"It's me." Li Zedao said, "I didn't expect the majestic Young Master Shengtian to recognize my voice. I'm so honored."

"Baga, you bastard, even if you were burned to ashes and eaten by a dog, and then the dog pulled it out and turned into a piece of shit, I can still recognize you!" Katsuta Taro slandered in his heart.

Immediately asked: "This...isn't your phone?"

"No." Li Zedao said, "This is your master Kogoro's phone number. He is beside me now. He wants to see you."

Katsuta Taro had an extremely bad feeling in his heart: "Where is this... I'll go there..."

"No need, just ask someone to open the iron gate of the villa where you live." Li Zedao said, "I'm almost there."


Two minutes later, the gate of the villa, which was patrolled and protected by many bodyguards with stern faces and alert eyes, was slowly opened, and then a black suv without a license plate drove in slowly, and finally stood Katsuta Taro stopped slowly in front of a flower garden.

Then, the door of the villa was slowly closed again.

After working hard for a long time, Taro Katsuta waved his hand with still an unsightly expression on his face. The men in black clothes standing behind him and around him dispersed. Without Taro Katsuta's order, he would not take a step closer to this car. , As for who is in the car and what kind of mystery Taro Katsuta is playing, it is beyond the reach of these bodyguards.

Katsuta Taro took a deep breath, then opened the passenger's door and got in the car.

Looking at this younger and far less handsome face than his own, Katsuta Taro wanted to punch him. Every time he sees this bastard, nothing good happens. Nothing good either.

Then, Katsuta Taro saw Mori Kogoro lying in the back seat again, but at this time, Mori Kogoro's condition did not look very good.

He didn't move, his eyes were closed, his hair was messy, there were wounds on his body, blood was still pouring out, his face was smeared with blood, he looked like he was seriously injured, even Katsuta Taro couldn't seem to feel his breath.

Seriously injured? And by the looks of it, is he dying? No wonder he gave Li Zedao the phone and asked him to call himself.

While secretly slandering this badass in his heart, he quickly died, but on the other hand, Kogoro Mouri had just the right amount of worry on his face: "Master...Master..."

Mori Kogoro remained motionless,

There was no reaction at all.

Then Katsuta Taro looked anxiously at Li Ze and said, "What's the matter, master? Why didn't you send him to the hospital immediately? No, I'll send him to the hospital right away..."

"He's already dead." Li Zedao took a look at this hypocritical guy whose acting skills were compared with his sister's, and said in a sad tone, "After I finished talking with you on the phone, he swallowed the last One breath."

Look, my acting skills can beat him by several blocks!

"Dead?" Katsuta Taro was overjoyed suddenly, but his face became extremely ugly, "Who did it? Who is it?"

"You don't know?" Li Zedao asked back.

"Junichi Ito? Those guards of Jinguo Shrine?" Katsuta Taro expressed grief, "After the Zhenling Shrine caught fire, I have been inquiring about the master's news. I thought the master escaped successfully, but I didn't expect it now ..."

"Okay, don't act in front of me. I feel disgusted when you do this." Li Zedao said coldly, "I don't believe it. After you heard that he died just now, you didn't feel happy in your heart. Ga finally died."

Katsuta Taro's face was hot, and he felt like he had been slapped several times. Why is this guy so vicious? At the moment, he exhaled deeply and said, "Zedao, the master is dead...I am very sad."

Katsuta Taro began to think about it, to see if there was a chance, and kill that bastard Li Zedao, so that no one could threaten him with that damn video.

"Well, since you are so shameless, I will reluctantly believe what you say." Li Zedao patted him on the shoulder and said, "I met Mori Kogoro a long time ago, and we are very good friends. He is your master, and as his good friend, I also have the video that Kogoro gave me, which is enough for you to crucify you on the pillar of shame, so I can also be regarded as your half master, right?"

"..." Katsuta Taro didn't say anything, he hated this bastard so much in his heart that he almost couldn't hold back and asked the bodyguard to come over and kill the dog and then feed the body to the dog.

"Oh, by the way, he gave me another video." Li Zedao said, then took out a mobile phone, opened a video, and placed it in front of Katsuta Taro.

Katsuta Taro glanced at Li Zedao, then his eyes fell on the phone screen, and a very bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Sure enough, the contents of the video screen made his eyeballs almost fall out of fright, and he almost couldn't hold back in fright, and peed directly.

