The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1046 Sowing Discord

Hearing what Ai Shan said, Inoue Kenji was so angry that he almost spat out blood, and immediately cursed: "Ai Shan, how can you talk like this? Didn't you say that we are friends and brothers? And we are still together Cooperate, and now we are sending people over together to wipe out Qingyun, right?"

"Slander, you are slander, how can I be friends and brothers with someone like you?" Aishan was also very depressed, please, you can die by yourself, why did you drag me? I still have a lot of Chinese people who haven't been killed yet, okay? I have to let the people of the Western Regions live a good life. I am the god in the hearts of the people of the Western Regions. If I die, many people will be sad, okay?

But you... you are dead, I am afraid that most people in the island countries will celebrate with fireworks and firecrackers, right?

"As for cooperating to wipe out Qingyun... There is indeed such a thing, but you said it yourself, it's just cooperation, and after the cooperation is over, each will go their own way, what do you think?" Ai Shan said.

"Ai Shan, you..." Inoue Kenji looked at Ai Shan, wishing to tear him apart, then turned his head to look at Li Zedao and said, "Mr. Mao Li, I really don't know what grievances I have with you, will you admit your mistake?" Someone? Or, after I kill the idiot Aishan, let’s sit down and have a good chat? If it’s really me who did something wrong to you before, I will apologize with all my sincerity.”

Li Zedao glanced at Ai Shan, thought for a while and said, "That's okay, he's from the Western Regions? I, Kogoro Moori, don't hate people from the Western Regions, but I really hate a group of bastards who call themselves Dongtu and turn their backs on their ancestors. If you kill him, I can have a good chat with you."

"..." This time, Aishan was dumbfounded.

"Ai Shan, you were the one who was unrighteous first, don't blame me." Kenji Inoue let out a sigh of relief, fixed his eyes on Ai Shan, and roared. The three ninjas turned around even more, pointing the knives in their hands at Ai Shan and the four platinum bodyguards from Black Hawk, their eyes were not only unkind but also unkind. Ninjas are very samurai, they are loyal and keep their promises, so what Aishan said just now seriously disgusted them.

The four bodyguards had even more solemn expressions, because they are not only facing the Mori Kogoro who broke the neck of Ninja Turtle with a single shot, but also the remaining three whose skills are not in their hands at all. Under the ninja.

Ai Shan was also in pain, trying to repair the rift between the two: "Kenji, don't listen to him, don't you see that he is trying to sow discord between us..."

"Baga, I just want you to die quickly...kill them." Inoue Kenji roared.

As soon as his words fell, the three ninjas rushed over and fought with the three platinum bodyguards. Because they were all about the same level, the three groups of six people fought inextricably for a while.

The remaining diamond bodyguard stood beside Aishan, his eyes alternated vigilantly at Li Zedao and Inoue Kenji. He did not dare to join the battle group at will. After all, their main task was to ensure the safety of Aishan. They still have professional awareness.

"Kenji, tell them to stop quickly...Kenji..." Ai Shan was really startled, because he saw that Kenji Inoue actually took out a pistol and pointed the gun at him.

The bodyguard standing in front of him squinted his eyes and waved his hands. There were two more pistols in both hands. The pistol in his left hand was aimed at Jianji Inoue, and the pistol in his right was aimed at Li Zedao's head. The blond-haired and blue-eyed bodyguard said in Japanese: "I don't want to shoot, I don't want to fight with you, let me go with my boss."

"I don't like people pointing guns at my head." Li Zedao said with a weird smile.

The bodyguard's pupils shrank, and he had already caught a very strong and dangerous aura. This palpitating expert was about to make a move, and he was about to pull the trigger with his right hand. He knew that as long as this dangerous man died , then all problems are solved.

"Bang!" The gun rang.

Then the bodyguard's pupils were dilated, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions. Immediately afterwards, the pistols in his left and right hands fell to the ground. In the next second, his body swayed, and his body fell heavily. look.

There was a bloody hole in his temple, and the blood was gurgling.

Then a murderous female voice sounded: "Baga, you actually tried to shoot my master? Damn it!"

Immediately afterwards, a girl with a pistol in her hand walked over slowly. The girl's face was still covered with a black hood, so she couldn't see her face clearly, only her pair of eyes could be seen. Very bright big eyes.

