The next day, Li Zedao woke up early, sat up, and glanced at Nanji beside him. This usually cold and violent woman was sleeping soundly, and there was even a trace of transparent liquid at the corner of her mouth. With a baby-like smile, I don't know what I dreamed of.

As an elite of the Shenlong organization, it is absolutely impossible for Nanji to sleep so soundly, even in the small building that belongs to her in the Shenlong organization, it is impossible to enter a deep sleep, even if there is a slight movement , she would open her eyes very vigilantly, and then a dagger gleaming with cold light appeared in her hand as if by a magic trick.

But because Li Zedao was by her side, she didn't have any pressure, and she turned herself into a piggy, snoring and sleeping soundly.

Shadow's sleeping posture was even more indecent, the clothes were almost lifted up to the waist, revealing the white thighs, which were still pressing on the shadow's waist at this moment.

Li Zedao wanted to reach out and move her thigh away, not because he wanted to take advantage, but because he felt that he was being taken advantage of... Doesn't being taken advantage of by Nanji mean that he is being taken advantage of?

However, Li Zedao did not move her maliciously violating Nanji foot away in the end, for fear of waking her up, he got up quietly and left the room.

After a simple wash, I went downstairs and saw Old Wang doing Tai Chi in the yard... a very strange scene.

Practicing Tai Chi is naturally not weird, but wearing a traditional island country kimono, wearing clogs, and doing Tai Chi over there, this kind of picture is not harmonious, it is like eating steak in a western restaurant without a knife The fork is the same as using chopsticks. It's not impossible, but it's weird.

After hearing footsteps coming from behind, Old Wang stopped, looked back at Li Zedao and said with a smile, "I'm used to it."

Li Zedao understands that he is used to wearing kimonos, getting used to wearing clogs, and practicing Tai Chi...and getting used to it.

"Very good." Li Zedao smiled and nodded, "I want a pen and paper to write something."

Lao Wang didn't ask Li Zedao what he wanted to write: "I'll get it... you can go to the room where you had dinner yesterday and wait. The breakfast is already on the table. I made the soy milk and fritters myself. The taste should be the same as It's about the same as what you ate when you were in Huaxia."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Li Zedao smiled, turned and walked to that room.

Opening the door and entering, Li Zedao immediately twitched his index finger when he smelled the familiar aroma of soy milk and fried dough sticks. It is indeed a very happy thing to be able to eat such authentic soy milk and fried dough sticks in an island country.

While Li Zedao was drinking soy milk and eating deep-fried dough sticks unceremoniously,

Lao Wang brought the pen and paper over, then pointed to the TV set in the corner and said, "Look at the news, something happened."

"What happened?" Li Zedao frowned slightly as he looked at Lao Wang who had a bad face. It is naturally not a small matter that can make Lao Wang, who has been hiding in the island country as a spy for more than 20 years, feel so unstable, and Lao Wang pointed to the TV, that is to say, what happened is still happening If it was broadcast on the news, it would be even more important.

Soon, Lao Wang turned on the TV, and it was the morning news of the island nation's DJ TV station.

Then, Li Zedao felt as if someone had stabbed him in the chest.

There was no time to guard against, and he didn't know how to dodge, so he endured the knife so nakedly, letting the cold blade penetrate into his flesh, the deepest part of the bone, stirring, and the pain pierced his heart and bone marrow!

As Lao Wang said, something happened, and it was a major event, a major event that would make the island nation proud for a while and at the same time shame China.

At this time, the snake head appeared on the TV screen, and the Shenlong organization failed to protect the lost snake head! Doubt the snake's head stolen by the hand of God!

At this time, the snake's head appeared there unprepared, in the island country!

The excited and generous voice of the announcer came out from the stereo of the TV, and the voice fell into Li Zedao's ears. It was so sharp and piercing that Li Zedao almost couldn't help but punched him directly. That TV was smashed.

"One month later, it was His Majesty's birthday ceremony. Mr. Wang Zi, a patriot, presented his carefully collected snake head to His Majesty the Emperor as a congratulatory gift. His Majesty issued a statement this morning, expressing his respect for Mr. Wang Zi, a patriot. Thank you, and at the same time, I also expressed that I will store this snake head in the Jingguo Shrine in the future..."

Li Zedao felt his scalp tingling when he heard it. The snake head from China was sent by the patriot Wang Zi to His Majesty the Emperor of the island country as a birthday gift. Even this snake head will be kept in the collection, so that countless Chinese people can't wait to set it on fire. Inside the Jingguo Shrine that was burned... What kind of waves will it cause when the news spreads all over the world?

