The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1069 Competition

In a certain military region in Huaxia, Chen Xiaomo sat in front of the computer, watching the news, his face was full of violence: "Your Highness, I really don't want to say that sentence, but I have to Say... I'm an idiot! I... I''re crazy, you're really crazy! You're not Wang Zi, you're not..."

Chen Xiaomo's voice was choked up, he was speechless, then got up, walked to the corner silently, and drew circles on the ground with his fingers.

In the lobby of a certain villa in Phoenix City, Xiao Qiangwei looked at the TV in front of her, with a bitter smile on her face, and muttered to herself, "Brother-in-law, what exactly do you want to do?"

Xiao Qiangwei's personal bodyguard Meng Jing's small face was also full of bitterness, her eyes seemed a little at a loss as she stared at the screen, thinking, Master, is that really you?


In a certain room of Qingyun Building, Li Zedao, Nanji and Shadow sat there with ugly faces, staring at the TV screen in front of them.

"What exactly does he want to do?" Li Zedao muttered to himself, frowning.

"Nonsense, of course continue to smear the old king!" Shadow glared at Li Zedao, his face was full of evil spirits, wishing to kill the fake old king who appeared on the screen!

Li Zedao frowned and shook his head. He didn't think what Shadow said was right, because it was unnecessary!

When this blue-eyed foreigner put on the mask of Master and appeared in the island country and gave the snake head to His Majesty the Emperor of the island country as a birthday gift, Wang Zi was completely a traitor. What crime could be compared to this crime? heavier? I'm afraid there is no more, and he will be put on the pillar of shame forever.

In other words, if the other party wanted to completely discredit Master, then their goal would have been achieved long ago.

And now, this guy is going to pay homage to the Jinguo Shrine, nothing more than brushing black paint on the already dark body of the master, you can't make him darker at all, so, now this move , It's just superfluous.

Unless, the other party's entry into the Jingying Shrine was not for the purpose of paying homage to those scumbags, but for other purposes.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the guy pretending to be the master is a descendant of a war criminal inside, so he wants to go in and pay homage, but this kind of possibility is simply minimal.

"I'm with you!" Nanji looked at Li Zedao and said. Because the Antarctic mask was burned in that fire, so this time I sneaked into the Jinguo Shrine to seize the snake head, killed Junichi Ito and Li Zedao decided to go by himself.

Nanji also agreed, but now there is a huge change, that is, the fake Wang Zi is about to leave the palace and enter the Jingguo Shrine to pay homage, so the opportunity to kill him has come.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I'll just go by myself, you'll meet me outside."

"But..." Anji was a little worried, "When the time comes, you might have to face the attack of two people."

"Don't worry, I really won't be able to fight in the end, and I won't be foolish enough to run as fast as I can." Li Zedao said with a smile, "It's easier to escape alone than two."

Nanji thinks about it too. If Li Zedao really needs to escape for his life, then she will really be a burden to follow. Performing this kind of mission is different from fighting. In many cases, it is not that the more people the better, many times people The more scruples there are, the more likely the task will fail.

Immediately nodded, and no longer persisted.

"You must protect yourself." She said, her tone was very domineering.

"Of course, I have to come back to sleep with you." Li Zedao chuckled.

"Get out!" Nanji Qiao blushed and cursed.

Shadow trembled, and murmured, "Damn it, you idiot, Sister Nanji, you are so pissed, you have goosebumps all over your body."

Nanji gave her a blank look and said nothing.

The shadow was blowing bubbles, and its big eyes were sweeping back and forth on Li Zedao's face: "Big fool, stretch out your hand."

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao became a little vigilant, last time this poor girl asked her to stretch out her hand, but when she stretched out her hand, she simply took a bite on it, and then said that her teeth were itchy.

"Damn it, if I tell you to stick it out, just stick it out obediently, what a fart!" Shadow scolded angrily.

Li Zedao quickly stretched out his hand obediently, and his heart was already filled with emotion.

I saw that the shadow took off the watch on her wrist that released a strong current in an instant, and then put it on Li Zedao's wrist seriously.

When he came to the island country, Shadow brought a lot of these watches, and even gave Li Zedao twenty of them in a very bold breath. However, except for the one that always stayed on Shadow's wrist, the others All of them were reduced to ashes in the fire at Laowang Hot Spring Hotel.

That is to say, this watch is the sharp weapon that Shadow relies on most, and it may save her life at a critical moment, but now, she took it off and put it on Li Zedao's wrist.

