"Go and tie someone back." Shadow said word by word, his tone was cold, as if he came from the Nine Nether Hell, "I will torture her to death!"

"Who?" Li Zedao nodded and said, the current situation of the shadow makes him very distressed, the shadow he hopes to see is the happy one chewing gum and blowing bubbles, very narcissistic, dirty and careless The little witch with no lungs, instead of the sad and resentment that cannot be vented on her face like now.

Reminiscent of Shadow's actions last night and the words she uttered indiscriminately when she was in a coma, Li Zedao probably guessed something, and probably guessed who the person Shadow asked him to help back.

Shadow's... father? In Li Zedao's view, Yingying and her mother should have been abandoned by her father, and her father should be an islander.

"He Xiaoyue." Ying Ying said the name of such a woman, and it was obvious that she was a Chinese, not an islander.

After hearing this name, Li Zedao's brain was slightly stunned, and his eyes widened slightly when he looked at the shadow: "You are talking about... He Xiaoyue?"

"What? She is your girlfriend?" Shadow sneered, a little nervous, "Otherwise, why did you react so strongly?"

"You think too much!" Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry. But it is undeniable that when he heard the name, he was indeed taken aback by surprise.

This name is somewhat familiar to Li Zedao, and Li Zedao only saw this name last night and wrote it down.

He Xiaoyue, from Huaxia, Zhang Hailong's wife.

Zhang Hailong, a native of Huaxia, is the current leader of the Qingyun faction!

Wait... Li Zedao suddenly remembered that Yingying's other name was Zhang Ying, who was also named Zhang just like Qingyun's current leader, so it couldn't be...

So Li Zedao looked at the shadow, opened his eyes even wider, and asked with some difficulty: "Um... your father is not Zhang Hailong, the boss of the Qingyun faction who doesn't even recognize the Yamaguchi-gumi from the Zongheng island country. Bar?"

Shadow's complexion froze for a moment, and then the teardrops were like pearls with broken strings. They forgot to fall one by one, looked at Li Zedao with hazy eyes and shouted: "Damn...what the fuck Zhang Hailong, he It's your father! His whole family belongs to your father... woo woo... I don't recognize him as my father... woo woo... I don't have that kind of father...I hate him...I hate him so much ..."

"..." Li Zedao stared at the shadow dumbfounded,

I don't know what to say. It’s just that there is already a huge wave in his heart. He knows that the island country is a sad point for the shadow, and he also guessed that the shadow is likely to be a half-breed of Huadao, because if you look at her face carefully, you will find that there is a woman from the island country. The smell, and she has the kind of filth that grows naturally in her bones, and she likes to watch that kind of heavy-tasting movies, which proves that she has the blood of the island people.

Li Zedao also guessed that her father was from the island country and her mother was from Huaxia. Her father abandoned them and somehow, Yingying’s mother passed away. In the end, for some unknown reason, Master and Master took Yingying in. .

But he never thought that the shadow would be the daughter of Zhang Hailong, the tycoon of the island country, so her mother was a woman from the island country?

And when mentioning this He Xiaoyue, Yingying simply wished to eat the other party's flesh, drink the other party's blood, gnaw the other party's bones, and crush this woman... From this, it can be guessed that Ying's mother's Death has something to do with this He Xiaoyue? The real card strangled the mistress? Or is Xiaosan strangling the real card to death and righting herself?

"Woooo... I don't have that kind of father... no... woohoo, I only want my mother..." Shadow squatted down slowly, weeping silently, his body trembling badly, even her favorite skin The whip couldn't even hold it steady and fell to the ground.

"Woooo...I just want to slap your ass..."

I push your ass! The black lines on Li Zedao's face, the original distress in his heart instantly fed the dog.

The door was opened, Nanji appeared there, glared at Li Zedao with a gloomy face, shook the dagger in his hand and said, "You, immediately take off your pants and let the shadow slap you a few times!"

When she came back from the phone call, she only heard that Ying Ying was aggrieved and crying, "I just want to slap your ass...", thinking that the little girl was crying so sad because Li Zedao didn't meet Ying Ying's request. Got up, so he opened the door and went in without holding back, and gave such an order to Li Zedao.

"..." Li Zedao turned his head to look at Antarctica, only to feel that millions of mud horses were running wildly in his heart.

"Yes... woo woo... Immediately take off your pants and let the talented girl pump a few times!" Shadow stood up and cried, pointing at Li Zedao.


Li Zedao turned around silently with a sad face, and then... took off his outer pants and underwear.

