her out and take her away?

"Go and buy it," said Shadow.

"Why me? You have to go yourself!" Li Zedao said very depressed. He couldn't afford to lose this kind of person. In his opinion, this kind of thing is more embarrassing than being whipped by the shadow!

"Because you dote on me." Shadow said, "I know you dote on me...I like you to dote on me.


"...You think too much, let's talk when you go back." Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly, and his mouth was stiff. He really dotes on this girl, in fact, he dotes on all the women who have relations with him.

"Don't go, you haven't bought it yet..." Yingying was very stubborn, "If you don't buy it, I will be a genius and beautiful girl... hum! I will never talk to you... woo... You bully people, your words don't count talk……"

"It's so serious...Okay, just go, but you can't cry, and I have to wear a mask, or you can kill me." Li Zedao compromised.

"Okay, you wear a mask." Shadow said.

Li Zedao was so depressed that he came to the car with the shadow in his arms, threw it in, and sat in it himself, then took out the special mask from his arms, and put it on his face skillfully.

"Bah, you're wearing a mask... so wretched." Shadow reached out and patted Li Zedao's face, "It's really wretched... remember the handcuffs, don't forget, oh, and the fox tail... and the candle... "

"..." Li Zedao really wanted to faint.


After returning to Lao Wang's family hot spring hotel, because it was really cold outside, and because of the feeling of touching the scene, Shadow's body was already shaking non-stop, but his forehead started to burn. .

In fact, as early as in Yanjing, Li Zedao felt that the shadow had signs of a cold, but he didn't take this small cold to heart, but now, it's raining, he can't vent his emotions, and he's bullying Yes, mentally and physically exhausted, it suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?" Nanji asked worriedly while turning on the air conditioner.

"It rained a little, and I have a fever." Li Zedao put his shadow on the tatami, "You help her change her wet clothes, and I'll go to Lao Wang to make some ginger soup."

Shadow didn't ask much, and went back to look for dry clothes.

After Li Zedao came back with a night of steaming ginger soup, Nanji had already helped Ying change her clothes. She shook the electronic thermometer that Lao Wang sent in her hand, glared at Li Zedao and said, "High fever, forty Du, how did you protect her, and let her get sick?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Let's talk about this later, let her drink the ginger soup first, and then I will give her acupuncture."

The shadow was burnt and confused, and he couldn't drink the ginger soup on his own. Li Zedao had to let her drink it mouth by mouth in aggrieved mouth. Then, Li Zedao took out the silver needle he brought with him and gave her acupuncture for a while. Fan, and then asked her to take the cold medicine that Lao Wang sent.

That night, Shadow talked a lot of nonsense, saying things that she had never said in front of anyone.

She called mom, mom, I have a runny nose again, why don't you wipe it off for me?

Mom, mom, I won't let you die, I won't let you die.

Dad... I don't call you dad, I don't call you dad... You didn't protect my mother, you killed my mother, I hate you, I hate you...

She was crying while talking nonsense, her body twisted and rolled, she punched and kicked, and even bit the quilt with her teeth, looking very painful. Li Zedao hugged her tightly, but accidentally touched the one on her wrist that would shoot out electric current. wrist watch, and then Li Zedao was shocked.

Finally, Shadow's fever subsided, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Li Zedao and Nanji looked at each other, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Nanji stood up, made two cups of coffee, handed one of them to Li Zedao, took a sip and said in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Li Zedao looked at the shadow lovingly and smiled wryly: "I don't know the specifics, but you must have seen it too, right? The shadow has been weird since getting on the plane."

Nanji nodded. Indeed, the shadow turned into a sad literary young woman from time to time, which is too unreasonable.

"Touching the scene and falling in love?" she asked.

Li Zedao looked at the shadow, nodded, and expressed his guess: "I think the mother of the shadow should have passed away, and she died in this city, and you didn't feel that... the shadow seems to have a little bit of mixed blood... "

Nanji's gaze also fell on Shadow: "You mean... Shadow's father or mother is... an islander?" Looking carefully at her pink face, it seems that there is a little bit of an island girl. That unique taste.

"Of course, the most important thing is temperament..." Li Zedao said, "I like to watch that kind of movie, even the taste is so strong, I still think about whips, handcuffs, wax dripping fox tails and other things all day long, I don't have the blood of the island people That's hell."

"...Get out!" Nanji's face was black, and then he hesitated and curious, "Bought it?"

Li Zedao glanced at her, and smiled ambiguously: "I bought it, it's in the car... I'll get it and try it on you first?" Thinking of using all those props on Nanji's body... No, I'm going to get a nosebleed .

Li Zedao had a gleaming knife on his neck.

" can try it on me first." Li Zedao smiled apologetically with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Get out!" Nanji's pretty face was a little hot, and there was a moving shyness between her brows.

"Change the subject." Nan Ji said, playing with the dagger in her hand, the dagger seemed to have life in her hand, it kept flying and spinning, the movements were fast and dazzling, making people dazzled.

"What's the next plan?" For the sake of the dagger, Li Zedao decisively strangled all the unhealthy thoughts in his mind, and changed back to the topic, "You can't spend all day in this hotel eating and soaking in hot springs, right? "

Li Zedao is very anxious now, and really wants to kill someone in his heart, because Tom still didn't call to tell himself what to do, to tell himself about Zhou Qian's situation, he was afraid that he would fool him and say that the little girl is doing well, Li Zedao It will also be a little more at ease.

"You are the captain!" Nanji was speechless.

"The captain is an engineer." Li Zedao smiled, "And you know, I am more suitable to be the executor, because I don't understand some of the situation here at all."

Nanji took a sip of coffee, and then said: "Just now when you and Shadow went out to buy leather whips, Lao Wang already told me some of the information collected. , Dongtu and the Yamaguchi-gumi have reached some cooperation."

"Yama-gumi...the biggest gang in the island country?" Li Zedao nodded. Li Zedao is very familiar with the name of this gang, because this gang always appears in some movies and novels.

"The island country is a very magical place." Antarctic said.

"It's really amazing." Li Zedao agreed with this statement, "You don't even know how big the adult store is, and how many products there are. When I walked in, there were middle school students choosing those things there... ..."

"Shut up, that's not what I'm talking about." Nanji glared at Li Zedao, almost throwing a knife, "What I said is that the island country is the only country in the world where the underworld is legal, and all underworld societies have legal titles. Among them, the three gangs are the most perfectly armed workers in the world, with the greatest military capabilities, and they are even called the second government gangs of the island country."

Li Zedao nodded: "I know, the first place must be the Yamaguchi group."

Nanji nodded: "Indeed, the second is the Sumiyoshi Society, and the third is the Inagawa Society. Their leader's status in the island country is not even worse than that of the Emperor."

Li Zedao was stunned: "Is it true or not?" This is really unbelievable, at least, in China, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

"In addition to the three recognized gangs, there is actually another gang that is rampant in the island country." Nanji continued, "Even, several generations of the Yamaguchi-gumi were wiped out by this gang. , known as the Chinese gangsters rampant in the island country!"

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