The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1020 Tom's Phone

"My mind is messed up and overwhelmed. I'll go to Bubble Hot Spring to sort out my thoughts and action plan." Li Zedao waved his hand, motioning for Shadow to go play, then looked at Antarctica and said.

The shadow gave Li Zedao a tooth-gritting expression, and muttered: "Hmph, this genius girl cursed your little bastard for being bitten by a fish."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, this vicious woman.

"There are fish in the hot spring?" Nanji asked subconsciously, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind, and then his body with a slightly changed face tightened involuntarily.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched even more.

Shadow pointed at the Antarctic and laughed exaggeratedly.

"Shut up!" Nanji shouted with a dark face, then looked at Li Zedao and nodded. He didn't say anything, but felt a little distressed.

Li Zedao took the pen and paper that he used to write and draw before, and left the room, and the voice of the shadow came from behind: "Fool, don't go wrong, sister Nanji and I are going to soak in the hot spring... No, we are going to catch fish... ..."

"I will definitely go wrong." Li Zedao didn't reply.

When I came to the hot spring, like last time, I was alone.

In fact, the business of this family hot spring hotel opened by Lao Wang is not very good, but Lao Wang thinks that the bad business is a very good thing. After all, it is a family hot spring hotel in name, but secretly it is the Dragon Organization A stronghold, the business is too good, but it is a bit inconvenient and there is a risk of exposure.

Who would have imagined that Lao Wang, who was dressed in such an island country, would be an out-and-out Chinese, and even a member of the Chinese Dragon Organization?

After putting away his cell phone, pen and paper, Li Zedao took off his bathrobe, and only wore a pair of black underwear all over his body.

Before he had time to jump off the hot spring pool, he heard the muffled sound of clogs buckled on the pebbles behind him. Looking back, Lao Wang came over with a bottle of red wine and a goblet in his hand. .

"I brought you some wine over here." Old Wang said.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

"Good figure." Lao Wang glanced at Li Zedao a few times, his eyes naturally did not have that kind of malicious intentions, but there was a sense of nostalgia in them, "I was also your figure back then. I didn't look strong, but when I took it off After the clothes, the figure does not make people feel skinny,

It doesn't feel overbearing and clumsy either. From the neck to the ankles, every muscle and every bone is perfectly matched, as if carefully calculated by the most demanding mathematician... Now it can't work, the stomach is out. "

Li Zedao smiled, not knowing how to respond.

"Take your time." Lao Wang put down the red wine and the cup and looked at Li Zedao and said, then turned around, and quickly turned back again, "Wang Zi is very strong, he was very strong back then, and he is even stronger now Are you sure about it?"

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded, "I will kill him."

Old Wang nodded: "If necessary, I can die with him!" After speaking, he turned around and left with his wooden clogs.

Li Zedao looked at his slightly bent back as he left, and was in awe. Li Zedao understood what the old king meant. As a soldier, he couldn't see this kind of thing happening. He also wanted to fight, and he did not hesitate to use his own flesh and blood to safeguard the dignity of the country!

It wasn't until Lao Wang's back disappeared before his eyes that Li Zedao looked away, looked at the steaming pool water, and then jumped into the hot spring with a plop.

The water splashes and the heat boils!

Li Zedao let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that the pores of his whole body were opened at once. This feeling is really quite wonderful.

Then, the cell phone that was placed there rang.

Early in the morning, when the island country's news media reported that the "patriotic" Wang Zi donated the snake head to the island country's emperor as a birthday present, Li Zedao received a call from Baili Bing and Miffy. On the phone, they couldn't believe that this matter would be true, Li Zedao said, it's okay, he will take care of it.

I also received a call from Zhou's mother. Of course, Zhou's mother didn't call because of the uproar. In fact, even if she saw the news from the news, she wouldn't have any extra thoughts.

For the little people living at the bottom, material life and the happiness of their families are all they have. As for national's none of my mother's business.

Zhou's mother smiled and told Li Zedao to take good care of Zhou Qian on the phone. She also said that Zhou Qian is still young, so she can make troubles, but don't make too much trouble, pay attention to her body, and pay attention to safety... She is still young, so don't take care of children , After finishing college, she wants to have a grandson, but... Well, let Zhou Yan put that little nurse in harm's way first.

Li Zedao listened to Zhou's mother babbling to herself, there were already several thick black lines on his forehead, he made a few perfunctory words with an apologetic smile, and hung up the phone exhausted physically and mentally...Call Zhou's mother , It is more tiring than sneaking into the Jingguo Shrine and then stealing the snake head stored there.

