The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1050 Really No Father

However, Li Zedao thought he sang very well, so he sang even more vigorously, and he was not afraid of waking up the other people staying here. Of course, there were no guests staying here these days.

"I don't want it, I don't want it... I don't want it..."

After not sleeping all night, Lao Wang, who was wandering in the kitchen grinding soy milk with a stone mill, had a faint smile on his face, and muttered, "It's good to be young... at least you have a thick skin , not afraid of death!"

"I can't bear it, I have nowhere to hide, I don't want to think about it anymore, I don't, I don't, I don't want to think about you anymore..." Li Zedao said in a long voice with affection.

At this moment, the door of the next room was pulled open, and a roar came out: "Damn it, I don't want you, don't go to death... You are sick, you idiot, what are you doing in the morning?" ?”

The shadow's head appeared there, with a murderous look on his face.

"..." Li Zedao sneered, and shut up obediently, "Sao Lei, Sao Lei, Junior Sister, it's still early, you should go back and sleep."

"Sleeping your sister, I feel like you've been crying and howling." Shadow cursed angrily, as if he wanted to tear Li Zedao apart.

Nanji stood up, stretched his waist and said, "I'll go in and get some sleep." Then he went straight into the room and closed the door.

Shadow glanced at the door with big eyes, rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Sister Nanji seems to be... shy..."

Then the foot in the cotton slippers kicked Li Zedao, squatted down and muttered in a low voice: "You idiot, you are not planning to fight a field battle with Sister Nanji here, or have you already fought a field battle? Damn it , It’s so cold, what should I do if I catch a cold?”

"...You think too much." Li Zedao had black lines on his face, can this poor girl stop being so dirty all day long, you can say that the two of us are enjoying this beautiful snow scene together, look, how good the picture is .

"Oh, I see..." Shadow suddenly realized, and his big eyes swept under Li Zedao's crotch, "Sister Nanji is lying on your lap, she is helping know how to play No wonder, a certain animal is so excited."

"..." Li Zedao's face turned even darker.

"Tell you something..."

"Hmph, are you asking this talented and beautiful girl to do something that Anji sister didn't have time to finish..." Shadow looked at Li Zedao with eyes full of vigilance,

He even took a step back, stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and snorted coldly with a resolute expression, "Hmph, you have a good plan, there is no way...why does this genius girl help you? Why don't you help me?" ... At most, I will lend you the handheld computer and let you type it out to Teacher Cang."

I push your ass! The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched abnormally, and he felt like he was about to collapse.

"You think too much, I want to tell you something very important to you, go to your room." Li Zedao resisted the urge to slap her ass and said.

"What do you want to do in my room?" Shadow became even more vigilant, "I'm a genius?"

"I'm strong... strong your sister, I'm afraid you'll be cold." Li Zedao scolded angrily, this poor girl doesn't have the physique of Antarctica at all, you see your little face is so cold that you just came out for a while It's flushed.

"It's about your father." Li Zedao said, "He's in this hotel right now."

"..." Ying Ying's complacent face froze suddenly, and it became a little ugly. He turned around and went back to the room, and closed the door heavily.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, walked over, opened the door and saw that Ying Ying was already sitting in front of the computer, staring at the computer screen with cold eyes, but Li Zedao could tell that there was no sign of her eyes. No focal length.

Li Zedao smiled wryly again, closed the door, then walked to her side and sat cross-legged, stretched out his hand and touched her head and said, "You will have to face it after all."

"Don't face it." Shadow bit his lips lightly, and burst out these three words bluntly, but the teardrops rolled in the eye sockets, and then "Wow...", cried out, and then threw himself into the mouth. Li Zedao's arms.

There is a saying that the EQ of people with high IQ is often mentally handicapped.

Li Zedao felt that this was a huge piece of nonsense, because while he had a high IQ, his EQ was also outrageously high.

But Li Zedao had to contradictoryly admit that this is true. You see, Ying, a girl with a very high IQ, has a really retarded EQ. She is crying like a three-year-old child.

"Big idiot, why did you tell him... the genius girl is not ready yet... woo... You hate it, I hate it to death..." Shadow cried, beating Li Zedao's chest with his little hand, "I Don't face it, don't face it..."

"Don't face can't be done." Li Zedao smiled wryly, "Because how to arrange your father depends on your will."

