The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1147: There Is an Ambush

"Yes, what a pity." Li Zedao also shook his head, his voice full of regret, "I'm afraid Mr. Bat, you are going to die in a foreign country."

"Do you think you and Alice can defeat the four of us?" Bat looked at Li Zedao as if he was an idiot, "Do you think you are the hand of God?"

The bat gave the answer: "You are not the hand of God, you are only the apprentice of the hand of God."

"A disciple who knows that I am the Hand of God dares to cause trouble? Are you not afraid that my master will come back to settle accounts with you?" Li Zedao said coldly.

"Not afraid." The bat shook his head, what is there to be afraid of the dead?

"Why?" Li Zedao asked.

The bat didn't say anything, he looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "You must be the one who died here, but I can give you another chance to hand over Alice, then we won't embarrass you."

"I bought a watch last year." Li Zedao said.

"..." The muscles on Bat's face twitched, no matter how good his self-cultivation was, he was really upset at being scolded at this time.

"You think there are only two of us?" Li Zedao sneered, then looked at the artificial lake and shouted, "It's time for you to make your debut."

"Shua!" All of a sudden, the bats and their eyes fell on the surface of the artificial lake. They never thought that they had been so cautious, but they still seemed to fall into the pit dug by the other party. They didn't come here at all. He was fighting in the field, but deliberately led them here, and his people had already ambushed here?

The cold wind blew, and a few dead leaves fell on the water surface illuminated by the street lamps, causing waves of ripples, but there were only waves of ripples, and there was no other movement!

So the muscles on the faces of Bat and his men twitched... They wanted to laugh. They originally thought that they had accidentally fallen for the tricks of this cunning kid, so when Li Zedao shouted over there, "It's time for you to make your debut", to be honest, their moods were not too peaceful After all, those who are qualified to ambush here are definitely not mediocre hands, so they don't have such a great chance of winning.

But after waiting for a long time, there was nothing abnormal at all, so they set their eyes on Li Zedao, and then they saw very clearly that the muscles on Li Zedao's face were also twitching.

"No one? Why is this happening? Damn, didn't you tell you to lie in ambush around here long ago? Where are people?" Li Zedao looked at the lake with a messy expression.


My dear, is there really someone in ambush here? "Alice stared at the lake with wide eyes and asked with some uncertainty. At least, she didn't feel that someone was ambushing there.

Of course, I came to this park after wandering around, and it was also suggested by Li Zedao, who wanted to lure members of the Luciano family here.

It's just that they weren't all acting. For example, in the passionate scene just now, if it wasn't for the fact that these guys hadn't appeared out of nowhere, Alice would have wanted to eat Li Zedao here.

"This... should be there?" Li Zedao looked embarrassed, "Maybe he fell asleep or suddenly had a stomachache, so let's solve it?"


"Mr. Bat, is he delaying time on purpose?" Ai Rui asked with a wary look at the lake.

At this moment, the bat's face changed drastically, and then its figure flashed, shifting to the left like a ghost.

In the blink of an eye, a bullet that flew from nowhere whized past the bat's ear in a thrilling manner, and then ruthlessly shot into the head of Miller who was standing behind the bat.

In an instant, the top of Miller's head seemed to be hit hard with a hammer. With a "snap", the entire skull was lifted off, and half of his head was simply lost. Blood sprayed out at the same time. His body also flew backwards for a short distance, and then he fell hard to the end. He was already too dead to die anymore.

"****, there are snipers...Damn it, kill them, kill them..." the bat roared loudly and rushed towards Li Zedao.

After reacting, Ai Rui and Davis also greeted Alice.

They knew very well that they were tricked by the apprentice of the damn Hand of God. He purposely yelled at the surface of the water that you could make a debut or something, so they naturally focused their attention on the surface of the water But there was no one in the water at all. Instead, there were snipers ambushing in other places, and they shot when they were paying attention to the water...

The bat really broke out in a cold sweat. If it wasn't for the fact that he was so awesome, he might be too dead now, right? Ai Rui and Davis were equally frightened. Fortunately, they were not standing behind the bat, otherwise they would be the ones whose heads exploded now?

So they stopped talking nonsense and rushed to each other to fight together. In this way, the ambush sniper lost his role.

