The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1042 Blue Safety Buckle

"Sister... don't cry, I'm... okay?" He Xiaoyang saw his sister like this, but his expression was relaxed, his tone was calm, and he even joked, "You always say I'm ugly, It's fine now, disfigurement is equivalent to plastic surgery..."

He Xiaoyue cried even more fiercely, her shoulders trembled violently

He Xiaoyang grinned, then moved slowly, limping towards her, trying to pat He Xiaoyue's shoulder as a gesture of comfort, but when the red, swollen eyes that made it hard to see clearly saw both sides of his sister There is another shocking palm print on the cheek, and the gorgeous face before has turned into two big steamed buns, and there is already a violent look in the eyes.

"Sister, who hit you? Is it brother-in-law? I'll find him!" He Xiaoyang roared. In Qingyun, apart from brother-in-law Zhang Hailong, who would dare to lay such a heavy hand on sister-in-law.

"Cough cough..." Li Zedao coughed lightly, with a strange expression on his face, thinking that if he was the one who let this bloody, bendable and stretchable man do it himself, he would probably fight himself desperately, right?

"It's not him..." He Xiaoyue smiled while she was crying, "It's as long as you are fine... as long as you are fine..."

"Okay, there are still a lot of things to be arranged. The Yamaguchi group and Dongtu will come over ten times a day. We don't have much time." Li Zedao reminded.

"You are?" He Xiaoyang's eyes fell on Li Zedao. Just now, my attention was always on my sister, so I really noticed that there was a kid behind my sister.

"Her husband." Li Zedao pointed to Nanji who got out of the car and stood there coldly.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, but said nothing, but there was some tenderness in those indifferent eyes.

"He is my sister's savior, and he was the one who saved you from the Yamaguchi-gumi." He Xiaoyue followed up with the introduction, her tone full of gratitude.

He Xiaoyang looked at Li Zedao and nodded heavily: "I owe you two lives."

Li Zedao smiled, but he knew in his heart that what he said was much more important than that of a hero like Zhang Hailong. Zhang Hailong said this more for the sake of the scene, so he had to say it, but this He Xiaoyang came from the heart Yes, that is to say, if Zhang Hailong is really asked to take his life, he will definitely hesitate, and even if he is capable of resisting, he will directly renege on the debt, but He Xiaoyang will find a knife and stab himself to death in front of you.

"Tell your brother about the matter, and my wife will stay and help you." Li Zedao looked at He Xiaoyue and said, then looked at Nanji.

He Xiaoyue has also noticed this cold and good-looking woman a long time ago.

From the coldness emanating from her body, it can be seen that this woman is extremely difficult to mess with.

"You... want to leave?" He Xiaoyue asked subconsciously, and then her expression became a little embarrassed. The words were a little ambiguous, as if Xiaosan was trying to keep her lover back, and she felt a little unbelievable in her heart, unknowingly. Yes, I seem to regard him as my backbone.

Li Zedao's thinking is much more simple, because He Xiaoyue is worried that he will not be able to control the situation, for example, if the combined forces of the Yamaguchi group and Dongtu are really killed, they will not be able to hold it at all, because the big man in the building behind him Most people are fascinated by the drugs, and it takes at least a whole night for the body to fully recover.

At that moment, Li Zedao smiled and said: "I have to do something very important, don't worry, with my wife here, nothing will go wrong, Dongtu and the Yamaguchi group are really coming, just listen to her .”

He Xiaoyue nodded, didn't say anything more, looked at Antarctica, and showed a friendly smile.

Nanji nodded coldly, which was a response.

Li Zedao walked up to Nanji and was about to say something when Nanji said: "Don't be seduced, she's dirty."

"...You think too much." Li Zedao was speechless, "I'm not the kind of person who has no integrity, am I? Besides, I don't like island women."

"You like Teacher Ozawa, you also like Teacher Cang, and you also like Shadow... She is also considered a half-islander."

"...If you put Shadow with these two celebrities, she will discharge you." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry.

"She doesn't have the guts." When talking about the shadow, Nanji's tone was also a little more cheerful. It is conceivable that the two sisters have a deep sense of courage.

"... Well, forget it, if there is anyone who is afraid of that girl, it is only you." Li Zedao said with a chuckle, and then his lips moved close to imprint on Nanji's lips.


"Get out!" Nanji cursed, licking his lips, as if his lips were covered with rich honey.

"It's nice to be young." He Xiaoyue saw them openly showing their affection, her eyes were full of envy.

