The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1152 More Scary Possibilities

A car quickly shuttled through the darkness.

In the car, Alice's face was stern, and her hands gripping the steering wheel were exposed with blue veins. One can imagine how anxious and angry she is now.

Li Zedao sat there with a gloomy face, his eyes fell outside the window, looking at the scene that flashed before his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Honey..." Alice whispered, Li Zedao made her a little worried.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked after recovering.

"..." Li Zedao said such a sentence, but Alice didn't know what to say, and the so-called comforting words that she had racked her brain to think of disappeared instantly in her mind.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Zedao gave her a reassuring smile, but the smile was so ugly, as if a stiff face was shaking.

"Well, Antarctica will be fine too," Alice said.

Li Zedao nodded, looked outside the window, and said softly, "Well, she will be fine."

Alice glanced at Li Zedao, and felt that he seemed to have something to say, but she didn't think much about it or ask any more questions.

Naturally, there will be no traffic jams in the middle of the night, and Alice's speed is too fast, so the car that originally took half an hour now takes ten minutes. Soon, the car is in the courtyard of the "You Yue" villa. The gate stopped.

After Li Zedao and Alice jumped out of the car, they found more than 20 black-clothed men standing guard in the courtyard, and there were three bodies on the ground, which were already covered with white cloth.

These twenty or so bodyguards are usually responsible for the safety of Susan and Su Xuan, and some are usually responsible for protecting the safety of Baili Bing and Yang Xueer, so when the four girls moved into this villa, they naturally followed them. Several of them were recruited by Wang Huo, and they were said to be soldiers, but Li Zedao didn't ask too much, after all, what he valued most was ability and loyalty rather than their past, but he believed in Wang Huo.

Except for Li Mengchen, who was quite courageous as a criminal policeman who was used to seeing all kinds of corpses, stood in the courtyard, the other women were not in the courtyard, and they were all gathered in the hall at this time.

Seeing Li Zedao and Alice walking in, Li Mengchen seemed to have found the backbone all at once, with a sore nose, trotted towards him, and finally threw himself into her arms and said in a choked voice: "The prostitute, sister Nanji she……"

"I know I know,

Don't worry, she'll be fine. Li Zedao patted her slightly trembling shoulder and said softly, "What happened?" "

When he came in just now, he didn't see the engineers, nor did he see the crows, the god of death, the tombstones left by the crow mercenary group he was familiar with, and the flying fox and his brothers.

Are they chasing them out? Or which one of these three corpses lying on the ground is one of them?

Li Mengchen looked at one of the bodyguards and said, "Come on."

"Yes, Miss Li." The bodyguard nodded and said, his name is Xiaobai, he is usually in charge of Susan's safety, he is a member of the Su family.

"As usual, we took turns patrolling the yard, and then we found that Miss Antarctic suddenly jumped out of the window of her room." Xiao Bai said.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes.

"Then we saw that Mr. Engineer rushed to her immediately. After that, we found out that Miss Antarctic found someone lurking in the corner outside, and then Mr. Engineer jumped on the wall and rushed out. After that, that person After fleeing far away, Mr. Engineer chased after him..."

"The engineers haven't come back yet?" Li Zedao asked with narrowed eyes.

Xiaobai shook his head: "No... But as soon as Mr. Engineer left, another black shadow sneaked in behind him, and the bodyguards immediately surrounded him, but the opponent was very strong, and if he met each other, the brothers would lie down for three After that, Miss Antarctic rushed over and wrestled with each other, but..."

Xiaobai shook his head again, with a horrified expression: "The strength of the opponent is too terrifying. Miss Nanji was defeated in a few moves, and was even captured alive by the opponent. Then the opponent took Miss Nanji and fled. Brother Crow led people to chase after her. We haven’t come back yet, we are afraid that the other party will come back again, so we all gathered here to be on guard.”

Li Zedao nodded gloomyly, looked at Alice and said, "Let's check the cause of their death."

Alice nodded, and followed Li Zedao to the corpse. The two squatted down, opened the white cloth covering him, and began to examine the corpse.

"Honey, there is only one fatal injury, and that is the bloodstain on his neck. The murder weapon should be a very thin sharp weapon." Alice said, and then checked the other two corpses, and got the same result. The cause of death of the three people was the same, their throats were cut instantly by a very thin sharp weapon.

