The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1105 Touching Porcelain

Li Zedao took Zhou Qian's hand, and the two walked side by side on Wangfujing Street in Yanjing. This street starts from East Chang'an Street in the south and ends at the National Art Museum of China in the north. It is about 1,600 meters long and is the most famous street in Yanjing. commercial street.

Like DJ's Ginza and Champs Elysees in Paris, Wangfujing Commercial Street has long been famous. Visiting Wangfujing is as essential as climbing the Great Wall.

And with the passage of time, Zhou Qian's shyness became less and less, and her whole heart seemed to be wrapped in honey, which was extremely sweet.

And unlike other couples who are also shopping, the other girls are looking around with great interest, and then go into the store they like, while her boyfriend is carrying big bags and small bags. A face follows behind.

But Zhou Qian didn't look left and right, looked up at Li Zedao from time to time, then smiled shyly, and quickly lowered her head to look at her feet. Occasionally when she looked at Li Zedao, she found that Li Zedao was also smiling. When looking at her, her face will instantly blush, which is truly alluring.

"Choose a watch for your father. As for your mother and your future sister-in-law, it would be more appropriate to buy a set of high-end cosmetics... What do you think?" Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and smiled.

"Yeah." Zhou Qian nodded lightly without any objection, and Brother Zedao can say whatever he wants. This girl is so gentle and submissive that you really want to hug her tightly so that she won't get hurt in the slightest.

"Then let's go." Li Zedao smiled, then took Zhou Qian's little hand and walked into the big shopping mall on the side.

Li Zedao didn't ask Zhou Qian what she meant. After all, this girl didn't have any ideas when she was with him. Of course, it's best to buy an original watch from the island country, at least it must be an island brand. You go to the island country to bring it What came back was a watch made in Huaxia, what's going on? After returning to China, just buy a piece of perfunctory?

Now Dao took Zhou Qian to Citizen's counter, picked a watch suitable for Zhou's father, thought about it, and provoked a watch suitable for Zhou's mother and a watch suitable for young women, he was really too lazy to buy cosmetics or something Yes, so I might as well give them all watches.

After buying the watch, Li Zedao took Zhou Qian's small hand and continued to dangle, glanced to the left inadvertently, opened his eyes slightly, and saw an acquaintance, who wanted to make fun of himself but he was not the kind A random man, so she didn't date a woman.

The most important thing is that she obviously encountered some difficulties now, so Li Zedao had to come forward.


He Xiaoyue was very depressed.

As early as when she was in the island country, she had heard the name of Wangfujing in Yanjing. Although it was not as famous as the Ginza she was familiar with, it was still a very famous existence. Therefore, as soon as she left the airport, she took a taxi to this famous street. The commercial street is here. After all, she will be living in this luxurious city for a long time, so she wants to buy some clothes and necessities first.

But what she didn't expect was that before she started shopping, she encountered something that made her extremely depressed.

Just now, she saw that the old man was sitting on the ground as if he had low blood sugar or sprained his ankle. In line with the principle of respecting the old and caring for the young, she hurried forward to help him up, Unexpectedly, she was caught by a middle-aged couple who followed behind. They said angrily that she had knocked their father down.

"Sir, your father really wasn't knocked down by me, but he himself fell down accidentally. I was just going to help him." He Xiaoyue explained with a trace of helplessness on her face. Things, she had already slapped them, and even sent people to hack them to death.

But this is Huaxia, He Xiaoyue can't lose her temper too much, and she can't get someone to kill people, she can only explain patiently, and now the situation can't be understood, she has encountered the legendary Pengci.

Pengci, which originally belonged to the Yanjing dialect, generally refers to some opportunistic and blackmailing behaviors, such as intentionally colliding with a motor vehicle to defraud compensation, or like now, an old man just fell down and insisted that you were knocked down of.

He Xiaoyue didn't expect that she would be so unlucky. As soon as she arrived in Yanjing, she encountered such troubles.

At the same time, the old man was really cooperative, he just slumped on the ground without getting up, kept his mouth shut, and said "Ouch" from time to time, as if he was in pain.

"If you said you didn't hit it, then you didn't hit it? Who can testify? As long as someone can testify, I promise I won't say anything about you. We are also reasonable people." The middle-aged woman obviously didn't believe He Xiaoyue's words. After some rhetoric, the mouth chattered endlessly, which obviously meant that today's charge of assaulting someone would be fulfilled.

