"Damn it, don't stain the clothes of this talented girl." Shadow looked at the security guard and muttered in disgust, but his face had a demon-like smell on his face.

Kang Chuanji was dumbfounded. Didn't he just let them pass by and take them to the security room for some reason and humiliate them severely? Why did he fly out by himself and make such a big commotion?

He hurried over at the moment, and at the same time, several other staff members also heard the movement and rushed over one after another. The security guards couldn't care less about the three of them, and ran over with a "hula".

"Qianye, Qianye..." One of the security guards squatted down, and saw the security guard's eyes turned up, and his pupils were a little dizzy.

"You two, take him to the hospital by courier, and the rest of you keep an eye on those three people, don't let them run away." Kang Chuanji commanded, and glanced at the three people standing there as if nothing happened , so depressed that I want to vomit blood, why are these three people still so calm? Don't you know they got into a big disaster? How dare you beat Nisuo's employees in the Nisuo Building...

So Kang Chuanji pointed at the three people with an ugly face and added: "You dare to beat Nisuo's employees, keep an eye on them, don't let them run away... Chidori, call the police."

So a staff member gave the three people a bad look, took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Li Zedao smiled strangely and didn't say anything, Nanji also said nothing with a cold face, while Shadow continued typing on the keyboard and mouse in a moody mood, not knowing what he was typing.

At that moment, two security guards gratefully carried Chiba, who had been electrocuted unconscious for some reason, to the hospital, while more than a dozen staff members represented by Kang Chuanji and security guards sent the three of them to the hospital. Surrounded, everyone seemed to be filled with righteous indignation.

In the island country, people from the island country usually bully the Chinese people. In this Nisuo building, the guests from Huaxia are not so popular and often receive unfair treatment. But now it is the other way around. The employees of Nisuo He was beaten into a coma by the Huaxia people.

Of course, none of them could see clearly what method they used.

It seems that none of these three people have touched Chiba, and then Chiba became like this for no reason. It looks like an electric shock. There are indeed many plug strips and other things around here to provide power to those computers, but these things The quality is excellent, it is impossible to misplace something.

Besides, even if Chiba accidentally got an electric shock, the voltage in the island country is 110 volts, so it doesn't seem to have such a powerful power to send people flying out.

So, it must be these three damn Chinese people who did it,

Could they be using something like Huaxia Qigong?

"Three, now our staff has been injured by you, so please follow us to the security room and wait for the police to arrive." Kang Chuanji said with a dark face, afraid that the other party would not understand, so what he said was Very non-standard Chinese.

But he didn't dare to get too close to the other party, the others were also thinking the same way, God knows if they would be inexplicably electrocuted and fly out like Chiba.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, and many people have seen it. That person actually framed me... What did my friend steal... Oh, a pair of expensive earphones?" Li Zedao smiled, looking at Kang Chuanji's The expression seemed to be looking at an idiot, "Then he tried to rape my friend, but he was inexplicably electrocuted and flew out... How can you say that he was injured by us?"

Kang Chuanji's expression became even darker. He didn't like the eyes of this young Chinese man very much. This kind of eyes made him feel ashamed.

"Oh, sir, our staff did not frame you, we just suspect, and just need your simple cooperation." Kang Chuanji said, "And, as for why our staff was called, wait for the police to come Yes, it will be investigated naturally, now, please go to the security room with us, we don't want to be violent, and we don't want to make things big."

"We won't go to the security room with you... Oh, I'm not afraid of you playing tricks, but my friend is not free right now." Li Zedao pointed to the shadow and said, just now he glanced at the screen and was speechless to the extreme. The little girl actually used this computer to play a certain game.

Chen Xiaoxue, who was not far away, looked at it, secretly happy in her heart, she wished that these three idiots would make things bigger, and it would be unmanageable, and their end would be even worse.

"Sir, this is a provocation, a serious provocation!" Kang Chuanji said loudly.


Kang Chuanji's face was slapped heavily.

"You say provocation, so be provocative." Li Zedao looked at his palm and said indifferently. Damn, my hands are greasy, I have to wash my hands in a while.

Those staff members were startled and even dumbfounded. They didn't see clearly how Qianye flew out, so they really dare not be 100% sure that Qianye was electrocuted because of them.

But now with this slap, their dozens of pairs of eyes saw it very clearly.

Several staff members hurriedly supported Kang Chuanji to prevent him from falling to the ground after being dazed by the slap.

