Li Zedao, who was smoking a cigarette, squinted his eyes and glanced at Zhou Yan. For some reason, he didn't feel any sympathy for him in his heart. Could it be because he was cold-blooded?

"Wuuuu... Boss, I'm broken in love..." Zhou Yan's bruised and swollen face was full of sadness.

Li Zedao turned his face away, he really didn't have the courage to face this big pie face that made him want to punch him, thinking that I knew about this kind of thing a long time ago, and I really can't feel any sympathy, so you pity me It's useless to emphasize it several times.

"Boss, I want to drink." Zhou Yan said. People who are broken in love will choose to drink, Zhou Yan wants to experience what it's like to drink when they are broken in love.

Is it really not drunk? Is it true that as the poet Li Bai said, raise a glass to relieve sorrow and worry more?

"Let's go." Li Zedao nodded and decided to meet his request.

The two stood up immediately, and were about to walk towards the side of the road. When they stopped a taxi and were about to flag down a taxi to leave, a white BMW coming out of the hospital slammed into their position.

Li Zedao had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly dragged Zhou Yan to the other side, and then the white BMW screeched to a screeching stop.

Immediately afterwards, the car door opened, and an elegant, handsome and suave man in a white suit and rimless glasses got out of the car. Looking at Zhou Yan, who was staring fiercely at him, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. The extent of the ridicule, as for Li Zedao who was standing next to Zhou Yan, was simply ignored by him.

"Damn it, you're sick. It's great to drive a BMW? Do you know that you almost hit someone? Believe it or not, I beat you like that just now?" Zhou Yan cursed viciously.

So Li Zedao understood that this man should be the son of the director of the No. 1 Hospital, that is, the Sun Yizhou that Zhou Yan mentioned.

What is he doing here now? Show off for revenge? To ridicule Zhou Yan, a loser?

Sun Yizhou looked at Zhou Yan with a smile, his handsome face was full of disdain and said with a smile: "I don't believe it."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, threw the half of the cigarette that was still burning on the ground fiercely, clenched his fists tightly, stared at Sun Yizhou fiercely and shouted: "Damn it, I'll let you believe it!"

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and at the same time raised his fist and slammed it into the other person's face... Damn it, you made you look so handsome, you made you seduce other people's girlfriends, you made you drive a BMW and hit people like crazy... , Let's smack your face first.

"Crack!" There was a muffled sound.

Zhou Yan's face became stiff in an instant, because he was shocked to find that his fist fell into the opponent's palm, and even no matter how hard he tried, his fist couldn't continue to hit it forward, and he couldn't retract it. .

"In front of Yingying, I have to show my apology and demeanor, so I don't have the same knowledge as you... Remember, I don't have the same knowledge as you, it's not that I'm afraid of you, and it's not that I can't beat you... For a reckless man like you who is full of straws, it's easy for me to hit ten of them." Sun Yizhou said with a slight smile, and then the hand holding Zhou Yan suddenly tightened.

"Damn it, let go..." Zhou Yan felt as if his fist was about to be crushed, and the pain made cold sweat appear on his forehead.

Sun Yizhou smiled again, kicked Zhou Yan hard on the stomach, and at the same time loosened the hand holding Zhou Yan's fist.

"Ah..." Zhou Yan screamed, clutching his stomach and knelt down slowly, his face was full of pain, one can imagine the power of his kick just now.

At that moment, Sun Yizhou took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hands as if he had just touched something dirty, then threw the handkerchief in front of Zhou Yan and mocked: "Stay away from Yingying from now on. Otherwise, I will not hesitate to dirty my hands and put them on my body to beat you, just like now."

After finishing speaking, Sun Yizhou turned around very proudly, intending to return to his handsome BMW sports car.

"Damn it..." Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, and his face was ashen. For the first time, he felt that he was so weak and unbearable. The well-developed limbs were also crushed to death... Zhou Yan felt that the only thing he could crush the opponent now was his appearance, but in this case, what's the use of having a higher appearance than him?

"Hey, wait a minute." Li Zedao looked at Sun Yizhou's back and shouted.

Sun Yizhou turned his head, looked at the little boy who had been completely ignored by him just now with a smile, and said, "Why, do you want to warm up and help your friend out? I would like to advise you, it is good for young people to be passionate, but don't bleed easily .”

Li Zedao shook his head and said: "Let's put his things aside first, because I think he should hope that he can get back to this place, right? So it has nothing to do with whether you are hot or not. Now I mainly want to settle with you. Two things."

