The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1129 Silence is better than sound

Li Zedao didn't let her eat, not because she was in the car, or because there were cars and people passing by, because the car was parked at the door of the funeral parlor, if you want to eat, we can wait until we leave this place. ah.

So Li Zedao put forward his idea to Nintendo, and Nintendo told him to leave with a smile. My mother is not in the mood to eat now.

Li Zedao looked at her delicate and pretty face, and said, "What sad memories do you remember?"

Nintendo looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, "Little man, why do you say that?"

"Feeling." Li Zedao said. From coming out to now, Li Zedao can feel a trace of sadness from Nintendo. Li Zedao knows that Nintendo is not sad because its employee Su Qiang was killed by an unlucky shot in the head... This woman is not so kind. Not to mention being infected by the atmosphere of this funeral home, if she wanted, she could sing "Today is a good day" loudly at the door of this funeral home.

"Little man, I can't hide anything from you." Nintendo said with a smile, "I thought I hid my emotions well."

Although she was smiling, Li Zedao clearly saw that her eyes blinked, and then a crystal teardrop slipped from the moist eye socket.

"Today is her death day," she said.


"Your mother-in-law." Nintendo said, "She was killed by her beloved man on this day of that year."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears for her and said, "Let's go, don't go to Ruijin Hotel, go see her and let her know that you find someone who is handsome and talented and most importantly, you love her very much." Your little man."

"Little man, you really have no face." Nintendo pinched Li Zedao's face and said with a smile.

"Liar, if I have no face, what are you pinching now?" Li Zedao felt helpless, then started the car and said, "Where is it?"

"Tianma Mountain Permanent Cemetery." Nintendo said.

Li Zedao nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and galloped in the direction of Tianma Mountain.

"Little man, do you know what my mother likes most about you?" Nintendo asked with a winking glance at Li Zedao.

"Don't say you like my shamelessness." Li Zedao laughed, "I don't think I have such a thing on me.


Nintendo looked extremely shy, and whispered softly: "I like you to live well, as thick as my old lady's arms, as hard as my old lady's knees, and make my old lady *, can't stop."

"..." Li Zedao's hands trembled, and he almost drove the car into the green belt.


As if to match Nintendo's mood, today's weather is not good, the winter is extremely deep, the sky is gray, and the gloomy mood is once again covered with a thick layer of dust.

The cold wind was bleak, and Nintendo standing deep in the cemetery had lost the brilliance of the past, and looked a little lonely and pitiful. The rows of dead people formed a sharp contrast with a living person.

Nintendo has been standing there for a long time, without saying a word, just quietly looking at the tombstone that has become mottled by the wind, frost, snow and moon, and doesn't know what he is thinking.

After a long time, she waved to Li Zedao who was standing there.

Li Zedao hurried to the front and stood side by side with Nintendo, staring at the tombstone with a solemn expression.

Nintendo embraced Li Zedao's arm with both hands, and leaned his head on Li Zedao's shoulder. He was silent again for a long time, but shed tears, silently.

"Why don't you say something?" Li Zedao asked.

Nintendo shook his head, and said very literaryly: "Silence is better than sound at this time."


"Little man, please introduce yourself to your mother-in-law. Be sincere and don't hide anything, or be careful that she will come to chat with you at night." Nintendo said.

Li Zedao nodded, he was not frightened by these words at all, he wanted to tell Nintendo that he had really seen ghosts, and he even ate several "ghosts".

"Forget it, you still talk nonsense, let her go to you at night... I haven't seen her in my dream for a long time." Nintendo said.

"..." Li Zedao patted her on the shoulder, feeling a little distressed.

"Should I call her mom?" Li Zedao asked.

Nintendo pinched him: "Call your mother." Then, she giggled, a little nervous.


Li Zedao cleared his throat, stared at the tombstone with a serious expression, and said, "Mom, my name is Li Zedao, a little man from heaven. Three years younger, ** years younger, you old man knows that I take good care of her when you see that Heaven is not a skeleton...ah..."

"Why are you pinching me?" Li Zedao felt aggrieved.

"Who told you that my mother is fat and old?" Nintendo said angrily, "Isn't it just a subtext of ribs, isn't it fat? Also, my mother is only seven years, eleven months and twenty-two days older than you, a brat , you are not yet eight years old, your sister is ** years old!"


"Little man..." Nintendo let go of Li Zedao's arm.


"Kiss my mother, let my mother feel the kind of love you have for me, so that she can feel at ease." Nintendo said.