Li Zedao did not drive away, but put his hands in his pockets, walked forward unsteadily, and soon came to a dark corner, took out the mask, and put it on skillfully, so he was named Xiao Maoli. Goro has a young version of the wretched version of Kato-sensei was born.

Not two minutes after he came out of the dark corner, the black-faced car slowly stopped beside him.

Li Zedao opened the co-pilot's door and got in.

"Good evening, master, Michiko is very glad to see you again." The woman in the driving seat said, both in expression and tone, there was impeccable respect.

At this time, Michiko Katsuta was wearing a black night gown, which well wrapped up her soft figure. She only needs to put a black hood on her face for a while, so she can disguise herself as a Nocturnal.

"When you come out at this time, Ito Junichi won't have any doubts, right?" Li Zedao asked.

Michiko Katsuta stepped on the accelerator, and the car started driving quickly on the road, and then she said truthfully: "No, Junichi Ito won't care about me most of the time, and won't restrict my freedom , only once a few days, when he wakes up quietly, I must be by his side."

Li Zedao thinks about it too, if Junichi Ito restricts this woman who suffers from long nights of tossing and turning, mindless sleep, love cucumber and eggplant love banana insomnia, how could she have the opportunity to come out with her younger brother, grandson, oh, and granddaughter How about playing War of the Possessed Demons? How could she possibly have the opportunity to seduce her grandson?

As for what Jingwu is, Li Zedao still knows it. To put it bluntly, it is to cheer up and practice sitting. Li Zedao does not do this kind of thing less.

"Why, you have to be by his side when he wakes up quietly?" Li Zedao asked casually.

"Because..." Michiko Katsuta's delicate face was showing a hint of shyness.

Li Zedao began to slander directly in his heart, damn, you think you are a pure little beauty, you even fucked your own father, your own brother, and your own grandson, and you are still shy?

"Every time Junichi Ito finished his quiet realization, he would want Michiko's body fiercely." Michiko Katsuta said in a low voice, and gave Li Zedao a silent and affectionate look, with a shy expression on her face.

If it weren't for his knowledge, Li Zedao would have thought that this woman was the purest woman in the entire island country.

"Don't show that expression to me, otherwise, I will be very unhappy." Li Zedao's tone became a little serious.

"Yes, master, Michiko knew it was wrong." Michiko Katsuta said in a panic, and she didn't dare to seduce the master casually, but her heart was full of regrets. You know, if you can successfully seduce him, let He is obsessed with his body, so at least he won't be too passive.

Michiko Katsuta is still very confident about her body and her skills. She thinks she can make all the men in the world *, but it is a pity that the master seems to hate her very much.

Li Zedao's tone softened a bit: "As long as you cooperate with me, Mori Kogoro, I won't let that video out... Oh, by the way, you killed Ryoko Ito, and what Miyamoto, Ozawa The picture of the teacher was also recorded by me."

"..." Michiko Katsuta's big beautiful eyes widened in an instant. Could it be that he didn't get off the boat immediately that day, but hid somewhere to secretly take pictures.

"Master, Michiko will always be the master's slave, and will obediently listen to the master's words." Michiko Katsuta hurriedly expressed her position, lowering her posture.

"Very well, in two days, when the emperor, prime minister, and other important officials of the island country are going to pay homage to the Jinguo Shrine, there is really one thing you need to do." Li Zedao said.

Michiko Katsuta was shocked: "Master wants to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor or the Prime Minister?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao was speechless, I'm sick, to assassinate the emperor and prime minister of a country?

"What to do, I will tell you when the time comes."

"Okay, master." Michiko Katsuta also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, by the way, when you were with Ito Junichi, did you notice something on him, that is a safety buckle." Li Zedao asked.

"Ping An buckle... Oh, yes, master." Michiko Katsuta pondered for a moment and immediately said, "Is it blue? I saw Junichi Ito playing with it in his hand before."

Li Zedao took a deep breath secretly, calmed himself down and asked again: "Has he had this safety button before?"

Michiko Katsuta thought for a while, shook her head and said uncertainly: "Michiko doesn't know too well, but I don't seem to have seen this safety button before... I seem to remember that Junichi Ito left three months ago. I went to Jingguo Shrine for a while, and I didn’t come back until a month ago, it seems that it was after he came back that the safety deduction was made.”

"He left? Where did he go? What did he do?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Michiko didn't know, he didn't say, and I didn't dare to ask." Michiko Katsuta said.

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