The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1260 Zhou Yan's Grievance

"Of course... oh, I can just get off the car in front, it's not far from my home, thank you." Pan Xiaoting said.

When Li Zedao stopped the car, Pan Xiaoting smiled awkwardly at Li Zedao, then opened the door and got out of the car, as if avoiding a snake or a scorpion.

Li Zedao looked at her figure who soon got into a taxi and smiled, he knew what he said just now "And I have provoked a terrible person, everything I have now, even my life, In fact, it's not in my hands, maybe people close to me will also suffer, including Xinxin..." This seriously stimulated this woman's nerves, so she couldn't wait to get away from herself point.

Instead of driving away immediately, he picked up the cigarette in the car and lit one.

Recently, he has shown signs of liking the smell of cigarettes. When he lights one, he feels the strange feeling of the smoke lingering in his heart and lungs, which will calm his heart a little.

Li Zedao doesn't care about the gradual development of smoking addiction. After all, everyone rejects cigarettes because it is a chronic poison, which may kill you in the end, but for Li Zedao, who can eat rat poison as a meal For humans, naturally there is no such thing as poisonous or not poisonous.

After smoking a cigarette, he reached out to the cell phone that Tom had left behind, unlocked it, and dialed the only phone number stored in it.

The phone was picked up quickly, and the familiar voice came over: "I miss you."

"...Me too, I'm in Yanjing now." Li Zedao said, of course, imitating Tom's tone with ventriloquist.

Li Zedao is sure that Tom must have guessed what he is doing now before he died, otherwise why would he say that sentence before he died?

"Take care of the South Pole!" were Tom's last words.

Li Zedao understands the meaning of these words, that is to take care of Nanji's emotions carefully, at least not to let her emotions fluctuate too much before the baby in her belly is born.

Tom knew that Li Zedao would do this well, but Li Zedao didn't want to do it, because doing such a thing would be cruel to him, and it would be like adding salt to the wound.

But he still did it, even, it was very cheap... He was willing to die.

"In the next few days, I will be a little busy, take care of myself and take care of the children." "Tom" said.

"Will do.

" said Antarctica.

Li Zedao could imagine that at this time, Nanji's cold and abnormal face must be exuding the brilliance of motherhood.

After talking on the phone, Li Zedao lit another cigarette, and involuntarily recalled the scenes of being with Antarctica before, which were very clear and real, but they were far away.

Shaking his head and forcibly cutting off that scene, Li Zedao looked at the time, it was noon, no wonder he was a little hungry, and he knew that Alice and Mitty would not return to the hotel until at least evening, so he didn't plan to do that. I went back to the hotel early, and now I plan to find a place to eat and talk.

Finally, he found a stylish restaurant. The decoration style of the restaurant is similar to that of Jade Restaurant. It is warm and romantic. When the dark yellow lights are turned on at night, it adds a bit of ambiguous atmosphere, which is very suitable for couples. Come over for a meal, of course, it is also very suitable for those who are on a blind date.

The man and woman sitting in front of Li Zedao came to go on a blind date, because Li Zedao, who was gnawing on the not-so-delicious steak, heard their conversation.

After being "raised" by Shabert Beckham for a few days, Li Zedao's mouth became greasy, and he thought, don't let him be the head chef at the Jade Restaurant, and just take charge of three meals in the villa?

Letting the God of Cooking stay in the Emerald Restaurant is already a very beastly behavior. Now if you want to keep him at home to cook, will this...will it be struck by lightning?

The two people on the blind date were both in their thirties. The man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, a little bald, and looked a little honest.

"What job?" The woman asked with squinted eyes.

"Oh, I work as a technical director in an Internet company." The man quickly replied with a smile, "The monthly salary is 20,000."

"Twenty thousand... let's make do, it's actually not much in a place like Yanjing." The woman said, "What kind of car do you drive? How far is the house within?"

"The car is a Jetta..."

"Jetta?" The woman squinted her eyes, her face was full of disgust, the decibels were a little high, of course, she didn't realize that her voice was so loud that it affected others, "Is it that kind of broken car?"

"It's not broken. I just... just bought it. It's very new." The man smiled awkwardly.

"..." The woman is powerless to complain, but the emotional intelligence of the technical man is really terrible, and he can always be on the same channel as you.

"Where's the house?"

"It's rented..." the man said, "But I have a house in my hometown. There are two adobe houses. My father said that if it is developed, it will be worth a lot of money."

"...I don't think we are suitable, what do you think?" The woman really didn't want to continue the chat, and planned to end this blind date that made her want to go crazy.

"No, I's quite suitable." The man smiled shyly, "You are worthy of me."

