The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1072 Want to live or die

"Do you want to live or die?" Jun Ito asked after taking a look at Michiko Katsuta, his tone was almost flat, like asking whether to eat noodles or rice tonight.

He knows this woman very well, not only his body, but also her soul. He knows that this obscene woman cares most about life and death, and she doesn't care that the person who sleeps with her tonight is a man Or a few men and even a dog.

"Master... Michiko was wrong, spare Michiko... Michiko would not dare to be around..." Katsuta Michiko struggled and knelt down begging for mercy with a pale face.

For Michiko, this multiple-choice question is too easy to choose, why would she want to die? As for the love with Maori Kogoro, what kind of chivalrous gods and gods will become with him, just like Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv in China... Baga, go to hell with everything!

"Because you have served me for so long, I can give you a chance to live." Junichi Ito said.

"Thank you, master... Thank you, master..." Michiko Katsuta of course understood what Junichi Ito meant. If you confess, you will live, and if you don't confess, you will die.

So Zai didn't dare to hide anything, and told the story of meeting Mori Kogoro on the Niso and being coerced by him. Of course, she made a small change to the incident, such as Said, Ito Yoshitake and Ito Ryoko, as well as Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Ozawa were all killed by that Mori Kogoro.

Now Michiko Katsuda understands that Junichi Ito doesn't mind at all that she gets together with Yoshitake Ito and Yoshitake Ito's old son Shinichi Ito, and naturally he doesn't mind her sleeping with her father and younger brother, so this It's okay to let him know about such a shameful thing, besides, Ito Junichi has to know that she was coerced because she was filmed on video.

"Mori Kogoro? That detective?" Junichi Ito frowned. He is not a fan of comics, he only occasionally heard people say that there is a very stupid detective named Mori Kogoro, but he never thought that this is a virtual character created by No. 1.

"No, master, he's not a detective, he's a Maori swordsman." Michiko said, "Mori Kogoro said that you were the master who killed him all over the family back then, so you wanted to seek revenge from you, and he gave the medicine to Michiko Yes, threaten Michiko to drug the master, otherwise, he will spread the video..."

Michiko burst into tears, looking helpless: "Michiko was scared, so I had to put the medicine he gave me in my master's diet, but Michiko was really afraid that something would happen to my master, so I didn't dare to put too much... Master, Michiko was wrong, please punish Michiko, master."

Junichi Ito didn't pay attention to Michiko Katsuda's tearful performance at all, but frowned slightly and muttered to himself: "Mori Yidao? I killed him all over the house? By the way,

It seems that the island country does not have such a martial arts school, right? "

The island country does not have such a martial arts sect, which means that the identity of Mori Kogoro is fake, which means that his ultimate goal is not revenge at all, so what is his goal?

Junichi Ito suddenly remembered an old saying in Huaxia, which is called, the drunkard's intention is not to drink!

"Did he ask you to kill me because he wanted to sneak into Jinguo Shrine?" Junichi Ito asked.

"Master Mingjian." Michiko Katsuta said quickly, "That daring lunatic Mori Kogoro really tried to break into the Jinguo Shrine, he wanted to disguise himself as my brother Katsuta Taro's personal bodyguard or assistant, sneak in, and then hide In the Museum of Treasures, look for a chance to give the master a fatal blow, so as to avenge the master! The other madman also gave Michiko several miniature cameras, and asked Michiko to install them in every corner of the shrine, so that his accomplices can monitor the whole The situation inside the shrine is convenient for him to escape."

Jun Ito nodded and said, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Master, what Michiko said is the truth, Michiko dare not lie to the master." Katsuta Michiko hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Did he tell you anything else?" Junichi Ito asked.

In Ito Junichi's view, if the other party didn't come to kill him to avenge the teacher, then there were only three things planned.

First, he is a spy trained by other countries, because His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister’s visit to the Jinguo Shrine aroused their anger, so they sent spies over to destroy the Jinguo Shrine.

The second is the snake head from Huaxia. The other party was sent by Huaxia with the ultimate goal of stealing the snake head.

As for the third point... Junichi Ito felt in his arms, touched the box in his inner pocket, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's just that there is too little information after all, so Junichi Ito is not very good at judging why the opponent is here, and naturally there is no way to make better defensive measures.

So, Michiko Katsuta hurriedly killed the other party to the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi, provoked a conflict between the Yamaguchi-gumi and Dongtu, and finally used the Yamaguchi-gumi to tell the story of killing the police.

