The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1091 Falling Into Turmoil

After returning to Qingyun Building, the shadow who ran out to greet him saw that Li Zedao was holding a girl in a traditional Japanese kimono in his hand, his happy little face suddenly pulled down, and he scolded in annoyance Said: "Damn it, big fool, you really brought back that shameless bitch? What if the Antarctic sister is infected with syphilis, gonorrhea or even AIDS? Medicine can save people but kill them..."

Li Zedao had black lines on his face.

Nanji, who just got off the car, almost fell to the ground with his legs limp, and immediately shouted with a dark face, "Shut up!"

Shadow's small face was full of grievances, he kicked the snow on the ground and muttered: "Huh, everyone is thinking about your life and safety, you are still aggressive, hate, hate, ignore you ..."

Then he stared fiercely at the adulterer and prostitute standing in front, and had the urge to rush over, then take off his shoes and slap them to death!

Nanji was simply amused by the action of the shadow. With doting eyes, she walked up to her, pinched her pink face and explained: "You misunderstood, the one in Li Zedao's arms is not the island woman , it’s Zhou Qian, we’ve already rescued her.”

"Zhou Qian? What Zhou Qian..." Shadow froze for a moment, looked at the woman who was hugged by Li Zedao, his eyes widened, "Is that Zhou Qian who was taken captive to the island country?"

Shadow knows a little about Zhou Qian. She knows that when the big fool returns to the island country, besides destroying Dongtu, the most important thing is to bring back a girl named Zhou Qian. As for sneaking into the Jingguo Shrine and bringing out the snake's head afterwards, it was an emergency and had to be done.

Shadow has also seen Zhou Qian's photos, she is very pure and delicate... oh, it's just not as good as herself. No, no, for the harmony of the family, so, um, as pure, delicate and charming as myself, the two of them are on par.

For what happened to this girl, the kind-hearted shadow was also very sympathetic and worried, and even scolded Li Zedao for being a bastard at that time, for failing to protect her well and causing her to be robbed! One day, if you fail to protect this talented and beautiful girl and cause this talented and beautiful girl to be robbed, you will die.

Li Zedao said that you are safe, and the shadow was so angry that Li Zedao was so shocked that he was foaming at the mouth and knelt down begging for mercy, so he let him go triumphantly.

"It's her." Nanji said.

Then Shadow felt a little embarrassed, and said to Li Zedao who was looking at him speechlessly: "Damn, you idiot, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Zedao looked up at the somewhat gloomy sky,

With a look of helplessness: "To borrow your words, motherfucker, did you give me a chance?"

"I've given it." Shadow put his hands on his hips, and said confidently, "This talented and beautiful girl has already given it in her heart."


He Xiaoyang came out to greet him, and when he saw Li Zedao hugging an island girl tightly in his hand, he sighed in his heart, "Old sister, this kid has so many women, and in terms of appearance, he is not among you." Next, in terms of age, it crushes you by several blocks, so don't take it upon yourself, okay?

Immediately said: "I have ordered you to go down... Is there something going to happen?"

Before the Diaoyu Island incident, large demonstrations broke out in many parts of China, and many island countries' industries in China were smashed. The island country's car was overturned by angry people, and even bloodshed broke out.

At that time, while the Chinese people were protesting against the island country, the people of the island country were actually doing the same thing. Many people who lived or traveled in the island country were also attacked by the people of the island country.

Could that kind of thing happen again?

Li Zedao glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Jingguo Shrine is on fire right now."

"..." He Xiaoyang's eyes straightened instantly, his face was extremely stupid. By the time he realized it, Li Zedao had already gone in with that island girl in his arms.

" fucking handsome!" He Xiaoyang muttered to himself with bubbling eyes, "Old sister, pick him up! Pick him up! Pick him up! I want this kind of person to be my brother-in-law!"

Well, even though Li Zedao never said that he had something to do with the fire at the Jingying Shrine, He Xiaoyang decided that he set it on fire! If anyone dares to say that he didn't set the fire, He Xiaoyang will be anxious with him!


It took only a few hours from the time when the core building of the Jinguo Shrine, the Zhenling Temple, was destroyed by fire, to when the news spread throughout the entire island country and even the entire world.

Many people in the island country are dumbfounded, and they can't believe that this is true at all. That is the Jingguo Shrine. The Jingguo Shrine guarded by the sword demon Ito Junichi, who is known as the number one master in the island country, caught fire and turned into a Pile of ashes?

Even His Majesty the Emperor and Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi led many government officials and entrepreneurs to visit the Jinguo Shrine. Looking at the time, why did Jinguo Shrine catch fire not long after they left?

