The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1158 Assessment

"Mom, because he's not Zhou Yan, he's not Zhou Yan at all, do you understand now?" Sun Ying said bitterly, her face flushed and her chest heaved greatly, showing how restless she is now.

In fact, when her mother's blood pressure stabilized and her condition stabilized, her tense nerves also relaxed, and then she remembered that Zhou Yan had come, and then she regretted it, blamed herself, and felt that she had gone too far.

Indeed, Zhou Yan's first reaction in that situation should be to accompany her to the hospital immediately instead of wondering whether her mother and Sun Yizhou were conspiring to deceive her, but the reason why Zhou Yan had such a reaction is that It's because her mother came over to make trouble earlier, so Zhou Yan is preconceived, and it is understandable.

After that, Zhou Yan also rushed to the hospital, and he beat Sun Yizhou. Now that I think about it, it is not unreasonable for him to beat Sun Yizhou, because Sun Yizhou really deserves to be beaten. If he hadn't "coaxed" her mother to come to Phoenix City, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. How about beating him up?

And now Sun Ying also knows that Sun Yizhou's skills are very good, Zhou Yan is not his opponent at all, that is to say, that day Sun Yizhou was punched by Zhou Yan, he was pretending to be serious.

Sun Ying thought of Zhou Yan's extremely desolate and pitiful back that day when he turned around and left, and felt suddenly uncomfortable, as if a piece had been dug out. At that time, he must have been very sad, right?

"Ah...then...then who is he? He opened the door when I went to that little bastard's house that day..." Grandma's face was bewildered and at a loss.

"He's Zhou Yan's brother, and he's dating Zhou Yan's sister, so he's at his house." Sun Ying said simply, without thinking about what to say, and changed the subject, "Mom, you're almost done. I'll go through the discharge procedures for you, and then you can go back to your hometown..."

Sun Ying knew that her mother couldn't stay in this hospital anymore, because soon those people knew that this old woman was not Sun Yizhou's mother-in-law at all, she was just a joke, a liar, if she stayed, she would be punished. Pointing and making irresponsible remarks, no one would flatter her to curry favor with her and give her a good look.

Besides, her mother's condition has stabilized long ago, but her mother seems to regard this place as a five-star hotel, or even a home, and she will not be hospitalized if she says anything.

Grandmother stared at her daughter with wide eyes, her face changed violently, and her voice trembled as she said, "'s a big deal?" Isn't this kind of aunt from the countryside who has never seen anything in the market just a matter of words?

"Mom, do you care if he is big or not? Let's go, pack up..." Sun Ying wanted to drag her away quickly,

The mocking and sneering eyes around her were like thorns piercing her body, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Yingying, tell mom, is he a big man? Rich?" Sun's mother insisted that this question is very important to her.

"Mom, is it necessary? It doesn't matter to us whether he has a big background or not."

"You child, how can it be okay? It's a big deal. Hurry up and tell mom if the old man is big and rich."

"What do you think? Didn't you see that Sun Yizhou sees him like a mouse sees a cat? Sun Yizhou doesn't know Zhou Yan's relationship with him at all, otherwise he would have the guts to 'invite' you over?" Sun Ying's expression was extremely extreme Said embarrassingly.

Grandmother was stunned for a while, then swallowed and said, "Daughter, do you think you will... soak him..."

"Mom..." Sun Ying cried out of anger, shook off her mother's hand, turned and left.

"Daughter...Yingying...Mom means...Xiao Zhou's people are very nice, I won't stop you, please call Xiao Zhou quickly and let him come out, Mom wants to have a good time with my future son-in-law We know each other..." Grandma shouted from behind.

She also felt that it was unrealistic for her daughter to go after that person, but... Isn't he Zhou Yan's brother? He is still in love with Zhou Yan's younger sister, and they will be a family in the future. In other words, Zhou Yan is also a potential stock with unlimited potential for money, much better than Sun Yizhou.

Sun Ying walked away as if she didn't hear it, she would never contact Zhou Yan again, she didn't have that face.


Manors, castles, fireplaces, burning flames and flickering candles, as well as the smell of steak and red wine floating in the air.

A man and a woman sat at the long dining table. The man was around 60 years old, and his hair had already turned white, but he was extremely majestic, giving people a feeling of calmness and prestige. , especially those green eyes, like two lightning bolts, making people afraid to look directly at them.

