As soon as the "different" loud noise came out, Taro Katsuta and Ryoko Ito came back to their senses, and then subconsciously looked back.

"Ah..." Ito Ryoko screamed, Katsuta Taro even jumped up from Ito Ryoko's body with a look of hell.

"Bodyguard, bodyguard..." Katsuta Taro screamed subconsciously, the expression on his face was no different from seeing a ghost. Inexplicably, there are two strangers in this cabin, a man and a woman, what the hell?

Nan Ji didn't say a word, and even looked away, staring at the ceiling, with an expression of nothing to do with herself, the other party is not wearing clothes now, it is really too ugly, she really doesn't want to look at it.

Li Zedao stared at this old friend with a faint smile on his face, but because he was wearing a mask now, when he laughed now, no matter how wretched he looked, he was actually a pervert who was very interested in men.

Such a smile fell into Katsuta Taro's words, which naturally made him even more nervous and collapsed, so he continued to shout: "Bodyguard...bodyguard..."

It's a pity that he was so frightened that he couldn't use his brain at all. He had already forgotten that before entering this cabin, he had already explained that no one was allowed to approach this place, and the sound insulation effect here is still good. , that is to say, even if he broke his throat, no one would come in.

Then Katsuta Taro's eyes widened even wider, the eyeballs almost fell off, and his face was flushed, and it was already bloodless.

It seemed that, except for him and Ryoko, everyone else... died?

"Ah... Haowu brother... ah..." Ito Ryoko's eyes widened, and there was another scream. She had already seen him collapsed there, with blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were wide open, and he looked so dead that he couldn't die anymore. The dead Ito is so good at martial arts.

"It's so noisy!" Nanji frowned, then kicked a pot cover that fell on the ground, and kicked it flying out like kicking a ball.

"Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, the pot lid seemed to have long eyes, and it hit Ryoko Ito's head abruptly, knocking her unconscious.

"Good job!" Li Zedao gave Nan Ji a thumbs up with a smile. He also felt that this chick with a good figure and skin was really noisy.

Then he looked at Katsuta Taro with a smile, and said in fluent Japanese: "Master Katsuta, how are you..."

"You... who are you... what do you want to do?" Katsuta Taro swallowed his saliva and asked with a horrified expression.

He has never thought that being naked is such an uncomfortable thing. He wants to find something to wear now, but he is afraid that he will kill himself if he disturbs the other party if he is upset, so he can only squat on the ground and try not to let him Don't leak out your own stuff that has been so scared that you don't feel it.

"I'm... Kogoro Mori." Li Zedao fluently chose this name that is well-known all over the world for himself.


Then Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of Katsuta Taro. Katsuta Taro felt that his brain was about to explode. It will be skinned. After all, there are his sister Katsuta Michiko, Ito Yoshitake and Ito Ryoko. Of course, it’s okay for the two teams to be together. The key point is that they don’t wear clothes, so nothing happened What, who will believe it?

Besides, his older sister, Michiko Ito, is also the female disciple of Junichi Ito, the sword demon who guards Jinguo Shrine, or rather, his concubine!

In other words, Yoshitake Ito still had to call Michiko Katsuta "grandma", but the two of them got together again... In short, the relationship is messy enough, and the picture is corrupt enough.

More importantly, Yoshitake Ito knew at a glance that he couldn't die anymore. Will the Ito family let it go? Will it peel off his skin?

However, what made Katsuta Taro almost piss was still to come. Li Zedao played a short video, put it in front of Katsuta Taro, and deliberately amplified the volume.

"Oh, dear brother, my dear brother are much better than my father..."

"Of course, Mother also said so..."

The two lines of dialogue mixed in are definitely the two brightest lines in this film.

"..." Katsuta Taro sat down on the ground directly, his heart, liver, lungs and kidneys ached from fright.

"Bastard!" Antarctic curled his lips and continued to stare at the ceiling.

Li Zedao closed the video and praised with a smile: "Mr. Shengtian, even if this kind of incestuous plot is put in such a small movie, it is definitely a heavy-tasting and large-scale existence. Who would have thought that this would be controlled A true portrayal of Nisso’s Katsuta family, the world’s largest leader in the fields of audio-visual, electronic games, communication products and information technology? Mr. Katsuta, can you be more shameless? Tell me, if I throw this video What kind of sensation will it cause if we go out?"