In the picture, his elder sister Michiko Katsuta picked up the candlestick full of kerosene, blew out the candle, and then sprinkled all the kerosene inside on the flammable wooden utensils and cloth cotton tents, and then He picked up another candlestick and threw it on top.

Then, fire up!

"Ito Junichi, you actually watched your son Ito Shinichi and your grandson Ito Yoshitake unite to rape me, and you turned the Jinguo Shrine into your prostitute, I hate you!" Her voice Said viciously.

Katsuta Taro has completely looked like an idiot, and it was Michiko Katsuta who set fire to the Zhenling Society? And the reason for setting fire is so bloody...

"The video of incest may bring a big blow to the Katsuta family and Nisuo, and now that Junichi Ito is dead, the once powerful Ito family will soon perish, and there is no way to pose any threat to you , so even if the video broke out, you Katsuta Taro can still live a good life, much more nourishing than most people." Li Zedao said coldly, "However, if the video you saw now is released ..."

"No...don't..." Katsuta Taro turned pale with fright.

"Now Koizumi Ichiro's dog is barking over there, saying that some terrorists sent by Huaxia broke into the Jingying Shrine, stole some snake heads, and burned the Zhenling Shrine with a torch..." Li Zedao said , "As a bloody Chinese, how can I see my dear motherland take the blame?"

"...Master, I will be your dog from now on. If you ask me to bark, I will bark. If you ask me to bite, I will bite... If you ask me to bark, I will bark. Wangwang..." Taro Katsuta began Here comes the barking dog.

In the face of life, the so-called dignity has become so insignificant, the noble son who is usually aloof at the moment lowers his head humbly, and has turned into a dog very well.

"Oh, I'm patriotic." Li Zedao reached out and patted Katsuta Taro's face, and said coldly, "But I also need a dog... so embarrassing!"

Katsuta Taro didn't dare to evade this kind of face slapping with strong humiliation, and let the other party slap his face again and again. Although it didn't hurt, it was extremely hot.

"Oh, yes, my little island..."

"... Tonight, I can take care of this matter." Katsuta Taro said hastily.

Li Zedao nodded in satisfaction, picked up a tissue from the car and wiped his hands, as if he had dirty his hands with a slap on Katsuta Taro's face before, and said: "Then let's do it tonight... Besides, You have also seen it, because your Prime Minister Koizumi Ichiro, who is no different from a dog, barked over there, so now, as soon as I appear on the street, I am thrown by those crazy people with rotten eggs, let alone Said he left the island country..."

"Master, this is a trivial matter. I will arrange it. Master can leave the island country at any time." Katsuta Taro said quickly. This person is really born to be godly and cheap! In less than a minute, he has already mastered the skill of how to be a dog.

"Very good." Li Zedao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Oh, by the way, the music listening device and the laptop I took away from the store last time, you are sending someone a set of them."

As he said that, Li Zedao looked at Katsuta Taro, the murderous look in his eyes flashed, and those things before were all reduced to ashes in the fire.

Lao Wang, also in that fire, was burned to coke, not even coke, just a puddle of hard dust that no one knew what kind of creature it was.

And the one who set the fire was this obedient dog now! It's not that Li Zedao didn't want to kill him, he just wanted to extort something more before killing him.

For example, the private island, as well as the current music listening devices and laptops.

Although he didn't know what this bastard wanted those two things for, Katsuta Taro didn't dare to violate anything now, so he quickly took out his cell phone and started making a call.

A few minutes later, a man in black came towards the car with the two things Katsuta Taro asked for. Katsuta Taro got out of the car quickly, took the things in his hand, and then waved his hand to tell him to hurry up. Get out, just take that thing and get in the car.

"Master, what you want."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "Put your things down, you can get out of the car, let someone open the iron door, I will find a place to see my good friend for the last time..."

"Okay, master." Katsuta Taro quickly rolled out of the car. If Li Zedao threw the corpse to him, he would have a great headache. Fortunately, he would dispose of the corpse.

After getting out of the car, he hurriedly asked someone to open the iron door, and then watched the car slowly drive out of the courtyard with a respectful expression, and finally disappeared from his sight.

"Baga, Baga..." His face suddenly changed, as if he had fallen into madness, and then he cried.

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