The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1183 Unexpected Results

Li Zedao stared blankly at Sabert Beckham for a while, then forcefully squeezed out a stiff smile on his face, and said with great difficulty: "Dear Mr. Chef, please stop joking. It's..."

"Oh, no, dear Mr. John Lee, I'm not joking..." Shabert Beckham nodded, and said very politely and sincerely, look, the eyes looking at Li Zedao are still hot, full of admiration , It's like the dream of a brain-dead fan has come true and met his idol.

Of course, because of Shabert Beckham's age and experience after all, he didn't hold his heart and scream and burst into tears. He just silently stared at Li Zedao with extremely hot eyes.

Li Zedao's inexplicable chrysanthemum tightened again, and he had the urge to knock this guy out with a punch. He really couldn't stand a middle-aged uncle staring at him like this, let alone this middle-aged man. Uncle is still gay.

It was very difficult to say at the moment: "Mr. Chef, you are just joking."

"Oh, no, dear Mr. John Lee, I'm not kidding, I'm serious, I hope you promise me to be by your side, and learn from you to make such touching dishes." Shabert. Beckham pointed to the plate of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers exuding heat and an alluring aroma like magic.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, but it was still hard to accept. After all, he came to worship this Mr. Chef God as his teacher! How come this Mr. Chef God wants to worship himself as his teacher?

Could it be that today I played this dish of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers to a super level? How insignificant he is, the dishes he cooks are not the best... Li Zedao admired himself so much that he felt that he was so good as his mother.

Shabert Beckham picked up the plate of fried shredded pork with green peppers, and then picked up the chopsticks. While putting the fried shredded pork with green peppers into his mouth, he looked at Li Zedao with tears in his eyes and spoke briefly. The story of the mysterious young chef god I met in the hotel in Phoenix City, Huaxia that day.

Since the white steamed buns sent by the mysterious young man were stored on the Angel of the seven-star hotel in Huaxia a few years ago, Shabert Beckham was moved by the white steamed buns and at the same time understood Cooking actually has a higher realm, he is not a chef at all, this young man is the chef.

After that, he faded out of the stage, and he didn't want to participate in those meaningless competitions, and he didn't want to hear that kind of praise from others, especially the word "Master Chef", which sounded so harsh, which made his That face couldn't help being hot, so he refused all the invitations he could refuse, and he would only show up if he couldn't refuse.

at the same time,

He tried hard to improve his cooking skills, but after a few years, he was still standing still. He still only conquered people's taste buds, but failed to conquer people's souls.

During this period, he also secretly went to Huaxia Phoenix City many times, and still stayed in the Angel Hotel by the sea, with the purpose of finding the mysterious chef so as to get his advice, but unfortunately, according to According to the hotel staff, there is no such chef in their hotel.

Many times I passed with excited hopes, many times I returned with extreme disappointment, and my culinary skills stagnated, so much so that Chabert Beckham even suffered from depression.

Now he has even been found out that he suffers from a rare disease. The most authoritative doctor in the world told him that his life expectancy may only be three years, and even if the disease occurs within these three years, he will die at any time. killed him.

For Shabert Beckham, it is false not to be afraid of death, but if his culinary skills can break through that bottleneck and reach that state before he dies, it is tantamount to leaving without any regrets.

So now, Chabert Beckham felt that the John Lee in front of him must have been sent to him by God after hearing his pious prayer. How could he miss it?

After Shabert Beckham babbled about his previous encounters and current situation, he also wiped out the plate of fried shredded pork with green peppers. Tongue licks the plate.

From beginning to end, Li Zedao listened quietly to the Mr. Cooking God, but his heart was really turbulent.

Huaxia Phoenix City, Angel Hotel, young, mysterious and handsome, a real chef who makes people feel very high-quality just by listening... Besides the master, who else?

Could it be that there is a definite number in the dark? In the end, Shabert Beckham failed to meet Master again, so he met himself?

But... Li Zedao didn't think that the dishes he cooked were so delicious at all. This guy is not fooling himself. His ultimate goal is actually to miss his body because he is so handsome...