The woman is about twenty years old, with brown hair and blue eyes, with an extremely delicate face, her hands are like catkins, her skin is like creamy fat, especially those eyes seem to be able to speak, and people can't help but want to lower their heads when they see it, because, You will feel that if you look at her more than once, it is a kind of blasphemy to her.

"Mitty, my baby angel, Dad thinks you should find a boyfriend, what do you think?" The man looked at the girl with a kind and doting smile on his majestic face.

The girl gently put down the tableware in her hand, wiped the greasy corners of her mouth with the soft silk napkin, looked at her father, blinked her eyes coquettishly, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "My dear father, who do you think worthy of me?"

The girl was extremely proud and self-willed when she said this, but no matter who heard it, she would not feel disgusted, and would even think that what she said was right.

The man thought about it seriously and laughed.

This is really not arrogant, no one is worthy of his own daughter. The strength of other families may not be inferior to that of the Luciano family, but the so-called young talents of these families are not to mention, just based on their appearance, He is not worthy of himself, like the little angel who hides his wings and lives in the world.

"In my opinion, including Phelps, the prince of the Eagle Kingdom royal family, John, the son of our great vice president, and William of Rothschild, these young talents who are well-known in the high society in Europe and America are all too ugly. It’s too hypocritical, it’s not worthy of my nobility and sincerity... Appearance is secondary, mainly I think they are all idiots, if the halos on their heads are removed, life must be worse than those in the slums.”

When the girl said this, she looked so noble and elegant, but also so eccentric, proud and conceited, but unfortunately, she didn't feel any boredom, on the contrary, she couldn't help but want to agree her words.

The man laughed heartily: "My dear angel, don't say this, or the old Rothschild will be so ashamed that his nose will be crooked."

thump thump...

On the wooden spiral staircase, there was the sound of a person's empty and loud footsteps.

The sound was very slow, as if it only sounded after a long time. From the sound of footsteps, it could be heard that this person was slow, as if every time he took a step, he needed to think about how high and how big the next step would be.

"Our dear teacher Pete is here." The man said with a smile.

"Ms. Pete is really slow. I have almost finished eating the steak, and his steak has been completely cold, so he just came over." The woman smiled, but there was no complaint in her tone, but a lot of complaints. Respect is in it.

Finally, a little old man appeared there. The old man was wearing a black tuxedo, a black bow tie on a white shirt, and a handsome face with combed hair. It is conceivable that this is a very strict person in life.

"Clan Chief Moss, Miss Mitty, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting." The old man said with a smile, and then sat down in that seat.

"Oh, Mr. Pete, I'm used to it." Mitty Luciano shrugged and smiled.

Teacher Pete looked at Mitty with a kind and doting smile on his face, picked up the glass in front of him, took a sip of the red wine in it, and said with a serious expression on his face, "I've got the news, this time we'll send it to Huaxia to eradicate it." The traitor's personnel, including the bats, all went to see God... Really sad news, sad."

"Fayan, who can enter the hand of God, becomes his apprentice. Naturally, he has his advantages, and don't forget, he killed the sword demon Ito Junichi, and now the whole island country is in chaos. Yes... If such a young man can't even deal with bats, it would be too disappointing." Mos Luciano nodded and said.

He raised the glass of red wine in front of him and said, "I think we should congratulate him for initially passing our assessment."

"Yes, he passed our assessment." Mr. Pete smiled and nodded and raised his glass.

"Mr. Pete, I want to see more detailed information about this extremely outstanding young man in your opinion. I think you have already prepared it, right?" Mitty is like two of the most precious green flowers in the world. Gem's eyeballs looked at Teacher Pete and asked.

"Yes, Miss Mitty, this information was provided by Tom of the Black Hawk." Teacher Pete said, then stood up and took out the materials that had been prepared earlier, and placed them in Moss Luciano and Mitty. In front of Luciano.

Mitty Luciano began to read carefully, and finally said softly: "Mysterious, loyal, brave, extraordinary in skill, sunny and handsome..."

"Mitty, my precious angel, I have never heard you use so many excellent words to describe a man." Mos Luciano looked at his precious woman in surprise, " Tebi is handsome and sunny... I have never heard you use such words to praise any man."

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