Shadow looked up, looked at Li Ze with tears in his eyes, and said, "What do you mean? Didn't he stay well in Qingyun?"

Li Zedao didn't tell him about Qingyun's great changes, so Yingying didn't know that Qingyun had become Qingyun of He Xiaoyue and He Xiaoyang's siblings, and even Qingyun's people wanted to chop Zhang Hailong up now, because he His performance is really disappointing, even desperate, even, the elder brother of the previous generation was murdered by him.

Shadow thought that Li Zedao had told Zhang Hailong that his daughter was in this hotel, so Zhang Hailong came over.

Li Zedao briefly talked about Zhang Hailong's current situation, and he also talked about the incident when he learned that Sakurako Ito had betrayed him and then ordered her to be killed, and then pushed the matter to He Xiaoyue.

Listening to the shadow, he had long forgotten to continue to shed tears, and the big ethereal eyes now showed that kind of idiot state.

"Daddy killed mom... Mom wanted to kill dad too... Dad killed mom... Mom wanted to kill dad too..." These two voices were the only ones left in her already blank head. It kept lingering in her mind over and over again.

I don't know how long it took, but her tears continued to flow down, she looked at Li Zedao and said, "Big idiot, I hate you, you made me have no father, this time I really don't have a father."

"..." Li Zedao smiled wryly. She understood what Shadow meant and what Shadow made. She would never admit that the murderer who killed her mother was her father.

"I'm sorry." Li Zedao said, maybe he should hide it. In this way, this heartless little girl should still have the fantasy that one day, she will act like a baby in her father's arms again, right? But now, that illusion is shattered, completely shattered.

"Damn, I hate you, I hate you to death... woo woo... I hate you..." Shadow cried, but hugged him even tighter.


A piece of news in the morning completely caused a sensation in the entire island country, and even surpassed the fact that "patriotic" Wang Zi presented the Chinese snake head as a birthday gift to His Majesty the Emperor of the island country two days ago.

There are two key words in this news, namely "Yama-gumi" and "Dongtu".

"Yesterday morning, dozens of Dongtu members took to the street with machetes in their hands, trying to smash up a certain entertainment place and massacre the innocent people who were reveling inside. It happened that members of the Yamaguchi group were around, and they stopped this After a bloody massacre, they bravely took up arms to fight against this group of terrorists in Dongtu..."

As soon as such news came out, Dongtu was immediately pushed to the forefront. After all, anyone with a little bit of knowledge in this area would know what kind of stuff Dongtu is. They are terrorists... They especially love targeting China. Terrorists, I can't think of it, this time they are targeting the island country. Do you think the island people are easier to bully than the Chinese?

So everyone is even more upset about Dongtu, and some even took to the streets to march, so that the government should quickly find out the members of the Communist Party who may still be hiding in the island country, so as to prevent them from launching another massacre.

At the same time, everyone also praised the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi one after another, and some people even called them the saviors... Of course, anyone who knows the inside story knows that the basic principle of saying that the Yamaguchi-gumi is the savior They are all members of the Yamaguchi-gumi or the sailors they hired.

But no matter what, no matter how lively the melon-eating crowd is, what is certain is that the current Yamaguchi-gumi is a little whiter than the previous ones.


When Zhang Hailong woke up, he found himself in a strange room, and his body was still unable to move, presumably the effect of the medicine hadn't passed yet?

His memory is still stuck in the scene in the banquet hall. He remembers that after that damn Hatch and the bitch He Xiaoyue left, countless pairs of eyes fell on him, as if he wanted to eat him He just frowned coldly, and then tried his best to find a way to escape in his mind.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, he saw the woman in black who was with Hatch in the sushi restaurant and cut off his cigarette with a knife, walking towards him. Before he could say anything, he thought for a while Dizzy, already lost consciousness, when he woke up, he was in such a place, that woman brought him here? What is she going to do?

"Is anyone there?" Zhang Hailong shouted with all his might.

No one responded.

At the door of the room, Li Zedao looked at the shadow and said, "Have you decided?"

Shadow nodded, and there was a hint of determination in those pitiful big eyes.

"Well, when I come back, I'll take you shopping." Li Zedao touched her head, "I've been in the island country for a few days, and I haven't gone out for a good shopping yet."

"Yeah." Shadow nodded, "I'm going to the sex shop, and I'm buying a leather whip."

"... Get lost!" Li Ze said with black lines on his face.

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