The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1145 Normal Life

"Oh, my dear, I like Chinese food so much. When I was in America or Europe, I couldn't eat such delicious food." Alice said sincerely.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "If you like it, eat more later."

There is one thing Li Zedao didn't say, that is, you have the strength to fight when you are full!

Two glasses of draft beer were served first, Alice picked them up and took a sip.

Li Zedao looked at her gorgeous and exotic face, smiled slightly and asked, "Alice, let me ask you a question."

"Honey, you can ask." Alice nodded, "You know, I won't hide anything from you."

"You told me when you were in the room that you want to have a baby?" Li Zedao said.

Alice's face already had the brilliance of maternal love: "Oh, yes, my dear, I think that is the greatest expression of my love for you, isn't that celebrity said it? If you love a man, please do it for him Have a don't like it?"

"I like it very much." Li Zedao smiled, "Of course I like it... I mean... I'm working hard..." I felt bitter for a while, it seems that this kind of time is not suitable for talking about this topic.

Alice already had an ambiguous smile on her face, and said provocatively: "Oh, my dear, I think so too, get back in the car after eating, let's come again."

"..." Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he had no intention of this at all, okay?

The saury charcoal-grilled sea oysters that Alice and Li Zedao wanted were brought up one by one by the proprietress. At the moment, Alice was as happy as a kid, enjoying a bunch of saury in one hand. , and said that this is the best meal she has ever eaten except for the meals made by my dear.

Li Zedao knew that she was not flattering, what she said was from the bottom of her heart.

Then, a wine bottle suddenly flew over.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and caught the flying wine bottle. Looking back, he saw a man with red hair on the next table looking at him with a smile, and then stood up with a slight sway. Lai laughed and said: "Ah, sorry, sorry, the bottle flew over when I drank too much, didn't I laugh that you still have this beauty next to you? Damn, is that right?"

"Haha, second brother is really a man of culture,

This English is really slippery..."

"That's right, it's easy and enjoyable to take the CET-5 exam at this level..."

"Damn it, that's CET-6, okay? It's terrible to be uneducated..."

The men sitting next to him laughed loudly and agreed, their eyes were shining when they looked at Alice, no different from animals in heat.

Obviously, these are some gangsters, and they also drank a little too much. They have nothing to do and have some fun. Seeing Alice's good-looking body and bursting with body, they couldn't help molesting her.

Li Zedao is so depressed, when you molested a beautiful woman, can you open your dog eyes to see if there is a dangerous man sitting next to the beautiful woman?

Li Zedao thought about his face, and felt a little discouraged, because no matter who saw his face, he would think that he was a handsome but honest kid at the same time ...

At that moment, Li Zedao stood up holding the wine bottle, walked up to the red-haired man, and said with a smile, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are." The red-haired man cursed with a twitch of his mouth.

"I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao said. He decided to scare them to death by declaring his name!

"Li Zedao?" The red-haired man made eye contact with his friends, and the eyes were a little puzzled. In the past, they had done a lot of things to report their names, but every time the name was reported, the reaction of the other party was almost the same. It's Brother Gou, Brother Niu, what kind of little brother admires the name...

Li Zedao? I have never heard of it, I have never heard of it, which area is it from? Who is the boss?

"Don't know me?" Li Zedao asked.

The red-haired man smiled and said, "Did you come out of that paralyzed one?"

"Haha..." His friends pointed at Li Zedao and laughed loudly.

"Your words are really ugly. It's so ugly that I want to hit someone." When Li Zedao spoke, he smashed the wine bottle in his hand on the red-haired man's head.

"Crack!" The wine bottle shattered, and the red-haired man's head was also broken, and the red hair became even more dazzling.

The red-haired man's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Li Ze in disbelief and said, "How dare you... hit me?"

The others also stared at Li Zedao. They thought that such a pretty face would make his legs weak after being frightened, but why didn't he play his cards according to common sense and directly made a move, and he made such a ruthless attack?

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Do you know a guy named Brother Haobei?"

"..." These people were dumbfounded again, because although they were with Brother Haobei, to be precise, they were with Brother Haobei's younger brother's younger brother. Brother Haobei took a look at his places.