"Huaxia..." Jun Ito had a thoughtful expression on his face. After all, only the Huaxia side would want to destroy Dongtu and preserve Qingyun's gang composed of Huaxia people, then the opponent's purpose is almost ready to be revealed, this time the opponent is targeting the snake head!

Michiko Katsuta opened her mouth, and just wanted to tell him that Kogoro Mori also mentioned something about the safety button, but when she remembered that she seemed to have told the owner about the safety button, would the master be angry? So obediently shut up.

Of course, it was also because she didn't say anything about the Pingan deduction, so Junichi Ito completely believed in his heart that the other party was an agent sent by Huaxia, and his purpose was to steal the snake's head from Jingguo Shrine!

As for the other party having an island face and a very authentic island name, he must be an island? The hand of God can be fake, why can't this Maori Kogoro be fake? Therefore, Junichi Ito decided that the other party was a Chinese man wearing the face of an islander, just like the current Hand of God!

"You said, the other party gave you a camera, have you set it up?" Junichi Ito asked.

"No, master, Michiko originally wanted to arrange it secretly in the middle of the night." Michiko Katsuta replied truthfully.

Junichi Ito waved his hand and said, "Go and resettle now."

"Master..." Michiko Katsuda's face changed drastically, he thought Junichi Ito was talking ironically, "Michiko is wrong, please forgive Michiko this time..."

"I'll get someone to help you," Junichi Ito said.



Late at night, Katsuta Taro's villa was brightly lit.

Katsuta Taro sat there with a tense face, he didn't dare to go to sleep at all, he was afraid that as soon as he closed his eyes, someone would throw a * on him, and then... there would be no more! Everyone is blown into a pair of minced meat, and what a fart! Even, he didn't dare to be too far away from Kogoro Mori's room. If someone really came to kill him, he might be able to come out in time to save himself if he was closer to Kogoro Mori.

Katsuta Taro actually wanted to enter Mori Kogoro's room to sleep with him, but he was afraid that he would cut himself off with a knife, so he didn't even dare to mention it.

At the same time, his bodyguards surrounded him to protect him, all holding the pistols in their hands, and waiting for the battle. After all, even a master like Takumi Sakuragi fell, let alone them who are better than Sakuragi. Mu Tuohai is a weak person, they can't help but not be nervous, any disturbance can seriously stimulate their nerves.

But at this time, Li Zedao was lying comfortably on the big soft bed, but he didn't feel like sleeping. He was waiting for a call, waiting for Shadow's call.

Just like the cooperation in Amsterdam, this operation requires the cooperation of the shadow.

After Michiko Katsuda placed all the miniature cameras she gave him in every corner of Jinguo Shrine, Shadow could immediately use the handheld computer on hand to monitor the whole Jinguo Shrine. Where is the situation, Li Zedao, and where should he escape after he succeeds.

And they made an agreement that when Michiko Katsuda installed all the miniature cameras and Shadow could capture the internal images, Shadow would immediately call himself.

But now that Shadow hasn't called, it proves that Michiko Katsuta hasn't installed those tiny cameras yet.

However, Li Zedao is not in a hurry. After all, there are still about five hours before dawn. That is to say, Michiko still has at least five hours to install these cameras. He believes that Michiko will definitely do well, because, for the other party This kind of sensuality and his own charm, Li Zedao is still very confident!

Finally, a call came, but it was from Michiko Katsuta, and Li Zedao picked up the call.

"Master, I have already installed the camera you gave me." Michiko Katsuta's voice came over.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Li Zedao said.

"Master, are you really going to take Michiko to wander around the world?" Michiko asked.

"...Of course." Li Zedao said, and then he was so disgusted by his answer, he felt that he was really a beast, how could he deceive girls like this.

"Michiko is really happy." Michiko Katsuta said, "I'm so happy that I'm going to lose sleep tonight...Master, I will secretly report to you about the sword demon tomorrow. You must hide it, don't be too early exposed his tracks."

"I will." Being cared by such a girl, it's a lie to feel uncomfortable. It's a pity that she has such a background, and she still has so many bad records, Li Zedao would never sleep with such a woman.

"Well, master, good night." Michiko Katsuta's beautiful and sweet voice came through, "Remember... dreaming of Michiko."

Dreaming about your sister! Li Zedao was speechless, but he said something that even made him feel sick: "I will...good night."

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