Human body * is an attack method that many organizations will use. This attack method can not only prevent their people from falling into the hands of the enemy and reveal some secrets of the organization, but also bring huge damage to the enemy. attack.

Li Zedao didn't know whether he should feel honored, after all, this bat is one of the strongest combat powers of the Luciano family no matter how old it is, such a person is willing to die to kill himself!

It's just that the bat is willing to die, but Li Zedao is not, and even he doesn't want the bat to die like this, although the old man will definitely grow old in an instant after the force of the ghost ball is over, and then maybe when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, In a few days, I went to see God by myself.

He wanted to dig out some things about the master from the bat's mouth. Dead people can't speak, so Li Zedao couldn't let him die like this.

So, he made a decision, a very bold decision!

He didn't dodge or dodge, let the bat's hand skyrocket, and finally grabbed his shoulder fiercely.

"I caught it..." A strange smile suddenly appeared on the bat's old face, but before the smile spread, his smile froze immediately.

Because, he originally wanted to bite off the switch embedded in his teeth so that he could detonate the blood in his body, and when he died with this kid, he was shocked to find that he had no teeth, and at the same time, there were a lot of foreign objects in his mouth ...

When the bat's hand grabbed Li Zedao's shoulder, the dagger in Li Zedao's hand pierced the opponent's slightly opened mouth quickly and simply, and then it was a mess.

In the next second, Li Zedao put his knee on the bat's chest very simply.

As a result, while the bat's face changed dramatically, the hand holding Li Zedao's shoulder was already released, and in the next second, it flew upside down and vomited wildly.

He vomited not only blood and dirty objects, but also bloody teeth. All his teeth were chipped off by Li Zedao's mess just now.

This time, the bat couldn't get up again, the strength of his body was exhausted very simply, he kept vomiting blood, and then his body trembled violently, and then his old face became Even older, the wrinkles on his face are like ravines, and his eyes are sunken, looking so dull.

Onimaru doubled his combat power in a short period of time, but it also almost burned most of his body functions.

So this is not Mr. Bat who is famous in a certain circle and makes many people frightened,

This is a dying old man who may swallow his last breath at any moment!

Li Zedao also gasped for breath. After all, the game was really too exciting this time. You know, if one is not sure, if one's speed is slower, the bat will definitely bite off the one hidden in the teeth. Fuck, maybe I will be blown into several pieces by then.

In addition, there is strength control. If he had stronger strength, he might have cut off half of the bat's head from the mouth instead of just cutting off his teeth.

"Honey, are you alright... Ah, your shoulder is injured..." Alice ran up to her, seeing that the clothes on Li Zedao's shoulders were all stained red with blood, she felt distressed for a while.

"It's okay, it's just a flesh injury. You know my self-healing ability." Li Zedao gave her a more reassuring look. The shoulder was firmly grabbed by the bat's hand, and there were already ten more blood holes. But compared to the fact that someone who is not careful may be killed by the bomb, these ten blood holes are really nothing.

"Young Master Li..." Wu Huo also walked over.

"Is it okay?" Li Zedao asked.

Wu Huhu grinned and said: "The arm is not broken, it's not in the way. If you hadn't made a timely move, Young Master Li, I would be dead. That foreign devil is too cruel."

Wu Huhu took a look at Davis, who was lying on the side and was already dead. He was really terrified. Until now, he still couldn't figure out why this foreign devil suddenly became so cruel. It was like playing with him by hanging him. .

"It's nothing more than taking ghost pills." Li Zedao knew what Wu Huhu was thinking, so he explained briefly.

"Ghost pill?" Wu Huhu's eyes widened, his expression slightly moved.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Okay, you can say hello to Bullet and go back to rest first, and I'll take care of the rest."

Wu Huhu nodded without any nonsense, turned and left.

"He... is dead?" Alice asked, pointing to the motionless bat lying there.

"No, he just passed out, but it's coming soon." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alice, do you think we should send him to the hospital?"

"Oh, my dear, you are so kind." Alice said with a giggle.


Late at night, at the gate of the most luxurious villa in Baili Real Estate, most of the women in the villa have already fallen asleep.