"You?" He Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes, extremely depressed, and looked at the people watching the excitement around her. These people either avoided her eyes to show that they didn't see them, or their eyes flickered with an inexplicable light from time to time. Staring at her breasts and her hips, she is a big pervert. How can anyone testify for her?

"If no one testifies, I will lose money obediently. I have to take my dad to the hospital quickly. Damn, the old man who was hit by you like this will not be broken? The old man also has heart disease and high blood pressure. What if something happens? , you are responsible for everything!" The middle-aged man standing next to the woman looked at He Xiaoyue very unhappy and said.

The middle-aged man sneered in his heart, you, a fashionable and coquettish bitch, looks like a foreigner and a rich man at first glance, isn't this making cheap and making mistakes? This time I met the God of Wealth, I'd be really sorry if I didn't blackmail you hard, I'd just treat it as robbing the rich and giving to the poor... Damn, Mi-Mi is really big...

He Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed. She didn't like the eyes of this wretched guy very much. It's the same sentence. If someone in the island country dared to stare at her so unreasonably, those people in Qingyun would have raised their hands. The machete went through. Immediately said coldly: "Tell me, how much do you want?"

The middle-aged man's eyes widened. This woman's cruelty made him very unhappy: "Damn, it's amazing to be rich. If you have money, you can knock people down at will. Sister, let me tell you, It's not a matter of money or not..."

"I'm not your sister." He Xiaoyue said coldly, "Since it's not about money, then call the police and let the police handle it." Saying that, He Xiaoyue took out her phone from the bag and was about to call Call the police.

The coldness in the eyes of the middle-aged man flashed by, and at the same time, he slammed his big hand towards the phone... Damn you, when I want to blackmail you, you obediently get caught, you bitch. It’s fine, anyway, 50,000,000 is just a few bags for evil rich people like you, isn’t it? Why are you calling the police? You called the police, how dare I blackmail you in front of the police uncle? The old man sat on the ground for a long time, but he didn't get paid at all. Wouldn't your conscience feel bad?

He Xiaoyue's peachy eyes turned cold again, and her body suddenly took a step back, and then the middle-aged man's big hand was simply emptied.

As the eldest sister of Qingyun, a fierce girl who once led people to hack people, He Xiaoyue still has this skill. Naturally, she can't catch up with a master like Nanji in flattering, but to deal with this kind of disgusting guy, still Rub the rest.

"What do you want to do?" He Xiaoyue stared at the middle-aged man and asked coldly.

"Damn it, it's fine if you hit someone and don't lose money, but you still want someone to come over and clean up our poor family of three? Is there any justice? Is there any law?" The middle-aged man stared at He He Xiaoyue, her expression is full of unkindness. Damn, you still dare to hide?

The middle-aged man felt very ashamed when he wanted to hit someone but the other party avoided him, and the other party was a charming woman.

"I want to call the police..." He Xiaoyue said.

"Report to your mother, I obviously don't want to give money and don't want to take responsibility, so I plan to call someone over..." The middle-aged woman scolded sharply, "Hurry up, bring one hundred thousand, or this matter will never end."

"That's right, I'm grateful for the 100,000. I'm going to take my old man to the hospital as soon as possible. You see, the old man is blushing and his blood pressure is high. I'm afraid it's going to die..." The man was full of anger, and he looked at the crowd. The person said, "Everyone comment, at this time, she is still shirking responsibility and planning to call someone? Well, even if she really wants to call the police, who knows that since ancient times, officials and businessmen have always been in collusion. Ah, who knows if the police are with him? Is there any law of the king, is there any law of heaven?"

When he spoke, his face was full of grievances, as if what had fallen on him was a strange grievance through the ages, maybe now it was snowing wildly in June outside!

So for a while, He Xiaoyue was directly pointed out by these people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

"These women seem quite serious, but I didn't expect their hearts to be like snakes and scorpions!"

"Yeah, I thought I had two stinky money, so I just bullied people... how do you look at it, it looks like you're being adopted..."

"Yes, yes, I must want to call his concubine, maybe some high-ranking official..."


He Xiaoyue's face turned pale with anger when she heard the scolding around her, what happened to these onlookers? Why do they all look like sick people? It's fine if you don't help to testify, why did you help this person who touches porcelain instead?

"Miss He, in the future, when you meet such a shameless guy, just go over with a few slaps, don't worry about anything." Among the crowd of onlookers, a man's voice suddenly sounded.

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