Kneeling over there, Zhou Yan, whose stomach hurts so much that he can barely speak, wants to cry, boss, although I really want to find this place myself, but I won’t say anything if you beat him up now, even me I will also thank your eighteen generations of ancestors...

"The two of us?" Sun Yizhou sneered, "I don't think I have anything to do with you? Or...are you also Yingying's suitor?"

"Don't get me wrong, Nurse Sun is too good for me. The main reason is that you almost hit me just now." Li Zedao pointed to the BMW and said.

"So?" Sun Yizhou shrugged his shoulders, and smiled indifferently, "Didn't you miss it? How about I give you a few hundred dollars to appease your injured little heart?"

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I'm rich, so... just let me slap a few slaps, what do you think?"

"..." What kind of character is Sun Yizhou? How could he let others slap him a few times? Besides, this kid said he was rich... who was he lying to?

When someone wants to slap him, Sun Yizhou's method is to return it twice, so he sneered and said, "Boy, I don't mind getting my hands dirty once."

"It's a coincidence, I don't mind getting dirty once." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Sun Yizhou pointed to his face and smiled, "My face is right here."

"I saw it." Li Zedao said, and then he jumped up, and the person appeared in front of Sun Yizhou.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Sun Yizhou's left cheek hard, who hadn't reacted at all.

Since people have turned their faces towards you to smoke, wouldn't it be too much of a bully if you didn't smoke?

Sun Yizhou's skin was white and tender, and Li Zedao used too much force. With this slap, Sun Yizhou's left face immediately became red and swollen. There was a clear five-finger handprint on his cheek, and the eyes on the bridge of his nose, which were used to pretend to be literary, were even more so. He was shot flying and fell heavily to the ground.

"You..." Sun Yizhou was really shocked and angry. What was surprising was that the other party's movements were so fast and his strikes were so ruthless, he was caught off guard, and he was directly hit! The anger is, this guy really dares to do it? Does he know who he is? His father is the dean of the No. 1 Hospital, and he has made friends with many high-ranking officials. Doesn't this bastard know that if he smokes himself and waits for him, he will die?

Sun Yizhou wanted to fight back, but sadly found that the opponent had already grabbed his well-groomed, shiny hair. The harder he struggled, the more painful he was.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Sun Yizhou's mouth again. So Sun Yizhou's cruel words that just happened to be on his lips were beaten back at once, but blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Li Zedao originally wanted to slap him on the mouth, but his nose was too close to his mouth, which made him feel sad. Li Zedao's slap not only broke his mouth, but also hit his chest nose.

The bridge of the nose is inherently fragile, so while Sun Yizhou was dizzy, he felt that his nose was burning hot and painful, and then he sprayed hot and non-stop. The blood was silent, but it was in his expensive high-end nose. Splashes of slow stars on the white suit, it looks so shocking.

After slapping the opponent twice, Li Zedao felt a little more at ease. He was too lazy to continue entanglement, and immediately let go of his hair, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm done fighting, you can get out."

Then he reached out to take out a handkerchief in his pocket, but he couldn't take out a handkerchief from his pocket like Sun Yizhou did just now, not even the most common paper towel, so naturally he couldn't pretend to wipe his hand, expressing Hitting your face made my hands dirty, so Li Zedao decided to bring a handkerchief when going out in the future!

Sun Yizhou covered his nostrils with his hands, unable to speak, but looked at Li Zedao with eyes full of flaming hatred. He also knew that if he continued to stay, he would only suffer greater humiliation and harm, so he took another deep look at Li Zedao, like As if he wanted to remember this face, he turned around and got into his white BMW, and quickly drove away from the scene.

Li Zedao turned around to see if Zhou Yan had gotten up, but he saw Zhou Yan standing there clutching his stomach, his eyes were unusually bright when looking at him.

"Damn, are you sick?" Li Zedao felt a little guilty for no reason, because Zhou Yan's expression and eyes were too scary, and it was too easy to make people think of Feifei. Many women used to use this kind of eyes when they first started Those who stared at themselves, in the end, they all became their own women.

"Master, can you accept me as an apprentice and teach me the peerless magic arts?" Zhou Yan said, his eyes were like stars in the night, twinkling and twinkling, with a look of extreme admiration.

"Master?" Li Zedao almost vomited blood three times, the corners of his mouth twitched, can you please stop screaming? And why does he look at me with such adoring eyes, I want to punch him so hard and knock him out?

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