This kind of request was so reasonable and necessary, so Li Zedao moved his mouth closer and kissed Nintendo's already salty lips.

Nintendo stretched out his hands suddenly, and hugged Li Zedao's neck tightly, exhausting all his strength, as if he was afraid of losing something.


When coming down from Tianma Mountain, Nintendo said that she was in a bad mood and she was too busy and tired recently, so she wanted to go shopping and relax. She also said that she wanted to buy a set of very sexy and sexy pajamas to wear for a pervert and asked Li Zedao if she would accompany her. If you don't accompany me, don't buy it.

Li Zedao said that it is imperative to go shopping with his wife... Oh, it has nothing to do with the sexy pajamas.

And even though I bought more than a dozen identical Omega women's watches last time, it was still not enough. At least Yingying, He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian didn't have the same watches as other women. In principle, Li Zedao proposed to go shopping in Chinatown and buy a watch by the way, and Nintendo nodded in agreement.

Her original intention was to go shopping with Li Zedao alone, just the two of them, and it didn't matter which street or shopping mall she went to.

Li Zedao was in charge of driving, and Nintendo asked him to put down Zhou Xiaolu's song, and then she kicked off her high heels, curled up on the back seat, and fell asleep soundly.

There are many people on weekends, so the parking lot at the gate of Zhonghua City is full of cars.

Li Zedao finally saw an empty parking space left by a car driving away, and when he was busy driving the car past, a red Audi TT on the opposite side rushed past with a "swish".

Even though Li Zedao's driving skills were good and he reacted quickly, he couldn't prevent the front of the Audi TT from hitting the front of his Mercedes-Benz SUV hard, and there was a loud "哐!", and the body was still violent shook.

Li Zedao was so depressed, and quickly turned around to look at Nintendo who was lying in the back row sleeping soundly, worried that her body had rolled down and got stuck under the seat.

"If you weren't my mother's little man, my mother would want to slap you to death now." Nintendo rubbed his waist and sat up, closed his eyes, and shouted while yawning.

Most beauties have a tendency to wake up, and Nintendo is no exception. For her, being woken up while she was asleep is a difficult thing to bear, let alone waking up in this way.

She was sleeping well, but who knew that the car braked suddenly, so she rolled forward very simply, and hit the seat back heavily. Fortunately, the car was a high-end car and the leather of the seat was soft, so she hit it No injuries either.

Li Zedao smiled: "It's fine."

Nintendo opened his eyes and glanced outside: "Have you had a car accident?"

"To be precise, I was hit." Li Zedao said very depressed. Anyone who was "killed" by the street killer for no reason would not be in a good mood.

"Little man, I bet you 10 million, the other party must be a female driver." Nintendo's delicate and coquettish face was full of wisdom, and his tone was very determined.

"Nonsense." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, don't think I didn't see that the person rushing down from the Audi TT was a woman.

Moreover, this woman had a vicious look on her face, and kicked the front of the Mercedes-Benz that Li Zedao was driving a few times, and she chose the position of the light, which was weak.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, and the headlights of the Mercedes-Benz were kicked off by the toe of her high-heeled shoes.

The smile on Nintendo's face suddenly became hot. She bent down and picked up the shoes on the other side, put them on her feet, and said while wearing them: "Little man, I will meet this shrew when I go down, please stay on the sidelines." Just shout. Damn it, compete with the old lady? The old lady is afraid of splashing even myself."

Li Zedao glanced at the woman who was kicking the car light meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Be careful."

Nintendo gave him a wink, and said with a smile: "Alice taught my old lady how to slap someone's face quickly and accurately. Before I have time to find someone to try it out, let's practice it with her."

The woman kicked the headlights and didn't feel relieved, so she ran over and kicked the door, and shouted at the window: "Get out of the car, get out of the car, are you blind? Can you drive? Can you drive a broken Mercedes-Benz?" What's so arrogant, my aunt still drives an Audi with four laps..."

"哐!" The other side of the car door was opened, and Nintendo got out of the car gracefully, looked at the sloppy woman with a smile and said, "Aunt, are you having irregular menstruation or that wild man of yours is too impotent? Is there no way to satisfy you, which makes your body suppressed and angry?"


After Li Wenwen saw Nintendo getting out of the car, her expression froze. How could there be such a beautiful woman with such a good temperament? In short, the appearance of Nintendo made her, who is also a woman, feel ashamed, but after hearing what Nintendo said, her face turned green.

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