Li Zedao actually wanted to go back with Nanji, but in the end he couldn't resist the shadow's almost unreasonable request, so he asked the girls to accompany Nanji back first, and he was pushed by the shadow. The girls stayed behind for him and Nanji In the car, and then, the shadow also got into the car.

After getting into the car, Shadow became silent instead, not caring about whether other women would laugh at her like before, just dragging Li Zedao to express that she also wanted to have a baby.

Her expression was gloomy, as if the air was covered by smog, and she looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

The splashing shadow makes people hard to guard against, but such a quiet shadow makes people flustered even more.

What the hell is this bitch trying to do? Li Zedao actually didn't think that Yingying really planned to take her to find a hotel and try to make a baby, because this kind of thing could be done even in a villa. With Yingying's toughness, she wanted to pull herself into In her room, the other women didn't say much at all.

"Drive." Shadow said without turning his head, his voice was extremely low.

"Where are you going?" Li Zedao looked at her long, sexy and lovely eyelashes and asked. He knew that this little witch must have encountered something unhappy again. Now she looks very much like when she first went to the island country. , she is a vivid and sad literary and artistic young woman who makes people feel wrong no matter how she looks at it.

"Whatever," said Shadow.

"..." Li Zedao really didn't know that there was such a place called "Casual" in Phoenix City, so he smiled and wanted to ease the atmosphere in the car and said, "Where is Casual? Show me the way."

Shadow looked back at him, his eyes were no different from looking at an idiot, then he shook his head and said: "Big fool, this is not funny at all, really, it is not funny at all, you think it is funny It's not funny at all, and it's not funny at all that Nanji sister is pregnant..."

"..." Li Zedao frowned, and said cautiously, "Why do I feel that you are... angry? Angry that your Nanji sister is pregnant earlier than you?"

Shadow glanced at him, and said coldly: "Damn, you idiot, what kind of person do you think this talented and beautiful girl is?"

Li Zedao smiled apologetically: "This...of course you are not...just why are you unhappy?"

"Because Antarctic sister is pregnant..."


"Big fool,

do you know? Sister Nanji can't get pregnant, really can't..." Shadow's expression and tone became agitated, and her delicate body was trembling slightly. It is conceivable that the fluctuations in her heart How big is it.

"This...why not?" Li Zedao asked in great incomprehension. Is Antarctic pregnancy a very abnormal thing? Is it normal for your shadow to be pregnant? This is a bit unreasonable.

For the first time, Li Zedao felt that having more women is not a matter of happiness at all. At least a random woman who eats some vinegar or something and messes around, just like the shadow is now, is enough to make you dizzy.

"Because..." Shadow looked at Li Zedao, with a gloomy and painful expression, biting his lips lightly, looking so pitiful and pitiful, "Big fool, before answering your question, you first answer my question... If I have a disagreement with Sister Antarctica, will you believe her or me?"

Li Zedao was even more confused, even though he thought he had a very high IQ, he didn't understand what the shadow was trying to say at this time.

"Answer me... Do you believe her or me?" Shadow flattened his mouth, feeling very wronged.

Li Zedao was helpless: "Are you and Nanji... have some conflicts?" It shouldn't be, you know, besides herself, Shadow is most dependent on Nanji, she also listens to Nanji the most, Nanji told her to go east, she She never went west, how could she have any conflicts with Antarctica?

Besides, when I went back to the villa with Nintendo a few hours ago, what was the shadow doing coquettishly grabbing Nanji's arm?

"Damn, you idiot, you answer me first." Shadow stared at the other party with big eyes, insisting.

"I..." Li Zedao wanted to cry, how would he answer this kind of question? He replied that he believed in Antarctica, the shadow would definitely kill him, and replied that he believed in the shadow, God knows if Antarctica would directly throw the knife? You must know that the temper of pregnant women has always been unstable, not to mention the violence in Antarctica...

Stared at by the shadow's big eyes, Li Zedao had no choice but to reply: "I... believe in my judgment."

I believe whoever I think is right. In this way, no one will be offended. Of course, no one will be pleased, so the same left and right are not human.

Shadow took a deep look at Li Zedao, nodded and said, "Then you have to judge carefully, now Sister Nanji has told you her thoughts..."