Now, who is calling?

Li Zedao reached over to pick up the phone, glanced at the phone number displayed on it, his pupils shrank slightly, and quickly picked it up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Li Zedao vaguely knew who the other party was, but said calmly.

"Oh, dear Li, my friend, I'm your friend Tom." Tom's voice sounded like a punch to Li Zedao, "I know, you must really want to receive my call, right?"

"Yes." Li Zedao's voice was dry, and the violence in his heart could not be suppressed, "I want to know what you want me to do, and besides, I want to hear the story of the girl you took away. sound."

"Oh, Li, I can see that you care about that girl, but..." Tom said apologetically, "But, I can't meet your request, but I can use your... oh, you That's right, it's your personality. I use your personality to guarantee that the girl is staying in a certain place in the island country. She not very happy. I guess, she must have missed you, right? Oh , is really a sentimental and weak girl, Li, you also want to meet her quickly, right?"

This is a threat, a naked threat!

Li Zedao's hand holding the mobile phone trembled slightly, and immediately suppressed the monstrous anger in his heart and said, "Mr. Tom, what do you need from me?"

"Li, have you read the news in the morning? The hand of God has turned into a patriot... The patriotic awareness of loving the land of the island country, and stealing the snake head that is very important and special to China I took it out and presented it to His Majesty the Emperor to express my heart of submission. I think that the career of the Hand of God in the island country will definitely be smooth sailing... The master is so honored, Li, don’t you feel very honored as an apprentice? "

"Mr. Tom, what do you need from me?" Li Zedao said in a cold tone. Although the hot spring water was so hot, Li Zedao still felt that his whole body was icy cold, and he had an urge to kill.

Tom laughed and said, "Li, what I want to say is that your master dedicated the snake head to His Majesty the Emperor, and His Majesty ordered the snake head to be stored in that very sensitive place for China...Jing Guo Shrine, so, I guess, the high-level Huaxia will definitely let you sneak into that place and bring the snake head"

Tom's voice was a little shy: "Li, while stealing the snake's head, please help me find it by the way. Is there a safety buckle there?"

"Ping An button?" Li Zedao's heart trembled again, but there was doubt in his tone.

He already remembered the white safety button that Master asked Shadow to give him, and what Master told Shadow about the safety button.

"Old Wang also said that when you find any one of the other four safety buttons, it means he is dead!"

These are the original words of the shadow, but Li Zedao doesn't quite understand why the master said that when he finds the other four safety buttons, it means that he is dead?

However, the shadow also said that Lao Wang said that no one should know the existence of this white safety buckle, so although Li Zedao's heart was aroused, he firmly suppressed his emotions, showing that it was just right. Confuse.

"Yes, safety buckle, a blue safety buckle." Tom said with a smile, "You will receive a picture on your mobile phone after a while, and the picture is a yellow safety buckle. The one you want to find The blue safety buckle is the same shape as the yellow safety buckle in the photo, but the color is different."

Li Zedao's heart continued to tremble, but he continued to ask curiously in an appropriate tone of doubt: "Then... what's the use of the safety buckle?"

"Oh, Lee, that's not something you should care about, is it?" Tom said with a smile.

"Are you sure that the blue safety button you want is inside the Jingguo Shrine?" Li Zedao asked, "I case you get wrong information..."

"Oh, Lee, I see what you mean," said Tom. "I can assure you of your character..."

"Damn it!" Li Zedao cursed secretly.

"The blue safety buckle I want is in there, because the safety buckle is in the hands of the 'Sword Demon' Junichi Ito, and Junichi Ito is in there, guarding the Jinguo Shrine."

"Sword Demon Ito Junichi?" This name is both strange and familiar to Li Zedao. The strange thing is that he has never heard of the sword demon Ito Junichi. What is familiar is that the surname "Ito" has many meanings. It was engraved in his heart. That night, he died tragically under the sword of Ito Yoshitake.

What kind of sword demon Ito Junichi is this, a member of Ito Yoshitake's family?

"When you sneak into the Jinguo Shrine, you will definitely meet Ito Junichi. At that time, there will be a fierce battle between you and him... Li, I believe you will definitely defeat him and get peace from him Buckle, and escaped successfully." Tom was full of confidence in Li Zedao.

"Fuck you!" Li Zedao continued to curse viciously in his heart.

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