The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1034 Husband and wife

Dongtu took the initiative to be a pioneer or cannon fodder, and Kenji Inoue was naturally very happy. He said with a smile: "This is already planned, and then I will trouble Aishan and your group of invincible great fighters." .”

Kenji Inoue sent his masters to raid the luxurious residence of He Xiaoyang, the third head of Qingyun, and successfully caught He Xiaoyang, a big fish. At this time, Kenji Inoue is asking his younger brother to "entertain" him well, and he also plans to use He Xiaoyang to see if he can invite Zhang Hailong out to "negotiate". By then, Zhang Hailong will die!

"We are good friends, don't say such polite words." Aishan said with a big laugh.

"Okay, let's not be polite, let's drink."

"Okay, drink!" Aishan smiled boldly and picked up a big bowl of spirits.

Inoue Kenji also picked up the big bowl of wine and drank a big bowl with Aishan. This wine is not the kind of sake that is a special product of the island country, but the baijiu produced in the Western Regions of Huaxia that Kenji Inoue specially asked to find. This kind of baijiu is naturally very appetizing to Aishan, but Kenji Inoue is not used to drinking it at all, so he did it for a long time After eating the bowl, I just felt that my stomach started to feel hot, as if there was a fire burning inside.

Fortunately, he usually does not have a bad capacity for alcohol, so although it is uncomfortable, it is not enough to just collapse like this.

At that moment, those small eyes glanced secretly at Ai Shan who was cutting the whole roasted lamb on the table with a knife, and cursed inwardly, "Ba Ga, if it wasn't for letting you lowly Chinese pigs and dogs bite dogs, if it wasn't for wanting to take advantage of it." If you destroy other forces, people will beat you into a hornet's nest, throw you into an iron bucket, pour cement on it, and drag you to fill the sea!


Li Zedao called Zhang Hailong and said, I want to be your nephew, of course, that is to say, he actually wanted to enter Qingyun's headquarters as Zhang Hailong's nephew from Huaxia to get in touch with Zhang Hailong.

The reason why Li Zedao arranged such an identity for himself, Li Zedao naturally has his own considerations. After all, his identity is special, and Zhang Hailong vaguely knows his background. As for other people, it is naturally best not to know. Who knows, Qingyun There are no traitors in it?

Qingyun's headquarters is located in Qingyun Building. At this moment, Zhang Hailong is standing at the door, waiting for the arrival of his "nephew" Li Zedao. Now, he also knows the name of his cousin.

Hatch, this is a rather weird name, which reminds Zhang Hailong of the very cheap husky he raised.

Of course, he wouldn't foolishly think that this was the real name of the agent sent by the high-level Huaxia. Most likely, this should be his code name.

How could Zhang Hailong know that the name on Li Zedao's certificate now is Husky, but this name is too... In short, Li Zedao is unwilling to tell others that my name is Husky, so he deleted the middle word.

Zhang Hailong's wife, He Xiaoyue, stood quietly beside him. This is a woman in her forties but looks much younger than her age. She looks to be in her thirties. She is noble and sexy, wearing a black dress The cheongsam has the aura of a superior person.

In addition, standing beside them were seven black-clothed men, each with a vicious expression and looking around vigilantly. After all, this is an extraordinary period, and no one can guarantee whether the Yamaguchi-gumi will directly kill Qingyun's boss. No, it's up to them to be careless.

These seven people are Zhang Hailong's trump card. They use the seven traditional Chinese virtues of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust as their names. This person's name is Ah Zhong, and so on, the other six brothers are called Ah Xiao, Ah Ren and so on.

He Xiaoyue took out the women's cigarettes from the bag in her hand, took out one, put it in her mouth, and lit it.

In the smog, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the man standing in front of her. He said that one of his cousins ​​came to join him, so he came out to pick him up.

But He Xiaoyue knew that he was lying. She had been with him when she was ten years old. After more than 20 years of ups and downs, she had never heard that he had any relatives, or that she had never I have never seen him contact his relatives, but now a cousin and nephew popped up, this is too weird

The most important thing is, even if such a cousin and nephew really came to seek refuge, Zhang Hailong's reaction may not be too big, right? Even in such a dangerous situation, he came out to greet him in person.

However, even though she was puzzled in her heart, He Xiaoyue did not expose Zhang Hailong's lies face to face, but accompanied him out to meet her cousin and nephew as an aunt.

"It can't be... an illegitimate child, right?" He Xiaoyue's eyes shrouded in smoke narrowed again.

After Zhang Hailong smelled the smoke, he frowned and said: "Pull out the smoke." After all, it was the high-level executives sent by the high-level Huaxia to the islanders to carry out secret missions, and Zhang Hailong understood the meaning of the other party's words, this ha Qi is planning to help him repel Dongtu's group of bastards who betrayed their ancestors, so Zhang Hailong dare not take it seriously.