"Wait..." Li Zedao's head was in a daze, "Did your Nanji sister tell me what she thinks? Did you?"

"Pregnant, she told you with facts that she is pregnant and you are going to be a father... Isn't it right?"

Li Zedao looked helpless: "Okay, then tell me, what are your thoughts?"

Shadow didn't answer Li Zedao's question immediately, but looked out of the window again. She looked so distraught and dejected, as if she had encountered something that made her feel painful and overwhelmed.

Now Shadow is painfully fragile.

"Shadow, actually this style doesn't suit you." Li Zedao stretched out his hand, patted her head and said.

Shadow didn't look back, and said aloud: "Then what kind of style is suitable for this talented girl?"

"No matter what others think, you can do what you want, you can say what you want, you can watch what you want, smart and self-willed, no integrity, no lower limit... That is the shadow I am familiar with and fascinated by." Li Zedao said, "Why are you hesitating now? Are you speechless?"

"Because this genius beautiful girl doesn't care about others, so she doesn't care what others think, she can do whatever she wants, she can say whatever she wants, she can watch whatever she wants, she's smart and self-willed, she has no integrity and no lower limit... But, I care about you , I care about Sister Antarctica, so I can’t just say whatever I want.” Shadow’s voice was low, and a teardrop slid down his cheek.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Li Zedao said softly, inexplicably distressed.

Shadow turned around, sobbed, then pointed to Li Zedao's head and said, "You idiot, I'm going to tell you what I think now... I think there is something extra on your head when Sister Nanji is pregnant."

"Things? The halo of the prospective father?"

"No..." Shadow seemed to muster up a lot of courage, and said word by word, "It's...the green hat..."

"..." Li Zedao's expression froze instantly, and he felt like he wanted to spurt three liters of blood. His woman Nanji is pregnant, but it doesn't mean that he is going to be a father, but it means that he has an extra green hat on his head...

Li Zedao exhaled deeply, and said with a gloomy face, "You shouldn't make such jokes."

Li Zedao was really angry this time, he allowed Shadow to be jealous, he could eat as much as he wanted, even imprisoned himself in her room, it was fine, but you shouldn't slander Nanji like this, let alone insult me Ah... don't you mean... I'm sterile?

I have no fertility... Li Zedao had never thought about this kind of problem before, because he didn't think he would have such problems at all.

Thanks to the transformation of Shenwan's body, and the transformation of his body by cultivating internal force, his combat power in this aspect is strong enough to make all men in the world feel ashamed and want to die... How could it be possible to have no children? ability? How can it be?

As if he had expected Li Zedao to have such a reaction, Ying shook his head in pain and said, "You idiot, how can a genius and beautiful girl not make such a joke today? No matter if it's Sister Nanji or whoever is pregnant Now, even if I am pregnant with a baby, it proves that you have been betrayed, and you have an extra green hat on your head..."

"Shut up!" Li Zedao roared in a low voice, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

Shadow didn't shut up, and looked at Li Zedao with a pale face and said in pain, "Because, although your fighting power is very strong, you idiot, but... you have no fertility, and there is no way for you to let us conceive a baby. There is really no way ..."

"...I said, shut up!" Li Zedao's face was already extremely gloomy, his hands tightly grasping the convenience tray were trembling violently, he felt his anger burning up, and he still I was really afraid that I couldn't hold back and just slapped this girl who wanted to hug her tightly and feel sorry for her just a second ago.

Shadow still didn't shut up, staring at Li Zedao with teardrops in his big eyes, his eyes were full of distress and sadness: "This is the safety buckle that Lao Wang gave me, and told me about the five-colored stone and Chen Tuan. After the story, he told me..."

"... Master... said?" Li Zedao looked at the shadow and his eyes widened suddenly, and his face became even more ugly.

"Lao Wang has more than 20 women including my master, but why does he have no son or daughter? Lao Wang told me that because he got something against the sky, as a price, God gave him The corresponding punishment made him completely lose his fertility. Lao Wang said, the same is true for you, you idiot. You also got something against the sky. You have the ability against the sky. That ability makes you immune to most Poison, so you have already been punished by God, you can't let us have a baby."


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