The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1155 News from Antarctica

Li Zedao's cell phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out to look, but saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and the location of the other party was located in Las Vegas, and his brows frowned slightly.

Seeing Li Zedao's expression was different, Li Zedao asked, "Did the other party call?"

"It should be." Li Zedao said after taking a deep breath, "I'll answer the phone first." After speaking, Li Zedao quickly left the ward and walked to the end of the corridor, and then gave the phone that was still ringing to him. picked up.

The other party obviously knew that Li Zedao would definitely answer the phone, so even though Li Zedao answered the phone late, he didn't intend to hang up.

"Good Mourning, Li." Soon a familiar voice came from beside my ear.

Li Zedao's face suddenly changed drastically, Tom who is wearing the master's face and pretending to be the master?

"Dear Li, my friend, why don't you speak? You don't recognize my voice? I'm your good friend Tom." Tom said with a smile.

"It's you again? You took my woman away last night?" Li Zedao's tone became serious.

"Oh, Li, it's me. I did what happened last night." Tom said with a smile, with a lot of embarrassment in his voice, "No, I want to trouble you again, but I miss you very much Reject me, so... oh, if my behavior has caused you trouble, I can only apologize here."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened and his mouth grew so wide that he even forgot to breathe.

Tom, it turned out to be Tom, the one in Antarctica turned out to be Tom!

This news was too shocking and unexpected for Li Zedao, but now that he knows it, it seems to be reasonable again.

Because of Antarctica, Tom knew Zhou Qian's every move when he was in Yanjing, so he took her away easily? Because of the Antarctic, instead of killing anyone in that classroom, Tom beat Dong Tu hard?

In the island country, because of the Antarctic, Tom knows his every move and even knows that he is wearing a mask? And because he was concerned about Antarctica, he appeared at the Jingguo Shrine?

"Oh, dear Li, you are very angry now? Otherwise, why don't you speak?" Tom's voice, which Li Zedao thought was very embarrassing, came over.

"Yes." Li Zedao's voice was dry,

The violence in my heart couldn't be suppressed, "I want to know, what exactly do you want me to do this time? Besides, I hope this is the last time, otherwise, I will definitely kill you! Also, Where is my woman? If you dare to hurt her, I will not let you go. "

"Oh, Li, you still don't believe me?" Tom said with a smile, "I'm very contractual, you know that, I told you before that as long as you help me get peace from Junichi Ito Button, I'll give you back the little girl named Zhou Qian without any hair missing, and it's the same this time, as long as you do me a favor... oh, it's two favors, I'll give your woman And the child in your woman's womb was returned to you intact... Oh, Li, I haven't congratulated you yet, congratulations on becoming a father soon."

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao growled in a low voice.

Tom's voice was a little shy: "Oh, Lee, I mean when you do me one favor, I guarantee your woman's life, and when you do me two favors, I guarantee your Not only is a woman's life guaranteed, but the life of the weak child in her belly is also guaranteed."

"If you dare to hurt them, I will kill you." Li Zedao said grimly.

"Li, I think even if I don't hurt them, if I meet you one day, you will kill me, won't you?" Tom said with a smile, "Okay, let's get on with the business, my proposal Will you agree?"

Li Zedao gritted his teeth and said, "Say, what's going on?"

"Li, I knew that you are a passionate person. Alas, passion has always been disturbed by ruthlessness since ancient times..." Tom said this in a polite manner.

"Get to the point." Li Zedao roared, interrupting the other party's nonsense.

Tom said with a smile: "Li, I know that there is a person named Zhang Ying beside you. She is a member of the secret group of your Huaxia Shenlong Organization on the surface, but she also has an identity in secret, that is your master, the hand of God." The shadow of a woman's apprentice, is also a well-known hacker in the world, right? This shadow has a very close relationship with your master, God's Hand, and is deeply loved by God's Hand..."

Li Zedao only felt that his hands were trembling slightly, and now he was able to further confirm that the one in Nanji was this Tom, because apart from himself and the shadow of the person involved, only Nanji knew about this matter, but now this Tom unexpectedly also You know, the only explanation is what Antarctica told him, right?

