"Mr. God of Gamblers..." She smiled at Li Zedao with her hand holding something, "I think you need to dress up a bit to hide the double light of God of Gamblers and God of Cooking on you, So I prepared glasses and a hat for you."

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded and smiled.

Ke Lisi walked up, put the hat in her hand on Li Zedao's head, put the glasses on the bridge of his nose, then looked at Li Zedao a few times with big eyes, and said very satisfied: "Oh, it blocked your Some light, however, is in line with your temperament."

Li Zedao smiled, thinking, don't think that I can't see that the hats and glasses we two are wearing are couples' models!

Ke Lisi drove out a supercar that Li Zedao didn't know the brand but looked very cool from the garage. She said that she begged Miss Mitty for a long time before she agreed to borrow it.

"Are you driving?" Ke Lisi looked at Li Zedao and smiled, intending to give up the driving seat.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "You should come, I don't know the way." Then he opened the co-pilot's door and got in, then the car moved forward slowly, and finally drove out of the huge iron gate that was slowly opened.

"Sit still, Mr. God of Gamblers." Ke Lisi glanced at Li Zedao and said with a smile.


"Is there a problem?" Ke Lisi blinked. In the dark, those green eyes shone with a faint light, which made people intoxicated.

Li Zedao smiled and said nothing, his eyes fell on the window.

Ke Lisi glanced at him again, the corners of her mouth curled up in a very nice way, and then she kicked the accelerator, the car made a very pleasant roar, and then sprinted forward and disappeared into the night.


Li Zedao doesn't follow stars, so naturally he doesn't know who Bu Ni Ni is, so Ke Lisi learned that she is a popular female star in the entire United States and even the world.

Li Zedao had to admit that the atmosphere at the concert was extremely hot, and what was even hotter than the atmosphere at the scene was the performance costume of this Bunny on stage. She sometimes added various uniforms and sometimes appeared in underwear. wear.

"Damn it, is it because of the impact of the economic crisis that you can't even make clothes anymore?" Li Zedao stared straight at the female star on the stage who was jumping and jumping in three-point high heels, and whispered.

"Mr. Gambler,

what are you saying? Ke Lisi glanced at him and asked with a smile. She was still holding a glass of red wine in her hand, shaking it gently.

Li Zedao and Ke Lisi are located in an independent and luxurious small box on the second floor of the concert site. These boxes are specially prepared for celebrities, celebrities, dignitaries and dignitaries who do not want to show their faces to be seen by the outside world. The fees are all worth it.

Of course, with the status and financial resources of the Luciano family, it would be easy for Li Zedao and Alice to obtain such a box, even if the box had already been reserved.

The three sides of the box are separated by wall panels, only the direction facing the stage is empty, and there is a fence. You can sit on the seat and enjoy the show, or stand up and lie on the railing to enjoy the performance more closely.

Even if you are willing to pay, you can ask the hotel waiter to bring up all kinds of expensive red wine stored in the hotel's wine cellar.

For example, the bottle of red wine Ke Lisi and Li Zedao opened now, Li Zedao looked at the price, five thousand dollars, which made Li Zedao's heart twitch, how much does it cost for a sip?

Ke Lisi seemed to see through Li Zedao's mind, and joked that it was prepared by Uncle Moss long ago, and he didn't need to pay for it, so Li Zedao could drink it at ease, so Li Zedao really drank it at ease, and it was just the red wine Drink it as plain water.

Li Zedao put his hands on the railing, looked away from the brightly lit stage, met these green eyes, and said, "Oh, I said... the atmosphere at the scene is very hot..."

"I thought you were lamenting that Miss Bunny was sexy, like a wild cat." Currys laughed.

"It's really sexy..." Li Zedao nodded, at least...the clothes are very sexy and visually alluring.

"Then... how about compared to me?" Li Zedao was the only one in Ke Lisi's shining green pupils, and there was no huge, explosive stage behind him at all.

When she said this, her tone was joking, but it made people feel that she was asking this question very seriously.

Li Zedao didn't dare to communicate with these eyes too much, turned his head and glanced at Bunini on the stage, and said very seriously: "She is sexy."

In fact, Ke Lisi's figure is pretty good, but compared with Western women who are born with big breasts and round buttocks, she seems a little unqualified. She belongs to the slender and tall kind. Even now, she can still develop and make the peaches mature and plump. , and it is impossible to become the carnality that people often say, which is determined by the innate constitution.

"Oh, because she wears less clothes?" Ke Lisi giggled and asked, "Maybe... I'm sexier than her after taking off my clothes."