Katsuta Taro's body trembled suddenly, and the look in his eyes looking at Li Zedao was nothing but horror.

"Please...please...don't..." he said, almost peeing his pants in fright.

If it was just him messing around with Michiko Katsuta, then there is room for this matter. The family only needs to announce to the outside world that Taro Katsuta and Michiko Katsuta will be removed from the family. But now, Nisuo is in absolute control. His father, Katsuta Okamoto, and mother, Misako, were all involved, so Nisuo would definitely be in chaos, and the Katsuta family would collapse in an instant.

"Why not?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"You... Do you have any request, money or something, just ask..." Katsuta Taro stammered.

Li Zedao smiled: "Answer me a few questions first, the first question, is he Yoshitake Ito?"

Li Zedao pointed to Ito Yoshitake, who was dying to death, feeling a little bit blocked, he didn't feel the pleasure after revenge at all, mainly because he was too careless, he flew and died as soon as he punched him, it was completely It was beyond Li Zedao's expectation.

Thinking of his father dying at the hands of such a person, Li Zedao had the urge to bring Ito Yoshitake back to life and beat him to death with one punch after another.

"Yes, he is Ito Yoshitake..." Katsuta Taro swallowed, not daring to hide anything.

"How did it become like this?" Li Zedao asked, "Besides, isn't he a martial arts genius who is said to be rare in the island country? Why was he killed by me with a random punch?"

"I heard from my sister about this..." Taro Katsuta subconsciously glanced at Michiko Katsuta, who had already been stunned and her skin was blackened by the shock, and then quickly looked away.

Katsuta Taro didn't know that she just passed out, and thought she was dead like Ito Yoshitake, anyway, she was also the sister who brought him a lot of happiness, and only his "enlightenment" teacher took away his first time. That woman, so it is inevitable that I feel uncomfortable for a while.

"What did your sister say?" Li Zedao asked.

"She said that Ito Haowu took some kind of pills, and that's why he got old. It was because of the kind of sword he used, and was backlashed by the kind of swordsmanship, so his cultivation was gone, and he became an ordinary person. He couldn't practice martial arts in this life. It's..." Katsuta Taro said. My sister mentioned it casually at that time, and Katsuta Taro, who didn't know anything about martial arts, just listened casually, so I didn't remember the key words.

Li Zedao glanced at the corpse. It seemed that this guy had indeed taken ghost pills that night, and he also used some powerful sword techniques, and his father died under that sword technique.

Li Zedao recalled the scene that happened that night with great pain in his heart. There was actually a distance between the two standing that day, but for some reason, his father remained motionless, and he didn't know what Yoshitake Ito did. There was a bloody hole in the father's chest.

"Your sister knows about the Ito family?" Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath, and glanced at the body that was blackened by the electric discharge of Nanji's watch. Well, the figure is still very good.

"She is Ito Yoshitake's grandfather, sword demon Ito Junichi's disciple, and...his wife..." Katsuta Taro said.

"..." Li Zedao felt like he was being overwhelmed by lightning again. In other words, this Michiko Katsuta is the concubine of the sword demon Ito Junichi, who is Ito Yoshitake's... grandma?

It's awesome, not only is she having sex with her own father, but also with her younger brother, she even has an affair with her grandson!

"Beast, bitch!" Nanji's face twitched even more, what happened tonight really completely overturned her worldview.

Li Zedao glanced at Michiko again, and secretly rejoiced that she was only stunned by Nanji and did not kill her. After all, this Michiko seems to be more useful than Katsuta Taro. Katsuta Taro can help them successfully break into the Jinguo Shrine , but if this Michiko is used properly, she can help them stab a knife into the chest of Sword Demon Ito Junichi.

Of course, Li Zedao didn’t think so much before. On the one hand, he didn’t want to kill more people. On the other hand, he felt that Michiko seemed to have a very close relationship with Yoshitake Ito.

"The sword demon Ito Junichi killed me in Mori's family, and only my sister and I escaped by chance, so my sister and I want to avenge the Ito family!" Li Zedao said in a murderous tone.

So Taro Katsuta understood that the other party had inquired about Ito Yoshitake's trail, and that's why he was lurking on this boat in advance, just to kill Ito Yoshitake. As for himself, he just suffered the disaster of the fish pond.

As for the Maori one-knife style, Taro Katsuta had never heard of it, and he only regarded it as a small sect that Cheers Junichi Ito wiped out.

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