"...You are not good enough for me." The way a woman looks at a man is like looking at an idiot.

Li Zedao was so happy that he almost choked on the steak in his mouth. This guy's EQ is really low. Then, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out Zhou Yan's phone, thought about it, and answered it.

"Boss..." Zhou Yan's aggrieved voice came over.

Li Zedao picked up a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Speak normally, or I'll die." What he couldn't bear the most was that Zhou Yan talked to him in such a tone, and he would feel goosebumps all over his body after hearing it Pimples.

Afraid that Li Zedao would hang up the phone, Zhou Yan's voice became normal, but he was still aggrieved: "I am famous, I have become a man of the hour in our school, and even the limelight has overshadowed you, the boss."

"Really?" Li Zedao asked, "You and Deng Xiaomin showed off your affection by the Furong Lake in broad daylight, did you not notice that the scale was too big and even it was broadcast live?"

"Boss..." Zhou Yan's tone was full of resentment, "Do I look like that kind of open-minded person?"

Li Zedao wanted to say, you are not but Deng Xiaomin, she does not know how many field battles she has fought with these men, but in order to take Zhou Yan's face into consideration, Li Zedao didn't say anything.

"Then what happened?" Li Zedao asked. Zhou Yan belongs to that kind of sullen type. If he really becomes a man of the Phoenix University, he will definitely wake up laughing in his sleep, but he is so miserable now, which proves that this reputation is not good. , but stinky, so stinky that even a thick-skinned guy like Zhou Yan can't bear it.

Zhou Yan said in pain: "Isn't it Sun Ying's mother? That old woman actually ran into the school, even broke into the classroom, grabbed my collar, held a megaphone in the other hand, and then She yelled at me for being a bastard, the number one bitch in Fengda University, the number one bastard, who actually kicked her daughter aside after she fell asleep, and then got involved with a bitch..."

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly. He knew that Sun Ying's mother was very tough, realistic, and unreasonable, but he really didn't expect her to be so tough that she broke into the classroom to do something. This kind of thing comes out.

"Before everyone could react, she clutched her chest and collapsed on the ground... She was too excited and her blood pressure was high, damn it, it's okay for her to faint because of her high blood pressure, but she was still holding on to my feet tightly. Let it go, she said she would never let me go even if she was a ghost, and then she blushed and started rolling her eyes, it was very scary."

"Really tall?"

"It's not acting. It's really tall. In the end, an ambulance came and pulled him away. I followed, and I suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. The doctor said that I might be paralyzed in the future." Zhou Yan's bitter voice was full of bitterness.

"Uh..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say.

"Then, I became famous, and now I have become the number one cheapest in Fengda University. Everywhere I go, I am pointed out, saying that I am a beast, that I have caused disasters to other people's families, and even almost caused death. Now that I can ask for leave, I dare not go to school." Zhou Yan said.


Zhou Yan complained: "Boss..."

"What did Sun Ying say?"

"Well, she apologized to me. She said that after her mother stabilized her condition, she would take her away quickly, and she would not let her continue to make trouble." Zhou Yan said.

"Do you feel sorry for her?" Li Zedao could hear the emotions contained in Zhou Yan's tone.

"Her mother's illness probably wiped out all her savings." Zhou Yan said, "I heard that she resigned from the No. 1 Hospital some time ago, and now she is working part-time as a food delivery, so the money can come Hurry up, her father came over from his hometown to take care of her mother... I gave her money, but she didn't want it, I said it was for you, and she told me to go away."

"You still like her?" Li Zedao asked.

After a long time, Zhou Yan let out a "huh".

"Do you think Deng Xiaomin likes you?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Yan was silent for a while, then said, "She likes you."

There is nothing wrong with these words, of course, this kind of liking is not because he likes Li Zedao, but also likes Li Zedao's money and his influence. Zhou Yan knew it a long time ago, but he couldn't resist her offensive, because he was a fresh-blooded rookie, while Deng Xiaomin was a seasoned veteran.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan was basically dominated by his lower body.

"Are you willing to leave Ruanrouxiang?" Li Zedao asked.

"To be willing is to be willing." Zhou Yan said, "It's just a pity...can I be like you?"

"Dreaming!" Li Zedao hung up the phone very depressed, this kind of bitch deserves to be sprayed to death!

Putting Zhou Yan's matter behind for the time being, Li Zedao continued to bury his head in eating the steak. At this moment, a somewhat pungent perfume smell hit him.

Looking up, he saw that the woman who was sitting on the table in front of him on a blind date with the it man sat down in the empty seat in front of him, staring at him with a faint smile on her face.

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