When Chen Xiaoxue saw this scene, she almost had an orgasm again, her face was already full of weird smiles, she knew that there was really no way to redeem this matter, these three Huaxia people...dead deal!

After Kang Chuanji came back to his senses, he covered his hot face and looked at the other party with vicious eyes like a vulture! To be slapped, shame! This slap was made by that damned China pig, that would be an even greater shame! But if this slap was drawn by Katsuta Taro... Is it an honor?

"Ba Ga, hurry up and get the three of them under control and take them to the security room?" He shouted angrily.

So several security guards pulled out their batons and rushed towards the three extremely arrogant Chinese people.

"Huh..." The sound of the wind was mixed with the blowing baton, and the baton was aimed at Li Zedao's right temple.

Li Zedao has a lot of research on acupuncture points of the human body, so he is very clear that this is an important acupuncture point of the human body, and it is also a weak point. If it is concentrated by this ruthless stick, it may be paralyzed even if it does not die.

Li Zedao didn't want to be polite when the other party dared to make such a deadly attack. What's more, he still wanted to make a big fuss. If he didn't make a big fuss, how could Katsuta Taro come out to clean up and help himself to avenge his grievances, and then help him with the money for the electronic products he wanted to buy? Is it paid?

Li Zedao punched directly, and before the baton hit his head, his fist hit the opponent's nose hard.

"Crack!" The security guard's nose bone broke instantly, and the bones of his entire face were sunken, and then his body flew upside down, blood floating in the air like a red fountain.

Li Zedao kicked again when he turned his head, and kicked another security guard in the stomach fiercely, directly kicking him to the point of displacing his internal organs, and he didn't forget to spurt blood while flying upside down.

Nanji's attack was even more ruthless than Li Zedao's. One of the security guards thought that women were easier to bully, so he didn't even use a baton, and directly amplified his moves. An extremely skilled "Black Tiger Heart" attacked Nanji's chest.

Nanji's eyes were icy cold, and he kicked over directly, kicking the security guard's crotch hard.

"Bang!" The scalp-numbing sound of egg breaking sounded, and then the security guard let out a horrific wail while clutching his crotch, and fell down alternately.

This is simply devastating! This is an instant kill in the realm!

So everyone was dumbfounded. They knew that these three Chinese people were very arrogant, but they never thought that they would know "Chinese Kung Fu". Once they made a move, they would beat people to death.

Chen Xiaoxue's body trembled violently. This time, it wasn't because she was imagining an orgasm in a certain scene, but because she was afraid. She suddenly thought, if the three of them were so violent at the airport, then she... ...Chen Xiaoxue didn't dare to continue imagining.

"You...you..." Kang Chuanji stared at the three with wide eyes, his body trembling, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or anger.

Then, he didn't dare to speak anymore, because there was an extra dagger on his neck, a dagger that radiated cold light and made his whole body creepy.

"Put down the dagger..."

"My God, Manager Kang Chuan is controlled by terrorists..."

"Have the police come..."

"Release Manager Kang Chuan quickly, or you will die miserably..."

"Kill...kill him..." Chen Xiaoxue fixed her eyes on the dagger and prayed in her heart.

"Katsuta Taro, the future helm of Nisuo, is here?" Li Zedao said with a smile, ignoring the people around him, "Just right, I won't kill you if you call Katsuta Taro a pig."

"..." There was an uproar in the audience, whether it was the sentence "Call Katsuta Taro a pig" or the sentence "I won't kill you", they all seriously stimulated their nerves.

"You..." Kang Chuanji's face has turned into a liver-colored face, "I respect Mr. Katsuta very much, and you don't dare to kill me... This is an island country, you..."

"Really?" Li Zedao said with a smile. Then, his knife lightly scratched Kang Chuanji's neck, and in an instant, a stream of blood spurted out, splashing on the face of the employee standing in front of Kang Chuanji.

The latter opened his mouth wide and was dumbfounded. This is a lunatic, he really dared to kill people.

Kang Chuanji only felt a heat on his neck, and then a heat on his crotch... He peed in fright.

"Swear or not?" Li Zedao laughed nervously, then moved his face closer, and said in Kang Chuanji's ear, "Baga, I seem to remember, I ran out of a mental hospital."

"...Katsuta Taro...it's a pig..." Kang Chuanji shouted in blunt Chinese.

"Damn it, use the island language." Li Zedao scolded, "You are insulting the Chinese language when you speak the Chinese language."

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