"Have you seen any sharp weapons in his pocket?" Li Zedao looked at Xiaobai and asked.

Xiao Bai shook his head: "I didn't see it."

"It's a very thin and small thing like a blade that was caught between two fingers, so it wasn't seen." Li Zedao looked back at Alice and said, "Who in the Luciano family likes to kill people in this way? The remaining two elders or that Teacher Pete?"

Alice said that unless the old monsters guarding the family came out in person, such as the three elders and Mr. Pete, there was no way for others to threaten her.

And Nanji's strength is comparable to that of Alice, but the opponent subdued Nanji as soon as he made a move, so these old monsters could not do it by themselves.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is... Li Zedao clenched his fists with a painful expression.

Alice frowned but did not shake her head: "The shark's weapon is a big iron rod. King Kong has always used no weapons. His fists are like two iron balls that can smash a big rock with one punch. As for Pete Teacher...I don't know very well...Honey, do you suspect that other members of the Luciano family did it?"

Li Zedao nodded with a gloomy face: "It happened as soon as I left the villa to lure bats out. Could it be a coincidence?"

Alice had a look of evil on her face, yes, if it wasn't a coincidence, it would prove that this time the Luciano family was divided into two groups, one of which was the bats that entangled Li Zedao and herself, and the other group of people killed the villa. ...what is their purpose? One of the women who kidnapped Li Zedao made Li Zedao submit? Or do they know the bat is not dead and want to trade for the bat?

No wonder my dear let the pervert don't let the bat die first.

Just then, the sound of chaotic footsteps sounded.

Li Zedao looked back and saw Feihu and his brothers appearing there, among them Zhou Tao was holding a person in his arms.

Engineers, engineers whose life and death are unknown!

Li Zedao's complexion changed, and he hurried over to meet him, took the engineer in his hand, put it on the ground to check his injuries, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The engineer's injuries were placed on ordinary people, and he might have died a long time ago, but he is an engineer, an elite of the Shenlong organization, and his physique is far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, although internal organs are bleeding, three ribs are broken, and his right arm is fractured, he is not alive. Danger.

Immediately, Li Zedao asked the two of them to send the engineer to the hospital first.

"Li Shao..." Feihu's face was full of guilt, and he lowered his head and said, "We failed to catch up with each other... When we chased out, that person and Miss Nanji had disappeared, so we searched separately. In the end Zhou Tao found the comatose Mr. Engineer, and the crow asked us brothers to bring Mr. Engineer back for treatment, and the three of them continued to search... We were too weak to let Miss Antarctic be taken away..."

"I can't blame you. The other party's attack was so vicious. He killed the three of us with one move. He even captured the Antarctic skill directly." Li Zedao patted him on the shoulder and said, "So I really don't Blame you, I was negligent... You let the crows come back, there is no need to do those useless efforts."

Feihu nodded and went to make a call.

"Make good arrangements for the funeral of these three brothers, and then go to rest, there will be no emergencies tonight." Li Zedao glanced at these bodyguards one by one and said, of course with Li Mengchen and Alice Entered the villa.

Seeing Li Zedao walking in, all the girls sitting in a group in the hall stood up, their eyes fell on him, and without exception, they all breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had found the backbone all at once. Like.

"Big fool...Sister Nanji..." Shadow bit his lips lightly, tears rolling down his eyes, and then rushed towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, not dodging or dodging, letting this delicate body pounce on him, letting her slam into his body heavily, letting her legs tightly clamp his waist, letting her two arms He hugged his neck tightly.

"Does she not want you anymore, and she doesn't want me anymore..." She whispered in Li Zedao's ear with tears in her eyes.

Only Li Zedao could hear what she said, and only Li Zedao understood what it meant.

Then Li Zedao had a sore nose and almost cried.

Yes, there is actually a more reasonable explanation for this matter, that is, this is a play, a big play directed and performed by Nanji while he and Alice left the villa!

The ending of the play is that Nanji left him in an extremely tragic but appropriate and reasonable way, left the villa, and returned to the arms of her him, after all, she was pregnant with her child. , her that he pity her or pity his child, so let Nanji leave.

Other women thought that Nanji was simply taken away by gangsters, but knowing the shadow of the inside story, she also thought of this even more terrifying possibility that Li Zedao also thought of.

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