"..." Li Zedao touched his nose with embarrassment, thinking that I really don't know.

At this moment, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket vibrated slightly.

"I'm very sorry, my friend called, I think I have to go out for a while." Li Zedao shrugged and said apologetically.

"Oh, okay, after you finish the phone call, we will continue to discuss who is more sexy." Ke Lisi smiled and nodded.


At that moment, Li Zedao left the box, took out his mobile phone to have a look, and then walked quickly towards the end of the corridor.

At the same time, a black shadow quietly appeared at the door of the box. The black shadow looked up at Li Zedao's receding figure, then pushed open the door of the box and slipped in.

Li Zedao came to a dark corner, and after making sure that there were no suspicious people around, Li Zedao picked up the vibrating cell phone.

"Oh, Li, watching Brienini's sexy and hot performance in the same box with the beautiful woman, I think you must be very excited, right?" Tom's laughing voice came over.

"Where's the medicine you mentioned?" Li Zedao didn't want to talk nonsense with this bastard, so he said very simply. He knew that his every move was under Tom's surveillance.

Through those overhead cameras? Or the waiter who brought in the wine? Or is it some other eyeliner hidden in the dark but undetectable by oneself? Li Zedao was not sure either.

"Oh, go straight ahead, turn left, you can see a bathroom, there are people waiting for you." Tom said with a smile.

"You?" Li Zedao asked.

Tom laughed playfully: "If it were me, do you want to kill me directly?"

Before Li Zedao could answer, he hung up the phone.

Li Zedao's eyes were full of murderous intent, and while putting the phone in his pocket, he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Isn't this nonsense?"

He never wanted to kill a person like this.

Because he has repeatedly threatened the safety of his woman? Or because of Antarctica?

Go straight ahead, turn left, and Li Zedao saw the sign of the restroom. After walking in, Li Zedao saw a black man washing his hands seriously by the sink.

Li Zedao used to think that all black people in the world looked basically the same, at least when he was in Phoenix City, he would sometimes pass by a few black people. At that time, Li Zedao always had two feelings in his heart, that It’s just that the black heels are very similar, they are really black, they really look alike, and it’s hard to tell who is who.

But now, Li Zedao had to correct his low-level misunderstanding. Black people still look different from black people. For example, Li Zedao recognized the black guy who was washing his hands right now.

That day in the island country, after he obtained the rose blue from the sword demon Ito Junichi, the black buddy appeared in time, and took the safety buckle from his hand according to Tom's instructions.

"Good evening, buddy." The black friend turned his head and smiled at Li Zedao, showing a mouthful of extremely white and neat teeth. If the lights were a little darker and his eyes were a little bit worse, you wouldn't even be able to see him, you could only look at him. Seeing a mouthful of teeth floating there...it's really scary no matter how you think about it.

Li Zedao looked at him coldly and didn't speak.

The black man didn't mind either, he shrugged his shoulders with a smile and indulged himself: "Oh, that bitch of Bunny is really sexy, isn't she? Her dance is really provocative, oh, what a bitch..."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand.

The black grinned, took out a glass bottle from his pocket, threw it to Li Zedao and said with a smile: "Even if Mr. Pete eats this kind of thing, he will lose all the strength in his body, and he will also have to become a dog that can be used by others." The slaughtered lamb..."

The smile on the black man's face disappeared bit by bit, replaced by a gloomy face, because the other party didn't listen to what he was saying, put the medicine in his pocket casually, turned and left.

"Oh, Fuck, Fuck!" he cursed viciously, "what an impolite fellow."

Li Zedao returned to the box, pushed open the door, and his pupils widened slightly.

In the midst of the blaring music, Chrissy was actually dancing over there... the kind of sexy dance that Brienne danced on the stage.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, isn't it sexy?" Ke Lisi looked up at Li Zedao and smiled, her body continued to wriggle with the music, like a water snake.

"Sexy." Li Zedao nodded, he can't violate his conscience, he is indeed very sexy, if he wears less clothes, the effect will be more obvious.

"Compared to Brieni?" Ke Lisi was still insisting on this question.

"Bunini..." Li Zedao still couldn't go against his conscience.

Ke Lisi stopped her movements, puffed her cheeks and looked at Li Zedao depressedly, then burst into laughter, and said in a slightly provocative way: "Mr. God of Gamblers, it seems that you still think I wear too many clothes. ...Take it off?"

As she spoke, she really started to unbutton the clothes.

Li Zedao had no choice but to stop her from taking off her clothes against his conscience: "Uh...you are sexy...you are more sexy than Bunny."

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