The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1141 Shame 1 Scene

When Bai Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, she glanced around in confusion.

Hotel room? Then her face changed drastically, like a frightened rabbit, she sat up abruptly, lowered her head and checked her clothes.

He was dressed neatly, and the pants were still there. After feeling the lower body, there was no sign of being violated, so he was slightly relieved.

Then she rubbed her sore temple, she couldn't figure out when and how she got here, her memory was still stuck on the scene that happened last night.

She went to a party, and then she seemed to drink a lot, and after that, she couldn't think of anything. Presumably some friend saw her drinking too much and sent her to this hotel to rest?

Bai Xiaoxiao swallowed, she felt her throat was dry and cracked, her lower abdomen was even more distended, and she felt like urinating.

Immediately getting out of bed, shaking her aching head slightly, she walked towards the bathroom in a daze, but within two steps, her feet tripped over something.

"Ah..." Bai Xiaoxiao exclaimed, her body staggered, and she fell heavily on the floor


Knee pain, arm pain, whole body pain, if it weren't for her resolute character, tears would be knocked out, what's more, because she drank a lot of alcohol, she basically turned into urine at this time. I couldn't take it anymore, and at this moment, I almost peed my pants because of such a fall.

At that moment, Bai Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, endured the pain brought by her body and sat up, and then turned her head to see what she had stumbled on, but when she saw that she stumbled on it, it turned out to be a person, one motionless When she saw someone who looked like a corpse, her blunt expression changed drastically, and she almost screamed again uncontrollably.

There are dead people?

Instinctively, she was about to get up from the ground and run to talk first, but the fall just now made her dizzy and injured her arm, it was not too serious at all. It was a lot of strength, and she was too scared and anxious, so just as her upper body stood up, her palm slipped, and her body fell to the ground again...

This time, her chest made intimate contact with the ground.

pain! It hurts so bad! Although there were two lumps of soft flesh on the chest, and the two lumps of flesh were protected by underwear and a sweater, but the fall was too heavy. Besides, soft flesh is also flesh, and soft flesh can also hurt...

at this time,

An even more embarrassing thing happened. The bladder was flatly pressed by such a heavy fall again, so the water in the bladder was not controlled by Bai Xiaoxiao's thoughts, and it leaked out involuntarily, like a flood that burst a bank , the liquid stored in the stomach rushed out one after another, and then Bai Xiaoxiao's lower body was very wet, and the wet area was still getting bigger little by little.

"Ka..." The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Li Zedao stood at the door with breakfast in his hand, looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Early in the morning, Li Zedao entered the room to check on Bai Xiaoxiao's situation. He saw that the girl drank too much wine last night so she didn't wake up so quickly, so he took Ying back to the villa first. Nothing happened and entered the room of Antarctica, laughed like a fool, lightly stroked Antarctica’s stomach, even moved his head to listen to it, and then said exaggeratedly that my child kicked me up...

Antarctic also let him go angrily as if nothing happened... Of course, it is also possible that nothing happened!

Li Zedao believed what the master said, but he couldn't rule out whether there would be exceptions.

So he made an agreement with Shadow, just pretend nothing happened.

Li Zedao also made up his mind. After these complicated things are over, he will explain to those women that he can't satisfy their desire to be a mother. As for the choices they make in the end, Li Zedao respects them.

Afterwards, he left the villa again, returned to the hotel, and brought breakfast for Bai Xiaoxiao, but he didn't expect that when he opened the door, this was the scene in front of him.

And when Bai Xiaoxiao saw that it was Li Zedao who appeared there, her eyes widened for a moment, and then they suddenly went dark, and she had the idea of ​​quickly finding a gap to get in.

"Oh, let me die." Her heart was crying.

Then, she didn't know where the strength came from, she got up suddenly and rushed into the bathroom, and then, the sound of water flowing...

Bai Xiaoxiao has been in for more than half an hour, and still has no intention of coming out. Li Zedao can understand Bai Xiaoxiao's mood at this time, after all, he can clearly see that Bai Xiaoxiao's crotch is wet, and she is even more aware of the wetness of her crotch. It's clear... But Li Zedao still can't figure out how this situation happened.