"What a pity." Li Zedao looked regretful. If he could kill this stinky bat with one shot, then wouldn't the remaining little shrimp be ravaged by him?

The gun is the third bullet of the crow mercenary group. This man is a master of gun use, and even a master of gun modification. Any gun modified by him will become extremely powerful and have an extremely long range, so even if he ambushes now A shot was fired not too close to this, but Miller lost half of his head after being shot.

It's a pity, this old man is so awesome, he just let him avoid it!

While feeling extremely regretful in his heart, Li Zedao greeted him and wrestled with bats... Since bullets can't blow your head off, it's the same with fists

On the other side, Alice was fighting together with Eric and Davis who rushed over.

"Alice, my goddess, I always thought that we were going to enter the palace of marriage in the end." Ai Rui punched Alice's face with his fist and looked at Alice affectionately. There are many regrets on the charming face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know you." Alice said angrily as she kicked his fist with her long legs. She knew very clearly that the other party was from the Luciano family, but the other party's face gave her a strange feeling. Alice didn't feel that she had fallen in love with him, and even reached the point where he was about to enter into marriage. The level of the palace.

"..." Ai Rui was stabbed in the chest, with a sad face.

Davis on the side made up the knife: "Oh, Miss Alice, the thing is like this, you are recognized as the number one beauty in our Luciano family except for Miss Mitty, so in fact we are all the same as Ai Rui, and we have the same paranoia..."


"Sister Alice, I'm here." A roar sounded, and then a tall figure rushed over and joined the battle group.

"Bang!" His fist collided with Davis's fiercely. The two of them took a step back, then raised their fists in various ways, and slammed each other fiercely.

The person who rushed over was Wu Huhu. Among Li Zedao's younger brothers, Wu Huhu was the most powerful, and his bullet marksmanship was the best, so Li Zedao asked the two of them to ambush here.

At the same time, Alice took out the dagger and stabbed Ai Rui fiercely... She didn't like this guy staring at her with obscene eyes, and even said such unpleasant words.


Although this old man named Bat looks old and young, he is an extremely difficult opponent. Li Zedao knew this the moment he saw him.

The bat knows that Li Zedao is a formidable enemy. After all, not everyone can kill the sword demon Ito Junichi. At least when facing the sword demon Ito Junichi, let alone defeat, he is not even sure of retreating. Now ,nor! However, he still has another choice, that is, die with the other party!

A fallen leaf fell from the book, and the moment it landed, it was as if a horn had been blown, and the two rushed towards each other at the same time again, and at the moment their bodies intertwined, the dagger tightly held in Li Zedao's right hand He slammed towards the bat's neck and kicked out with his left foot at the same time; while the bat was avoiding his dagger with difficulty, he kicked with his right foot and blocked his left foot. In other words, He only took one kick.

It's just that their speed is too fast, these deadly moves are completed in an instant, and Li Zedao obviously has the upper hand. Although his dagger failed to cut the bat's neck, the breath from the mountain It also cut the clothes on the bat very simply. Fortunately, the old man wore an extra one to be afraid of the cold, so it didn't hurt the skin.

"You are very strong." Bat looked at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao smiled: "Mr. Bat, I bought a watch last year."

"..." The bat felt that its body had become a crater, as if something was about to erupt at any time, please, we are all masters, how can you curse people as soon as you open your mouth? How elegant is the hand of God? How could he accept such a thing as your apprentice?

Bats really feel worthless for the hand of God!

"Why aren't you afraid that my master will retaliate against you? Do you know that my master has actually..." Li Zedao's rage soared, "Do you also have a safety button from my master?"

The bat squinted his eyes and said nothing, but he made a swallowing motion, and he swallowed a ghost pill that had been hiding in his mouth.

"You, go die." The bat looked at Li Zedao, and said arrogantly, as if looking at a dead person.

Actually, the bat's voice is not that arrogant, but to Li Zedao, it is the highest level of arrogance! Li Zedao doesn't like arrogant people, because he thinks he is the number one man in the world, but now someone came to him and said such arrogant words... It proves that the other party is a fool who can't figure out the situation

Do you think you can defeat me by eating ghost pills? Damn, it's like who doesn't have ghost pills!

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