"How did you know about this?" Li Zedao asked with a deep breath.

"Oh, Li, I'm actually a know-it-all, and I can't hide anything from me." Tom said with a smile.

"I bought a watch last year." Li Zedao cursed viciously in his heart.

"And then? What do you want to do?" Li Zedao asked.

"Then...then you help me do the first thing first, and then we'll talk about it." Tom said with a smile.

"I bought a watch last year!" Li Zedao continued to scold in his heart.

"Mr. Tom, what do you need me for?" Li Zedao said in a cold tone. Li Zedao only felt that his body was icy cold, and even his blood was about to freeze.

Tom said with a smile: "Oh, Li, don't worry, I know you will go to Las Vegas these two days, right? After all, the real snake head has appeared in Las Vegas now... It’s a real snake head, so, I think Huaxia executives will definitely let you go to Las Vegas and bring the snake head back, so..."

Tom's voice was a little shy: "Li, while taking back the snake's head, please stop by a place to see if there is a safety buckle there, and if so, help me get it back."

"Ping An button again?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, yes, Lee, it's almost exactly the same shape as the blue safety buckle you got from Junichi Ito last time, except this time it's pure cyan," Tom said.

"Where is that place?" Li Zedao asked.

"Deakin Park," said Tom.

"Deacon Park?"

"Oh, yes, Deacon Manor, this manor is located on the outskirts of Las Vegas, members of the Luciano family live in the castle in this very large and extremely gorgeous manor." Tom laughed Said.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes again. Sure enough, one of the forces that killed Master was the Luciano family. Afterwards, the Luciano family also received a pure blue safety buckle from Master. Now, Tom Wanting to do the same is like getting the blue safety buckle from the sword demon Junichi Ito, just like trying to snatch the safety buckle from the Luciano family.

Li Zedao thought again that Tom mentioned the shadow just now, could it be that he already suspected that the last white safety buckle that none of their forces could get could be on the shadow? Possibly even on itself?

"Then...what's the use of the safety buckle?" Li Zedao asked.

On the other end of the phone, the man exhaled softly, enjoying the comfortable breath, and at the same time the corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer, you are really dishonest, you already know the usefulness of the safety button, why do you still pretend to be so ignorant?

Immediately, he stretched out his hand, gently stroked the back of the woman who was busy under his body with several scars, and said with a smile: "Oh, Li, this is not something you should care about, is it? ?”

"In short, Li, I have great confidence in you. You will be able to sneak into Deakin Manor easily. You can even use a beauty trick on old Luciano's favorite jewel, Mitty Luciano. With your Charm, that woman must not be so fascinated by you, and then obediently give you the pure blue peace?"

"I bought a watch last year." Li Zedao continued to curse in his heart.

"Okay, Li, it's time for me to hang up. The beautiful and sexy Miss Sophie is still waiting for me to massage her breasts." Tom said with a wretched smile, "After you help me get the security buckle, I will To guarantee the safety of your woman's life... or that sentence, I guarantee it with your character."

"..." Li Zedao's heart was full of murderous aura, and he couldn't suppress it no matter what, he was almost sure that the Miss Sophie that Tom mentioned should be referring to the South Pole, right?

"Then, goodbye..."

"Wait..." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, Lee, what else do you want?" Tom asked with a smile.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "I can help you get the safety buckle from the Luciano family, but please return the snake head... I don't think the snake head is of any use to you."

"Oh, Li, please believe me, I really wanted to give you the snake head, but unfortunately, when the snake head was in Las Vegas, I had already returned it to Mr. Bobbie." Tom was very happy. said apologetically.

"Bobile?" Li Zedao asked with a surprised expression, "You mean Keller Bobile?"

"Oh, yes, it's Keller Bobile." Tom said, "Twenty years ago, Keller Bobiler was scared by your master God, so he became his most loyal person by submitting to your master." and handed over all the cultural relics in his treasury, including the snake head, to your master. Your master took these cultural relics back to China, and later established the Brilliant Museum in Yanjing to store those cultural relics in it ...Oh, these are all Mr. Bobile told me, as for the truth of the matter, I don’t know.”

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