Li Zedao's chrysanthemum tightened again, disgusted by his own thoughts.

"So, dear Mr. John Lee, please agree to my request and be my teacher." Chabert Beckham put down the empty plate and chopsticks, looked at Li Zedao sincerely, and nodded Said.

"This..." Li Zedao wanted to cry, what can he teach him? After all, all he knows how to cook are those home-cooked dishes, such delicate pastries, etc., he doesn't know.

"Mr. John... I will be your student from now on."

"...I will copy a few home-cooked dishes that are common in China." Li Zedao revealed his background very honestly.

"Oh, that's enough." Chabert Beckham said, knowing everything, as long as he can reach that level when cooking these home-cooked dishes, it means that his ability has also reached that level.

"..." Li Zedao was helpless, thinking that your requirements for your teacher are really so inhumane? Anyone who can cook a few extremely common home-cooked dishes can be your teacher? Come on, you are an internationally recognized chef, okay? Do you know that you are ashamed like this?

"Mr. John, this way please, I will ask the servant to arrange a room for you, and you will stay here in the future." Sabert Beckham rubbed his hands in excitement, and then asked the servant to tidy up a room. Great room to go.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, thinking that I haven't promised you to be your teacher yet, have I? Not to mention that I want to live in your manor, right? My wife Alice doesn't dare to sleep alone at night, okay?


Li Zedao is not a person who knows how to refuse, and he has to rely on this Shabert Beckham to sneak into Deacon Manor smoothly, and more importantly, Shabert Beckham's attitude is so sincere , his eyes were full of desire to seek knowledge and solve doubts, so Li Zedao finally nodded in agreement.

In this way, Li Zedao became Mr. Chef's teacher out of nowhere, which was completely contrary to what he expected before he came here.

Previously, Li Zedao thought that it would be good if he could threaten Shabert Beckham to force him to accept him as an apprentice through the photo that was screenshotted from the video and printed out.

However, although Chabert Beckham asked his servant to prepare a room for Li Zedao, Li Zedao had no plans to stay.

"Mr. John, you didn't disappear without a trace as soon as you left the villa, did you?" Chabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao nervously and asked.

"Shabert, you are worrying too much. I still have something to deal with." Li Zedao said helplessly. Originally, he called him "Mr. God of Cooking", but when you asked for it, Li Zedao followed suit.

Although Li Zedao said so, Shabert Beckham's expression was still tense, and he still felt that Teacher John had disappeared without a trace.

"Actually... well, let me tell you the truth." Li Zedao said, "You know why I came here to visit you and begged you to accept me as a student to learn cooking with you, and even used such despicable methods Are you on?"

Shabert Beckham shook his head and said, "I don't know, Mr. John."

Nonsense, if you know what I'm talking about? Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "Because I heard the news that in ten days it will be the birthday of Mitty Luciano, the princess of the Luciano family, and there will be a huge birthday party at that time, and you will be the birthday party." The chef is responsible for making cakes and various dishes for the birthday party. I heard that Mitty Luciano is known as one of the most beautiful women in the world, so I want to see if I can go in and see what this woman has. How pretty..."

Li Zedao was even more embarrassed: "So the fact is that it is like this."

Shabert Beckham's mouth buried in his beard was wide open, his eyes were round, and he had an incredible expression on his face. He didn't expect that the teacher would enter Deacon Manor to see Mitty Luciano Known as one of the most beautiful women in the world, the demeanor of this woman who was sought after by many outstanding young people from the royal family and aristocrats found himself.

But... Hearing what he said, Saubert Beckham immediately felt relieved. After all, since the teacher wants to enter Deakin Manor, he will definitely not disappear.

This Mr. Chef God didn't know that Li Zedao said that just to reassure him.

"Ten days later, I will teach you to enter Deakin Manor." Saubert Beckham nodded and said.

"Oh, thank you, Chabert." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Dear teacher, you don't need to be so polite. This is what I should do." Chabert Beckham said hastily, "Since the teacher has something to deal with and is in a hurry to leave, I will personally send the teacher back."

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