Antarctic did not sleep, the previous bout of retching made her sleepless, she never thought that she would be pregnant with a baby one day and become a mother, she thought that she would die in battle like so many soldiers On the battlefield, shrouded in horse leather!

"However, it's good to help him have a baby." In the darkness, her delicate little face was full of tenderness.

Gently stroking his stomach for a while, Antarctic tossed and turned in a sleepless sleep, finally sat up and got out of bed to make a cup of coffee for himself, but when he picked up the instant coffee, he suddenly remembered the doctor's special explanation, There are many things to avoid during pregnancy, including coffee, because coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which may affect the nervous system of the fetus.

Nanji patted his stomach lightly again, then put down the instant coffee, poured himself a glass of water, then walked to the window, opened the curtains, and quietly stared at the luxurious courtyard in a daze.

At this moment, her eyes froze slightly, and she stood tall and looked far away, so she vaguely saw a dark shadow lurking outside the villa, trying to do something ulterior. matter.

He bit his lower lip lightly, quietly opened the window, and jumped down with great agility.

This move by Antarctica naturally attracted the attention of the bodyguards lurking in the dark part of the courtyard. They looked at Nanji who jumped down with some incredulous expressions, and they didn't understand why this beautiful girl jumped out of the window in the middle of the night without sleep. for what.

As soon as the Nanji feet landed, a black shadow appeared in front of her, and said with a wry smile: "I said, grandma, you are pregnant now, if you dance like this, if something goes wrong, Young Master Li will have to hand me over to you." split?"

Nanji glanced at the engineer who was pulled over by Li Zedao to be a security guard, and said flatly, "I'm not your aunt."

Li Zedao actually made some arrangements before taking Alice out for a barbecue, that is, he called the engineer and asked him to act as the security guard of the villa.

Let the majestic Shenlong organization's masters act as the villa's security personnel? To put it bluntly, they are called bodyguards, but to put it bluntly, they are the watchdogs of the nursing home. Therefore, even though the engineers were afraid of Li Zedao, they found various reasons to shirk with a smile on their faces.

Li Zedao said that if you shirk, you can go to Las Vegas by yourself.

The engineer immediately expressed with great pride that protecting his brother's wife and children is still the most important thing in life, and that if he doesn't help, he will be disloyal and unrighteous, so he hurried over and stayed with Wu Ya and the others to protect the safety of all the girls in the villa.

"...Well, you are not my aunt...but you can't jump around like this..." The engineer soldier was startled with cold sweat just now, "Do you know that you will scare people to death..."

"Can't sleep, just dance and play." Nanji said lightly, "Is there a problem?"

"..." The engineer almost couldn't hold back and just spit out a big mouthful of blood. Listen, listen to what she said? She said she couldn't fall asleep and jumped for fun, please, although it is not very high, it is still five or six meters, although you are a master, usually jumping from five or six meters is like playing, but just because you can jump doesn't mean you The little one in the stomach who has not yet formed is also fine...

Then the engineer's eyes narrowed slightly, because Nanji made a series of gestures, and those gestures were the unique code of the Shenshenlong organization... Nanji means that there is a shadow lurking in the corner outside!

This time, cold sweat broke out on the engineer's forehead, and he felt even more ashamed. He didn't expect such a mess to happen when he cameo on a whim, and someone approached and lurked there. I didn't know what happened. Well, Young Master Li had to peel off his own skin?

At that moment, the engineer said: "Sister, please, go back to sleep..." While speaking, he also made a series of gestures, indicating that he would deal with it.

"I'm younger than you." Nanji said angrily. He made a gesture to show that he should be careful, the other party is not a kind person.

The engineer smiled wryly, of course he knew that the other party was not a good person, if the other party was Xiao Xiami, how could it be possible that the other party was lurking over but he didn't notice it at all?

"Then I'll go back to bed," Nanji said.

"Go back to sleep." The engineer nodded. As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the wall suddenly. He came to the front in an instant, and with a slight kick, he was standing firmly under the wall. Sure enough, there was a Dark shadows lurk there.

The black shadow obviously also knew that he had been discovered, so he stood up abruptly, his body jumped up and at the same time he flicked his hands, a dagger gleaming coldly under the hazy night light, aimed straight at the engineer's face, and then turned around. In a flash, he fled forward.

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