Patriot Wang Zi...Patriot, which country do you love?

In short, Li Zedao almost forgot to breathe, as if a thunderbolt sounded in his head, he was shaken by the earthquake, but he woke up instantly, and then continued to wake up in a daze, and kept waking up in a daze, which made his brain completely turn into a pulp confused.

Then Li Zedao's already wide eyes widened even wider, because another picture appeared again. In the picture, two people "kneeling" face to face, eating a meal, the picture is so harmonious, one is the present island country The Emperor, and the other is... Master!

The hand of God, Wang Zi!

The announcer's voice continued to pass.

"His Majesty the Emperor summoned the patriot Wang Zi, and the two enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. Wang Zi said that when he got the snake head in France, he did not actually hand it over to Huaxia, but made a fake one. Leave the fake ones to Huaxia... But we don't know what Huaxia was motivated by, whether it was because of insufficient identification or because of vanity, that he said that the snake head had returned to Huaxia more than 20 years ago..."

Li Zedao stared intently at the man in the photo who had adored him to the extreme before, his breathing stopped again, and he was silent for a long time.

The old Wang on the side stared at Wang Zi firmly, and the withered old hand clenched into a fist tightly, making muffled noises.

"Wang Zi, I'm an idiot!" Lao Wang roared in a low voice, raised his fist, and threw it at the TV. At this moment, the bloodiness of a soldier was perfectly displayed in this old man.

"Bang!" The screen shattered!

Lao Wang knew Wang Zi, and was even very familiar with him. Before he went to the island country to work as an undercover agent, Wang Zi became a member of the Shenlong Organization like the most dazzling comet in China. During this period, he carried out one mission after another. He even went to Paris, France, brought the snake head back safely, and handed it over to the country.

However, now the snake head was stolen by him again, and he even gave it to the emperor of the island country as a birthday present. What was he thinking? What is he plotting? What does he want to do?

The motherland China has sorry for him, so he wants revenge?

If this is the case, then it can be said that Wang Zi's revenge this time was very successful. He used a very extreme method to slap Huaxia, the country that gave birth to him, several hot slaps.


This news quickly spread all over the world, and then the whole world was boiling, and everyone was rushing to report this incident, reporting the pure friendship between Wang Zi, a "patriot" and the emperor of the island country, reporting The news about the snake head, and some even dug up the special press conference held by Huaxia to find the snake head back then...

They are all watching Huaxia's jokes! Big joke!

Huaxia is boiling...or rather, angry!

Because the snake head was stolen this time, after the accident, Huaxia officials felt that they could find it quickly, so they didn't come out to explain it. Therefore, except for a small number of people, other ordinary people don't know about the snake head at all. In fact, it has been stolen, so the general public can only think that the snake head that returned to the embrace of the motherland more than 20 years ago is actually a fake.

But since it's fake, why hold a press conference as if it's real and keep it in a good collection, and even sent it to Phoenix City for an exhibition recently?

Out of what state of mind? Is it because the technology is not enough to identify the true and false, or is it true, as the Japanese devils said, for the so-called temporary vanity?

Also, who is that bastard traitor Wang Zi?

All major forums, major post bars, media websites and so on, all netizens are expressing their dissatisfaction, asking for an answer, and cursing Wang Zi, but the information about Wang Zi on the Internet has long been It has been cleaned up completely, and most people don't even know who he is.

Some are even wondering, he is so young now, maybe twenty years old? How old was he twenty years ago? Find the snake's head as soon as it was born and hand it over to the country?

The above responded quickly.

"When this happened, we were shocked and saddened...Wang Zi, who was a soldier, was ordered to bring back the snake's head and handed it over to the country. At that time, a dozen of the best domestic According to experts' appraisal, the snake head is indeed real! So the report said that Wang Zi copied a fake one and handed it over to the country, which is simply nonsense! Everyone knows that the snake head was sent to Phoenix a few months ago In fact, the snake head was lost at that time, yes, it was lost! Later we learned that it was Wang Zi who colluded with the security personnel protecting the snake head and stole the snake head together! We don’t know why he did this Do, but now, we know...For the sake of the friendly relationship between the two countries, I hope that the island country can hand over Snake Head and Wang Zi to Huaxia..."

As soon as this statement came out, it was like throwing another bullet in the already unsettled pool, setting off even bigger waves. After that, the two countries began a diplomatic war of words.

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