"Just wear it, I don't need it." Li Zedao said, wanting to take off the watch.

"Damn, if you dare to pick it off, this genius girl will whip your ass to pieces!" Shadow stared at Li Zedao pretending to be fierce and said, and then his eyes were full of sadness, "Master is gone , Lao Wang is gone, I only have you left, if you are gone, what should I do?"

"You still have Antarctica." Li Zedao smiled softly.

"Damn it, of course this talented and beautiful girl knows it, but don't you think that if you added the words 'and Anji sister' to the sentence just now, the atmosphere would not be so solemn and sad?" Shadow was a little contemptuous.

Li Zedao was stunned for a while, thought for a while, and said thoughtfully: "It seems to be true, you are too powerful."

"That's right, don't you see who the beautiful girl is today?" Satisfied, Shadow chewed his gum and blew out a big bubble.

Nanji looked at Li Zedao, then at the shadow, and had the urge to slap these two little kids to death.


The next day I was going to sneak into the Jinguo Shrine, so I met Katsuta Taro that night, and then followed him to a luxurious villa, planning to stay here for one night, and then pretended to be Katsuta the next day Taro's bodyguard, personal assistant, etc., set off for Jinguo Shrine.

Because His Majesty the Emperor and Prime Minister Kojunichiro will lead a group of influential people into the shrine for worship the next day, Michiko Katsuta and other security personnel in the shrine must do their best to ensure that during this period There won't be any problems in the shrine. In addition, she had to find a chance to complete what Li Zedao told her, so she didn't come out.

"Master, would you like some red wine? There are a lot of valuable red wine hidden here." Katsuta Taro nodded, and said respectfully. It was a living slave serving his master, so that the kind-hearted Li Zedao felt a little sorry, thinking It seems that it is quite fun to start brushing people like this... Uh, no, it is quite cruel!

"If you need women to serve you, I'll let them in right away. Master, you can choose the one you like." Katsuta Taro said immediately.

"...This, no need, I need to meditate at night." Li Zedao said with a straight face. I was about to cry in my heart, damn, is there such a tempting thing to make a mistake?

Don't you know that I, Li Zedao, can refuse anything, but I can't refuse temptation.

Katsuta Taro expressed admiration on his face, a master is a master, he refused fine wine and beautiful women so simply, no wonder his sister hit a wall on him, but she failed to seduce her several times.

Immediately said: "Yes, master, this way please, I will take you to the room to rest, if there is anything I need to do later, please tell me at any time."

Li Zedao asked seemingly unintentionally: "When I was at the door just now, I noticed a dark figure hiding in a dark corner, who is he?"

"Oh, master, he is Sakuragi Takumi, a member of our Katsuta family, and a well-known sword master in the island country. Of course, there is no way to compare with masters like you, master." Katsuta Taro flattered him.

"I want to compete with him." Li Zedao put forward his idea. When he just entered this villa, Li Zedao felt the aura emanating from that black eagle, which seemed to be a bit like the sword master who ambushed him in Lao Wang's family hotel. Therefore, Li Zedao wanted to confirm that if If it's really him, then... I'm sorry.

"This..." Katsuta Taro was stunned for a moment, he never thought that this guy would not drink expensive red wine and play with beautiful women, but would play with knives.

"Have any difficulties?" Li Zedao frowned.

Seeing that the master was about to get angry, Katsuta Taro was startled and hurriedly said: "Oh, this is no problem, master, Sakuragi Takumi is a retainer of our Katsuta family, he must listen to me, I will let him Come in and compete with the master."

"Go." Li Zedao waved his hands, and then slowly closed his eyes with an inscrutable expression on his face.

Katsuta Taro nodded respectfully, turned and left to go outside, and someone called Sakuragi Takumi over.

"Master Katsuta." Sakuragi Takumi, who was dressed in a traditional kimono, nodded and said.

"Uncle Takumi, I am entertaining a very important... friend, you know that." Katsuta Taro said. For the sake of face, he didn't call Li Zedao "Master" in front of his subordinates, and Li Zedao also acquiesced in his actions, too lazy to care about such trivial matters.

"Yes, Master Katsuta." Sakuragi Takumi said. Seeing Master Katsuta's attitude and expression being so respectful, he knew that the master's friend had a great background, and Sakuragi Takumi also looked at him in the dark, thinking that he was very similar to his idol, Mr. Kato, but he was more like Kato The teacher is younger and more wretched.

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