"Ah... gangster..." Shadow stared at the white butt in front of him with wide eyes, and screamed, as if being violated by a hooligan.

"..." Li Zedao was so angry that he was dying, how could there be such an unreasonable woman.


"What, your father is... Zhang Hailong?" Nanji was also stunned by the news. Like Li Zedao, she also had some guesses about what happened to the shadow, but she didn't expect to kill her. The super tycoon Zhang Hailong who shocked the entire underground world of the island country turned out to be the father of the shadow.

Shadow wrinkled his nose that was a little red from crying, blew a bubble and nodded: "Yeah."

"Then... what about He Xiaoyue?" Li Zedao asked.

"Vicious bitch!" said Shadow.


Shadow didn't hide anymore, and intermittently talked about things that happened back then about herself.

The shadow said that her mother, Fujiwara Sakurako, was a very beautiful and beautiful woman. Li Zedao believed that if that woman was not good-looking, it would be absolutely impossible for her to give birth to such a beautiful shadow. So it is called Shadow because of her mother's name.

Shadow also said that at that time her mother was a little-known actor, and was controlled by a gangster group, and even forced her to make porn!

At this moment, Zhang Hailong appeared. He took a fancy to Fujiwara Sakurako and took her away. From then on, Fujiwara Sakurako became a canary Zhang Hailong kept. Later, she also helped Zhang Hailong A woman was born, Zhang Ying, who is now the shadow.

Zhang Hailong's wife, He Xiaoyue, did not give birth to a boy and a half girl for Zhang Hailong, so she naturally doted on the woman born to him and Fujiwara Sakurako, but at that time, He Xiaoyue was very magnanimous , didn't have any dissatisfaction, and was very happy that her husband had such a lovely woman.

Under Zhang Hailong's pampering, Shadow had a very carefree childhood, and because of her father, she was Qingyun's little princess, so naturally more people doted on her.

Then one day, Zhang Hailong was assassinated. He didn't die, but he was seriously injured and had to be treated for a period of time. The gang must not be chaotic, so at that time, Zhang Hailong handed over all the big and small affairs of the gang to his wife He Xiaoyue and He Xiaoyue's younger brother He Xiaoyang, who were courageous and skillful, and asked He Xiaoyue to take good care of Fujiwara Sakurako And his daughter Zhang Ying.

It was a very cold day, with sleet falling in the sky, and Fujiwara Sakurako took this little Zhang Ying out to buy beautiful princess clothes, because her birthday was coming soon.

But they encountered a car accident on the way. To be precise, they were robbed and killed by several unknown persons. Two bodyguards desperately took the poor mother and daughter to escape.

But soon, one of the bodyguards and Eiko Fujiwara's mother was shot and fell in a pool of blood. The place where she fell was the entrance of the restaurant where Shadow was "sad" last night.

Another bodyguard holding Xiao Zhangying was also shot, but he still gritted his teeth and carried Xiao Zhangying and continued to run away.

I don't know how long he ran, but he couldn't hold on any longer, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Uncle Zhao..." Little Zhang Ying, who was only six years old, struggled to get up from the ground, crying while hugging the bodyguard.

"Miss...leave me alone...they are going to catch up...run fast...keep running...don't let He Xiaoyue find you...run..." the bodyguard roared, "run..."

Little Zhang Ying was terrified, crying, and continued to run forward staggeringly. Finally, she hid in a trash can, and those people couldn't find her.

In the big trash can, she covered her mouth and cried desperately, vomited desperately, and finally got tired and fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up again and crawled out of the trash can, it was already the second day. She was cold and hungry, and her body was dirty, with two strings of blue snot hanging from her nostrils.

Then she met a woman, a woman who looked regal and beautiful, the kind she had never seen before except her mother.

"Little friend, what's the matter with you? Where's your mother?" The woman squatted down and asked with concern.

She looked at the woman and cried: "My mother is dead... I'm cold... I'm hungry..."

The woman took out a tissue to help her wipe off her snot, then took her little hand and led her to find a very handsome man, and there were several good-looking women, and then they left together.

Afterwards, the woman who took Xiao Zhangying away took care of her, bought her beautiful clothes, made her delicious food, taught her many things, but she didn't let Xiao Zhangying call her mother, she said that she could just call her master up.

Xiao Zhangying listened to her and didn't call her mother, but she already regarded her as another mother in her heart. Although ten years later, she grew up and became a beautiful girl, but this new mother She hasn't aged at all, she is just as young and beautiful as when she saw her for the first time.

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