While thinking about it, he picked up the coat that was taken off by the unconscious man who had been kicked by him on the ground, threw it on the water stain on the ground, stepped on it and wiped it off.

"哐!" The bathroom door was finally pushed open from the inside, and Bai Xiaoxiao, who was wrapped in a hotel white bathrobe, came out with strange steps, her eyes did not dare to meet Li Zedao at all, but she went straight to the bed, Then he completely hid his body under the quilt.

"Sister Bai, are you okay?" Li Zedao asked with a wry smile. She thought that if she explained to him that she didn't see anything, she wouldn't believe it, would she?

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't say a word, she covered her head tightly with the quilt, and refused to have any eye contact or verbal communication with Li Zedao, and she didn't want Li Zedao to see her picture. Face, when she came out just now when Li Zedao's eyes fell on her, she felt uncomfortable like tens of thousands of needles were stuck in her body.

Women are pleasing to themselves, but what have they done? I actually lost control of my urine, and I still lost control of my urine in front of him...

Heaven, earth, Tathagata Buddha, Jesus, what did I do wrong and you want to treat me like this? Have I done something wrong? no? Am I hopeless? no? I didn't do anything that was sorry for the country, sorry for the people, or something treacherous. Why do you punish me like this? Why?

Bai Xiaoxiao's heart had already been blown by strong winds and rainstorms. Only now did she realize that she was not as strong as she thought, and she was very fragile.

Li Zedao cleared his throat and said again: "If you didn't answer, then you should be fine..."

"..." Bai Xiaoxiao burst into tears, how can I be okay if I have something to do? I want to commit suicide now...

"Do you know someone named Zhao Xiaonian?" Li Zedao asked hesitantly, "You...boyfriend?" Li Zedao found a mobile phone and a men's wallet on the table before, and found an ID card in the wallet, The portrait on the ID card was that man.

Well, this unlucky man who was almost cooked and is still in a coma finally has a name, Zhao Xiaonian.

In the bed, Bai Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that the corpse she had just tripped over seemed a little familiar in retrospect...

Her eyes widened suddenly, who is it not Zhao Xiaonian? he died?

Li Zedao didn't want to say that Bai Xiaoxiao could respond to him, so he said to himself: "The thing is like this, I accidentally saw a man holding you in his arms yesterday and opened this room in this hotel. He was tall, he was unconscious, I was a little worried, I followed him, and knocked out Zhao Xiaonian, if you are not familiar with him, then not only me, but even Uncle Baili will continue to look for him He's troublesome, if he's your boyfriend, then...ahem...I'm really embarrassed..."

After all, as soon as the boiling water poured over the shadow, and Li Zedao made him faint all night, he was never sent to the hospital for treatment in time, so the thing might no longer work, right?

Bai Xiaoxiao in the bed became more frightened the more she listened, her face became paler and uglier, her body trembled slightly, and she was full of fear.

If it wasn't for Li Zedao who happened to see it, wouldn't he be given by Zhao Xiaonian...

Her stomach suddenly twisted, and she really wanted to find a trash can to throw up. Her face was bloodless, full of shame, anger and regret... Why did she drink so much wine? Is he mistaken? Otherwise, why is the tone so cold? Where is the usual enthusiasm?

Her heart also began to twitch, and the pain made her feel like she was about to suffocate and explode.

"Then you should take a rest first. I have already put breakfast on the table. If you are hungry, eat some..." Li Zedao said, "As for Zhao Xiaonian lying on the ground, if it is your boyfriend, you can call 120, if not , then call uncle... let's go."

Li Zedao said that he was about to turn around and leave, giving Bai Xiaoxiao a separate space, and staying by himself would only embarrass the two of them even more.

Bai Xiaoxiao lifted off the quilt covering her body suddenly, got up from the bed, jumped out of the bed, and then hugged Li Zedao's back tightly with both hands, tears streaming down her face and trembling voice Yes, the whole person looks so lonely and helpless: " to my explanation, listen to my explanation..."

"Senior Bai, you don't need to explain anything, I probably understand." Li Zedao said.

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes went dark, and her voice trembled even more: "'s not what you's not..."

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