In the room, Li Zedao buried his head deeply on Jia Qianqian's chest, and a faint body fragrance permeated his nostrils, which was gentle and comfortable.

Jia Qianqian brushed the man's hair lightly, making his face and her chest fit closer together. Although the storm just now made her unable to resist, the aftertaste was still fascinating.

"Dear Miss Qianqian, come again?"

"Your sister, if you want to go find Sister Xin in the next room, I'm dying, my body is about to fall apart..." Jia Qianqian panted softly and said coquettishly, her voice filled with endless tenderness.

Li Zedao chuckled, stretched out his big hand, and slid over her body.

After another burst of sweet lingering, Jia Qianqian lay on Li Zedao's body, drawing circles on his chest mischievously with her fingers, but suddenly her expression became a little sad, and she said, "Tell me, where will he go? Is it because I broke his heart by ignoring him, so he left quietly? Or because he ran to gamble again, and was hacked to death, and the body was dragged to nowhere to be buried?"

Li Zedao had already forgotten that this was the first time Jia Qianqian had mentioned this to him, so he stroked her hair and comforted her, "It's still the same sentence, you think too much."

He sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, he also had the same thought. Maybe this Jia Ming, his body is decomposing somewhere, even turned into bones, or even eaten by wild dogs.

As early as after Jia Ming resigned and lost his trace, Li Zedao began to ask people to look for him, but basically searched the entire Fenghuang City and his hometown Yanjing, but he couldn't find any trace of Jia Ming, but except for these two places, Where can he go?

If nothing happened to him? There's no reason to hide. It can't be because you told yourself a lie so you don't have the face to face yourself, right? It is impossible for an old man who can even sell his own daughter to pay off debts to be so thin-skinned.

So there is a great possibility, that is, something bad happened to Jia Ming, but Li Zedao couldn't say that to Jia Qianqian naturally, but he knew in his heart that Jia Qianqian definitely thought the same way.

"But it's fine to die, the bastard who gambles and drives his wife to death and wants to sell his daughter to pay off his gambling debts should die long ago!" Jia Qianqian still said the same thing, very duplicity.

"Insincere." Li Zedao caressed her body dishonestly, "Don't worry, I will tell you as soon as I hear about him..."

Li Zedao looked at her with an ambiguous expression and changed the subject: "What time is it?"

"Why are you asking this?" Jia Qianqian was a little puzzled,

The naked arm stretched over, took a look at the watch on the side, then gave Li Zedao an ambiguous look, and said with a smile, "Li Zedao, you bastard, it's already eleven fifty-nine in the morning , don’t let me sleep, and I won’t be able to get up again tomorrow.”

"Oh, there are still ten seconds until a new day arrives." Li Zedao took the watch from her hand and said.

"And then?" Jia Qianqian rolled her eyes.

"Then...three, two, one...a new day is coming...Miss Jia Qianqian, happy birthday." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"..." Jia Qianqian's expression froze suddenly.

"Okay, go to sleep." Li Zedao said with a yawn.

"...Li Zedao, you bastard... You haven't given a gift yet, don't even think about going to sleep." Jia Qianqian tapped Li Zedao's chest with her little hand, as if her heart was filled with something, a strange feeling Emotions filled her whole body, and it was those emotions that made her eyes a little red... She never told Li Zedao when her birthday was, but he remembered it, and told Li Zedao on time at twelve o'clock Say happy birthday to yourself.

Li Zedao smiled and hugged this delicate body tightly and said with a smile: "Do you have an 'agreement' in private? If one of you celebrates a birthday, who will I belong to?"

"Yes." Jia Qianqian nodded with red eyes. There was indeed such an "agreement" between the sisters, but the agreement hadn't been implemented yet.

Then her body suddenly became numb, and she said coquettishly: "I hate it, take your hands away..."

Li Zedao asked with a smile: "Why?"

"Because, get out..." Jia Qianqian blushed, her eyes were three points shy and seven points ambiguous, she bit her lower lip, and said in a waxy voice, "24 hours from now, you will only belong to my old lady." Yes, watch my old lady squeeze you dry..."


Because today is Jia Qianqian's birthday, Li Zedao "belongs" to Jia Qianqian for the whole day. Of course, other women have already helped Jia Qianqian prepare birthday gifts and a big cake, and they will help Jia Qianqian together in the evening As for the celebration, Jia Qianqian and Li Zedao will arrange the daytime by themselves.