"Good job." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Thank you, master, for your compliment." Michiko Katsuta said quickly, and she felt a little better after receiving the other party's approval and praise.

Island women actually worship samurai in their bones, so a samurai like Mori Kogoro naturally moved Michiko Katsuda's heart.

"Kenji Inoue, you can continue." Li Zedao looked at Kenji Inoue with a smile and said, "Kill him, I will talk to you, if not, I will kill you now."

Kenji Inoue nodded, looking at Ai Shan's ferocious face, this multiple-choice question was too easy to choose, so he clenched the pistol in his hand even more tightly.

Ai Shan clearly felt the thick cold sweat on his forehead, his eyes were terrified, and the muscles on his face were twitching bit by bit because of fear.

He never knew what danger was, and he felt that death was far away from him... Even though he knew very well that Huaxia must have sent someone out to kill him, he didn't think the agents sent by Huaxia were anything can kill himself.

But now, he felt the danger, he felt that the god of death was so close to him, and he could grab himself to hell with just a little stretch of his hand.

"No, Kenji, you can't do this." Aishan shouted profusely with sweat, "If I die, those soldiers under my command will definitely not let you go, they will definitely kill the Yamaguchi-gumi... ..."

"Bang!" The gunshot interrupted Aishan's words very simply.

The expression on Ai Shan's face froze instantly, and then his head was like a robot, stiff and slowly lowered his head little by little, and then he saw a blood hole in his chest, a large amount of blood was coming It kept coming out of that hole.

He opened his eyes and tried to say something, but he couldn't say anything after all.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, his body fell heavily on the ground, but his eyes were wide open. Similarly, he could not rest in peace.

Li Zedao looked at Ai Shan who had turned into a corpse, and he felt a little emotional in his heart, and more of a pleasure. The sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the majority of Chinese people had already been broken. Ironically, he In the end, he died at the hands of his partner. Presumably this guy is very unwilling, right? Otherwise, why do you look like you are dying.

"Good marksmanship." Li Zedao looked back at Kenji Inoue and smiled.

"Thank you." Kenji Inoue nodded and said very politely, then pointed to the six people who were still fighting fiercely together, "Do you want my people to stop?"

"Oh, there's no need for that, because they're about to stop fighting." Li Zedao said with a smile, and then he shook his hand, and there was already an extra pistol in his hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Li Zedao fired six shots in a row, and the interval between each shot was too short, so it gave people the illusion that he only fired one shot.

Then as the gunshots disappeared, the original violent fighting sound also disappeared, and then Kenji Inoue and Michiko Katsuta's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

The bodyguards who were fighting fiercely together before were all down there, dead to death, and there was a blood hole between their eyebrows, that is to say, Li Zedaolian's aiming action just now He didn't even fire six shots in a row, and each shot hit a person. What's even more terrifying was that each shot was shot between the eyebrows.

What kind of accurate marksmanship is this? What kind of fast marksmanship is this? What kind of terrifying and perverted marksmanship is this?

Michiko Katsuta, who is a master with a gun, looked at Li Zedao again, and she felt that compared with his marksmanship, her marksmanship was like a kindergartener meeting a high school student.

Kenji Inoue almost cried in fright, Hachi, can you stop being so scary?

"I didn't lie to you, did I? They all stopped." Li Zedao looked at Kenji Inoue with a smile and said.

Kenji Inoue almost pissed in fright, he nodded frantically, and tried his best to bend his waist to make himself look more humble, and as he lowered his head, the cold sweat on his forehead continued fell to the ground.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't kill you." Li Zedao said lightly, "However, I hope you can do me a favor."

"Please tell me." Inoue Kenji breathed a sigh of relief, and bent even lower, making himself look more humble.

"I heard that you are cooperating with the people from Dongtu, what are you going to wipe out... Qingyun?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes... yes." Kenji Inoue tried his best to calm himself down, but unfortunately, he failed, and he was trembling and stuttering when speaking. Although he knew that his life was saved, the other party's methods were more ruthless. Killing six people instantly without blinking an eye completely made Kenji Inoue feel extremely panicked.

"I don't like Dongtu. After I came to this sacred land of our island country, I didn't know how to be humble and so arrogant. So, let your men kill those Dongtu members... well, all of them." Li Zedao said word by word.


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