The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1212 A Few Stories

After quickly connecting the mobile phone to the Bluetooth keyboard, Li Zedao put the mobile phone on the table... After thinking about it, he still felt that it was wrong, because he had a lot of data stored in his mobile phone, it would be a pity to be bombed like this .

So he picked up the phone again and gave Stevenson a call. On the phone, he apologized and said that he needed a phone.

Stevenson was still very talkative, he didn't show any impatience because of Li Zedao's repeated interruptions...Of course, there might be, but Li Zedao didn't feel it on the phone.

Stevenson said on the phone that he was about to have a brand new cell phone delivered.

Li Zedao thanked him very politely, and soon there was a knock on the door of the study. Li Zedao walked over and opened the door, only to see a man in black standing there.

"Mr. John, this is the mobile phone you want." The man in black said.

"Okay, thank you." Li Zedao took it.

The man in black nodded politely, indicating that you are busy, then turned and left.

Li Zedao closed the door, returned to the desk, connected the latest fruit phone sent by the bodyguard to the bluetooth keyboard, and then plugged in the USB flash drive that Master left for him. Soon, the phone screen displayed that interface.

Li Zedao put his mobile phone upright on the table, holding a bluetooth keyboard in his hand, took a few steps back, thought for a while and took a few steps back... Fortunately, this study room is big enough, and fortunately, his eyesight is heaven-defying, so Even if he retreated seven or eight meters away, he could still clearly see the content displayed on the phone screen.

Standing still, he took a few deep breaths, and then, using the bluetooth keyboard in his hand, he entered these ten characters... Heavenly King Gedihu, I am two hundred and five...

Then, while staring at the screen of the phone, after taking a few deep breaths, he pressed the "Enter" key on the keyboard...

The USB flash drive didn’t explode, the phone stood there perfectly, and even the content displayed on the phone screen changed, so...the password is correct!

Li Zedao suppressed the extreme curiosity and excitement in his heart, waited for a few more seconds, and after making sure that there would be no explosion, he quickly walked to the front and picked up the phone.

I saw that there is a document stored in this USB flash drive, and the document has not been named, and the displayed name is the default "New Text Document".

At that moment, Li Zedao sat down on the sofa,

After taking a few more deep breaths, I opened the document and browsed the contents.

"Boy, when you see this document, I must be dead... Oh, don't cry, of course, if you want to cry, I don't mind."

Li Zedao's nose was inexplicably sour. It seemed that Master knew that someone was going to hurt him, so why didn't he hide? Hidden but not dodged? is there any other reason?

"However, even if I die, I will always be by your side... You read that right, I am by your side, not in your heart."

"..." Li Zedao felt trembling, looked left and right, but there was no ghost around. He has put on that ring now, so he can see ghosts, so... Master is scaring himself.

"I want to tell you a few... It can be regarded as a story. After reading these few stories, it may solve some doubts in your heart."

Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, took a deep breath, and continued to look down.

"The first story is called "The Story of Nv Wa Repairing the Sky"...I'm afraid you will think that Master is watery, so you can find information about the story about Nv Wa repairing the sky by yourself. You just need to know that it is not a myth or legend, but a reality As long as it happened."

"..." Li Zedao thought about it, but still felt that it was a legend.

"You just need to know that in order to mend the sky, Nuwa refined 36,501 stones, used 36,500 stones, but left one unused."

"Next is the second story, called "The Story of Chen Tuan and Shi Shi"... Oh, I have already asked the little girl Yingying to tell you this story, so I won't write any ink anymore. You just need to know, Nuwa The five-colored stone that mended the sky was obtained by Chen Tuan. Later, when his hands were itchy and he had nothing to do, he divided the five-colored stone into five pieces according to the color, and polished them into white, yellow, pure cyan, red, and blue. The five safety buckles will do.”

Li Zedao touched his chest, and felt something hard. The white safety buckle that Master asked Shadow to give him was put there close to his body.

"The third story is called "The Story of Duanmu Weizhuang, a Ghost Doctor of a Generation"..."

"Duanmu Weizhuang?" Li Zedao frowned slightly. When visiting Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai father and son before, Dongfang Bubai gave himself a very old map, saying that it was given to Dongfang Buqun by his grandfather, and asked him to help with the research, saying that as long as he understands the map, You can find the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctors thousands of years ago.

It is also said that there is a prescription for curing cancer in the tomb!