Jia Qianqian was as happy as a bird except for the cage, hugged Li Zedao tightly and pulled the arm to press the road, Jia Qianqian said Li Zedao, you are a bastard, you have had forty-eight days and twenty-two hours Did not accompany me out shopping alone.

Li Zedao smiled, and his heart was full of apologies. He felt the same apology for his women, because he was not the emperors in ancient times, who specialized in doing stupid things that liked the new and hated the old, so he He can't spoil only one person, what he needs to do is keep a bowl of water level, and try not to make any woman feel wronged.

Li Zedao felt that if the gods let him go back to the moment when he just took the Shenwan and started to glow and heat that people couldn't ignore, would he still provoke so many women in the future?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao felt that he was wrong, because he didn't provoke these women at all, and these women came here to "provoke" him, and there was nothing to stop them.

"What gift do you want?" Li Zedao asked.

Jia Qianqian chuckled, without pretending to be polite, and said, "My driver's license is coming soon, so let's buy a car."

"Okay, then buy a car." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Anyone you like?"

"Just buy one with four laps." Jia Qianqian looked at Li Zedao and said, "When I first came to Fenghuang City, one day I accidentally bumped into an Audi parked on the side of the road while walking, and the owner happened to see it. Yes, the car owner pointed to my nose and said, stinky bitch, can you afford to pay for the damage... Heh, at that time, I decided that I must buy an Audi in the future. I can afford it... Li Zedao, I entrust this wish of mine to you, let you help me realize it!"

Li Zedao looked at the eyes with a smile like a flower, but the eyes were full of tears, thinking that she must have suffered a lot before, right? He nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

An hour later, Li Zedao drove Jia Qianqian to the Audi 4S store in a polo. The two got out of the car. Jia Qianqian hugged Li Zedao's arm tightly with a smile, and then they walked into the 4S store.

"Tsk tsk, isn't this... Jia Qianqian?"

A rather charming voice sounded behind them, and the two looked back, only to see an extremely gorgeously dressed and noble girl walking over slowly, holding a short, fat and belly middle-aged man who looked like a successful person , the girl looked at Jia Qianqian, her face was full of jokes, and after the middle-aged man saw Qianqian, although his face was calm, there was a flash of obscenity in his eyes. The radiance was captured very clearly by Li Zedao.

"Her name is Su Hong, my high school classmate. I heard that she was admitted to Phoenix City College. In high school, a boy she liked liked me, so she didn't like me." Jia Qianqian whispered and said quickly in Li Zedao's ear .

Then he smiled and looked at Su Hong who had already walked up to him: "Tsk tsk, isn't this Su Hong? Long time no see."

"It's really you. Just now I thought I had misunderstood the person." Su Hong said, "I heard that you didn't pass the college entrance examination and came to Phoenix City. I passed the city college entrance examination. meet you."

Jia Qianqian smiled and said, "I can't compare to you. With the results of the college entrance examination, it is difficult to get into a better college, and the family conditions do not allow it, so I came out to work."

"How's work?" Su Hong asked.

"It's okay, it's okay." Jia Qianqian said casually.

"Congratulations, you have already found a job, unlike me, who is still dawdling in school, whoops, I don't know if I can find a good job in the future... Oh, the job you mentioned will not Just sell cars in this 4S store...the salary shouldn’t be low, right?” Su Hong said, she didn’t believe that Jia Qianqian came here to buy a car, and whoever bought such a luxury car would bring a country bumpkin with him ?

Jia Qianqian chuckled and said nothing.

However, Su Hong shook the middle-aged man's arm coquettishly and said in a coquettish voice, "Honey, I don't need to go to other 4s stores, I have already decided to buy the Audi convertible sports car I liked before... ..."

As he said that, he looked at Jia Qianqian contemptuously and then said, "It just so happens that my high school sells cars here, so it can make them do more business, right?"

The man laughed, and said in a arrogant voice: "Okay, then buy the convertible sports car you like. If you, a classmate, need it, I can also call Qin Shao, the owner of the 4S shop, and ask him to buy it." Take good care of it in the future."

As he spoke, the man looked at Jia Qianqian, the lustful light in his eyes flashed again, thinking that this is a top-quality product, although it looks far less like Su Hongsao, but it has a kind of It's very interesting, if she and Su Hong can play together...

The man only felt that his crotch was hot, and a certain place had begun to show signs of rising.

"Su Hong, I'm very sorry, I'm afraid I don't need it." Jia Qianqian shook her head lightly with playful eyes and said, "I don't work here. I'm here to buy a car just like you."

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