Besides, are the guards inside all retarded? Are the fire prevention measures and fire extinguishing measures inside all attractive?

Quite a few people over there poked their chests, stamped their feet and burst into tears, probably because their own father died, and that's all there is to it, right? More people were angry, they didn't care about going to work, eating, or busying themselves with women. They rushed to the streets, stormed the government office building, and clashed with the police.

The hoarse protests, the destruction of public facilities, and even the burning of tires and cars, strongly expressed their dissatisfaction, anger, and the inaction of the government, the inaction of the Ito family in charge of the Jinguo Shrine.

The Ito family, who were originally high and mighty, were roasted on the fire, bearing the anger of the people all over the country, and some even flocked to the Ito family's mansion, throwing rotten eggs on the gate, splashing paint, and peeing ... If it weren't for the members of the Ito family led by Shinichi Ito, who were basically skilled, and the police arrived in time, they would have been beaten to death by the angry crowd long ago.

It can be said that the entire island country has fallen into chaos in just a few hours after the fire broke out.

Katsuta Taro, who was drinking red wine elegantly, got the news, his body trembled suddenly, and he collapsed on the chair directly. He only felt that the blood on his body was completely frozen. His face was already bloodless.

Baga, the Zhenling Society was actually burned down by a fire? What did Kogoro Mori do? Baga, this lunatic! The madman!

Katsuta Taro can imagine that if one day this Mori Kogoro was caught, wouldn't he who helped him infiltrate himself be killed by the angry island people? At that time, Nisuo will also collapse!

idiot! idiot! Katsuta Taro, trembling, smashed the red wine in his hand at his coquettish and coquettish secretary...


The cabinet government headed by Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi then urgently held a press conference to announce the matter.

At the press conference, Ichiro Koizumi had a stern face and scarlet eyes, and he said in a heavy voice: "Just a few hours ago, something happened that shocked us, made us sad, and made us feel extremely angry ... There are several unidentified terrorists... yes, terrorists, they sneaked into the Jinguo Shrine after His Majesty the Emperor and we left after visiting the Jinguo Shrine, and they slaughtered several Jinguo Shrines The security personnel, even Mr. Junichi Ito, the chief minister, shed the last drop of blood for the country, for the Yasukuni Shrine, he... died for the country!"

Then, Koizumi Ichiro stood up with those officials and bowed deeply, that was a memorial to the samurai!

Those reporters were all shocked, and the masses of people watching the TV, and the vast number of netizens were also shocked. They didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this, and they didn't expect that Junichi Ito, the number one master in the island country, would die in battle. They were shocked. Afterwards they grieved, and after grieving, they became even more angry, angrily condemning those terrorists who deserved to be killed with a thousand knives.

"In the end, this group of terrorists burned down the Zhenling Society with a torch in a frenzied manner...We regard this kind of behavior of the terrorists as the most serious provocation, and we will also carry out the ultimate punishment on the forces behind them Severe sanctions..."

"After an urgent investigation and search, we found a major clue, that is, the snake head presented to His Majesty the Emperor as a birthday gift by Wang Zi Kojiro, who is now a duke and the prince's teacher, is no longer in the Treasure Pavilion, lost Yes, these terrorists not only murdered and set fire, but also stole the snake's head... We believe that this incident must have been premeditated long ago, and we also believe that these terrorists were controlled by someone Instigated by a country, this kind of thing is done, and its purpose is self-evident..."

Koizumi Ichiro said in a high-pitched tone of grief and indignation: "This is a provocation, a serious provocation, and this is an attempt to provoke a war! After the truth of the matter is found out, we will carry out the most severe protest..."

Then all countries in the world, whether they are smart or stupid, will know that Ichiro Koizumi is talking about China... Although he did not say the word "Huaxia" at the press conference!

"Patriot" Wang Zi gave the snake head to His Majesty the Emperor to express his loyalty, and then he became Duke Wang Zi Kojiro in one fell swoop, and even became the prince's teacher, and even visited Jinguo with Emperor Hirohito The shrine, the Huaxia side was angry and did such a thing... It is reasonable!

Besides, it's not slander out of thin air, but "conclusive evidence" isn't it?

As a result, those islanders who were parading in the streets to protest became even more crazy. They pointed their finger at China and began to attack the industries of those Chinese people. Fortunately, because someone had already secretly told them that something big would happen, they were asked to go to the embassy temporarily Or Qingyun's headquarters and branches took refuge, so the personalities of these Huaxia people were not threatened, but the loss of property was inevitable.

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