At that time, Li Zedao wondered whether the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang could be the ancient tomb where Chen Tuan collected the inner force quick-learning method and the five-colored stone!

At the moment, Li Zedao hurriedly continued to browse.

"By the way, thousands of years ago, there was a doctor who was as good as Master. His name was Duanmu Weizhuang, and he was still the same as Master. He was not only a very good doctor, he was also a master of martial arts...Of course, there must be no Master. I'm handsome……"

"..." Li Zedao looked at the muscles on his face twitching, the master is the master, he never forgot to be handsome!

"People who cultivate internal strength have three bottlenecks. You know that. The last bottleneck is returning to the basics. Once you reach this level, you will be fused with nature. In that state, you can already be regarded as a demigod. Having an immortal body, being able to walk against the wind, wandering in the sky, taking the head of a person thousands of miles away, and even a single thought can kill someone... To break through this bottleneck, talent, opportunity, and the favor of the heavens are all indispensable!"

"Duanmu Weizhuang naturally hopes that one day he can also enter the legendary realm, but he has none of the talent, opportunity, and heaven's favor, so he finds another way! In the second half of his life, He devoted himself to refining this kind of elixir that can break through the last bottleneck! In the end, he really succeeded in refining it..."

"..." Li Zedao's eyeballs widened suddenly, and he quickly continued to look down.

"It's just that, it's a pity that although the elixir has been refined, but because of exhaustion of his mental energy, he became obsessed, and his internal energy was exhausted. It has no effect at all. This is a great irony, and it is also an extremely desperate thing. Afterwards, Duanmu Weizhuang became depressed and soon fell ill. Although he is a generation of ghost doctors, he is He failed to save his own life, so in the end, he built a tomb for himself, and hid the pill that he made that could allow you to break through the realm of returning to the original in one fell swoop, and kept him with his corpse forever. And the beautiful widow of Duanmu Weizhuang will stay with her forever in front of the tomb, becoming a beautiful gravekeeper.”

Li Zedao's eyes were still wide open, but a very sad and beautiful ghost appeared in his mind. Could it be that the woman he met in the devil's den was the wife of Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctors thousands of years ago? Because she took the elixir refined by Duanmu Weizhuang, she broke through the realm of returning to nature in one fell swoop? She is over a thousand years old now?

Also, in the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, there is actually no medicine that can cure cancer, but the elixir that can make you break through the realm of returning to nature?

Dongfang Invincible is lying? Or did he not know the situation? After all, after such a long time, some legends have become more and more biased.

Li Zedao calmed down and continued to look down.

"The fourth story is called "The Story of Chen Tuan and Duanmu Weizhuang's Widow"..."

"Come on..." Li Zedao couldn't help but leaned out, and then hurriedly continued to look down.

"It is said that Song Taizu asked Chen Tuan to find the five-colored stone and create a set of quick inner strength methods, otherwise he would kill him! Chen Tuan had no choice but to perfunctory while doing things, and visited our great rivers and mountains in China in the name of looking for the five-colored stone , to get rid of the depression in his heart, and later, he strayed into a dense forest, where he was dizzy, and then, he accidentally came to a grave in the depths of the forest."

"Then, his eyes lit up instantly, because he saw a stunning woman in white clothes and even her long white hair standing in front of the tomb! Chen Tuan couldn't move his eyes away. Yes, he was amazed instantly, his heart was beating so hard, they felt that they had found the feeling of first love! Yes, what a ridiculous thing, Chen Tuan, who had already comprehended life and death, found the feeling of first love... ..."

Li Zedao thought about it seriously, and found that he couldn't imagine that beautiful scene that seemed to be love at first sight, but it just made him feel creepy.

Li Zedao knew that the so-called stunning beauty that Chen Tuan saw should be the female ghost he met in the devil's lair, right? As for the tomb, it was Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb without even thinking about it!

Of course, Li Zedao was also very curious, how did Master know about this? Could it be that the female ghost told him when he entered the devil's lair?

"When Chen Tuan met that stunning beauty, that stunning beauty was clumsily repairing a tomb. How could she be allowed to do such a detrimental thing? So Chen Tuan demanded help!"

"While Chen Tuan was fascinated by the beauty, the beauty's heart was also captured by Chen Tuan's temperament, so Chen Tuan naturally helped her rebuild the tomb that had a history of hundreds of years, and even kept the tomb in the tomb. He set up various organs here, and with the consent of the beautiful lady, he put the quick-acting method of internal energy created by him in the grave."

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