"He behaved like a grandson in front of me, what kind of farts are you?" Li Zedao said coldly, "So what's wrong with beating you? You were the one who beat you..."

As he spoke, he picked up another wine bottle, but this time he threw it at the mouth of the red-haired man. This guy's mouth was too dirty.

"Bang!" The bottle shattered directly, and the red-haired man even screamed and sat down on the ground. His mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, even with a few teeth in it.

When the others saw this, the muscles on their faces twitched, but they didn't even dare to move, because they were frightened by what the other party said just now. Although they didn't know whether it was true or not, what if it was true? ? What if Brother Haobei really looked like a grandson in front of him?

Besides, this guy is so violent, they don't seem to be his opponents.

"Give me the money." Li Zedao pointed to the trembling proprietress and said, "You didn't eat free food before, did you? Pay it back together."

The face of the proprietress changed drastically, and she said anxiously: "No, really no. The little brothers came to me to have a meal and drink a bottle of wine to save my face...I'm too happy..."

She is not humble, but she is afraid in the bottom of her heart.

These gangsters often fight when they disagree with each other. They smash tables and chairs at every turn, smashing their stalls to pieces. If they are not willing to pay for the damage, their hard work for several days will be wasted.

If these gangsters just eat and drink, it won't be a big problem for her.

Ask them to pay the bill? Isn't this suicidal? Now they are afraid that they may give it if they are beaten, but they will definitely come back in the future.

"Don't worry, auntie, they don't have the guts." Li Zedao gave a reassuring look, then turned around and glanced at these people one by one, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at yours, and then quickly took out all the money on their bodies one by one, and another squatted down, took out the wallet on the red-haired man, and poured out all the money in the wallet, and finally They made a pile, and then a man with an inch cut carefully glanced at Li Zedao, took the pile of unknown amount of money and stuffed it into the proprietress' hands, and said, "You count it first, and we will make up if it is not enough..."

The proprietress didn't dare to pick it up, and she didn't dare not to pick it up, she was in a dilemma where to stand.

"Take it, they have no chance of revenge." Li Zedao said. He said no chance, not no courage.

"Just... that's... this is the wine money we owe you, and it's only right to pay you back. How can we retaliate? No, no, please take it quickly, take it a little bit, it's not enough for us to make up... "The inch-cut man said quickly.

The proprietress had no choice but to catch it, but her hands were trembling, as if she was holding a handful of red-hot coals.

Li Zedao sighed softly, it's not wrong to be cowardly, at least there's nothing wrong with the proprietress being obsequious, what else can you do in the face of this kind of bastard besides being obsequious? Pick up a knife and fight them? Please, can you beat it? Besides, if you accidentally hack them to death, you have to pay for your life. If you fail to hack them, but can you stand the endless harassment from them in the later stage? Is this business still going on?

This is also the normal state of life for most people. Most of the time, those who choose to bear it will pass. What if they can't bear it? If you can't bear it, you will only suffer more humiliation later.

Li Zedao had been enduring before, because he had no choice but to endure, just like the current proprietress, but now that he has the ability, he didn't want to endure.

At that moment, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and gave Brother Haobei a call. Soon, the phone was picked up, and Brother Haobei's very respectful voice came from inside: "Young Master Li..."

"Here in Daobei Snack Street, how many guys are there, probably your younger brother or your younger brother? What I want to say is, if something like this happens again, if I don't meet them, it's okay to say, but if they are caught by me again I met you, so I'm sorry, I will look for you, I can't guarantee whether the bullet will enter your heart or not." Li Zedao said gloomyly.

On the other end of the phone, Brother Haobei broke out in cold sweat, although he didn't know what happened at all, he immediately said, "Young Master Li, I'll be there right away, please wait for me a little bit, don't worry, I won't spare those You bastard, I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Li Zedao hung up the phone, glanced at these people with cold eyes, and then returned to his original seat as if nothing had happened.

As soon as those people's eyes came into contact with him, all of them lowered their heads. No one had the courage to meet Li Zedao's eyes, and no one dared to help the red-haired man lying on the ground. Of course, When Li Zedao didn't let them go, they didn't have the courage to leave either.

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