In his opinion, it is very impolite for He Xiaoyue to smoke under such circumstances.

"Okay." He Xiaoyue said with a gentle smile, threw the burning cigarette on the ground, stepped on her high-heeled shoes, crushed it, and then asked seemingly unintentionally, "Hai Long, why have you never heard of it?" However, I still have such a cousin."

Zhang Hailong turned his head to look at her, frowned and did not speak.

So, He Xiaoyue understood that this topic ended here, and if he continued to ask, he would be unhappy, very unhappy.

She knows this man she has been with for more than 20 years too well. This man is a jackal in his bones, a jackal who eats people without spitting out his bones, but is very smart and can see the situation clearly.

Outside, sometimes for profit, he can humbly turn into a dog, wagging his tail and licking his master's shoes.

In the headquarters of Qingyun, he was so passionate, heroic, loyal, courageous, and hard-working, he "fooled" his brothers so closely that they all rushed forward to work for him.

But at home, he is the sole head of the family. He will not be infertile in this life because you are the woman who has been with him for more than 20 years, or because you used to be a knife for him. If the words were wrong, he slapped them in the face. Sometimes, when he drank too much, he would fuck other women in front of you...

In short, this is a man with two faces and three knives, and He Xiaoyue knows every side of him, extremely clear.

"By the way, what about Xiaoyang?" He Xiaoyue changed the subject, with unconcealable worry on her face.

Zhang Hailong looked back at her again, and said in a deep voice: "He is dead."

"Dead..." He Xiaoyue's heart sank suddenly, "But..."

"I said, he is dead." Zhang Hailong said again, his tone was already a little harsh.

He Xiaoyue opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything after all. She understood very well that her younger brother, He Xiaoyang, Qingyun's third leader, had been abandoned by Zhang Hailong, a loyal and courageous leader. It was impossible for Zhang Hailong to take risks. Go to negotiate with the Yamaguchi-gumi, and then give up some of Qingyun's interests to rescue him.

"He is dead." Zhang Hailong said again, his tone softened.

"Yes, he is dead." He Xiaoyue said with a blank expression.

Zhang Hailong nodded, stopped talking, turned around, and continued to wait for Li Zedao's arrival.

He Xiaoyue stared fixedly at the man's back, her eyes flickered like a poisonous snake, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Not long after, a taxi slowly stopped on the main road in front of Qingyun headquarters, the door was opened, Li Zedao jumped out of the car, and that taxi seemed to have seen a ghost, Push down on the gas pedal, and he has already run away without a trace.

No wonder, after all, this is Qingyun's headquarters. Even though Qingyun is being suppressed and beaten by the Yamaguchi group and Dongtu, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a demon-like existence, the kind that hides as long as it can.

Seeing Li Zedao coming down, Zhang Hailong was overjoyed and hurried over to meet him.

The Seventh Brother, who was in charge of his safety, hurriedly followed with vigilant eyes.

He Xiaoyue took a few glances at Li Zedao who got out of the car, and the murderous look flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled generously, and greeted him.

"Hatch, I'm finally waiting for you." Zhang Hailong enthusiastically grabbed Li Zedao's hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Uncle." Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly... This guy is better at acting than Zhang Hailong.

It's no wonder that Zhang Hailong knew his identity and his methods, so he felt unavoidable and stressed, but Li Zedao didn't, and even had a playful attitude.

"Okay, okay... Uncle will take you in, and I must have a good chat with you tonight." Zhang Hailong said, and walked straight into the building with Li Zedao, ignoring He Xiaoyue and He Xiaoyue who came over. So much so that He Xiaoyue's raised hand was raised in the air like this, a little embarrassed.

Li Zedao glanced at He Xiaoyue inadvertently. He had seen the picture of this woman and knew that she was He Xiaoyue, the murderer who killed Yingying's mother.

"The relationship between their husband and wife doesn't seem to be very good, or Zhang Hailong doesn't seem to respect his wife at all." Li Zedao muttered in his heart, after all, according to the development of the plot, Zhang Hailong has to introduce him to his aunt, right? ? But Zhang Hailong didn't, he ignored her directly, as if there was no such person.

So Li Zedao stopped, looked back at He Xiaoyue who had a faint smile on his face, and asked, "Cousin, this is... auntie, right?"

"Oh, yes, she is your cousin." Zhang Hailong realized that he had accidentally thrown his wife aside. The acting in this play was not professional enough, so he quickly introduced it.

"Hello, Aunt Biao." Li Zedao was a little shy, and quickly reached out his hand to greet him.

"Hello, welcome to the house." He Xiaoyue said with a smile, very enthusiastic.

"Thank you, Aunt Biao." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed.

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