"Hello, I'm Suyan's older brother." Li Zedao looked at the little girl and nodded.

"Uh..." The picture shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be so polite with a smile on your face, it should be you swearing at each other, and finally you scratch me once and you scratch each other twice, that's right. , how can this be the case?

So when the little girl looked at this handsome guy, her mind froze for a moment.

"Wait... Who are you talking about as your classmate?" After she realized it, she stared at Jin Suyan in displeasure, as if she had been humiliated, and cursed, "I'm not so unlucky to be your classmate." Where's the classmate? I'm from class three, okay?"

Jin Suyan smiled: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I won't be able to see you in the future, maybe you will... see me in the future."

Jin Suyan thought to herself, I will definitely become a big star that everyone is looking forward to, stand on that big stage and accept everyone's call, then you will be able to see me.

"I dropped out of school, and I probably won't appear on this campus in the future." Jin Suyan said again.

"...What? There's no money for you to continue your studies because someone died in your family?" Zhou Lin was stunned for a moment, then mocked. I don't know why, but she felt very uncomfortable with Jin Suyan's calm appearance. She should have rolled up her sleeves and scolded back like before, and even made a move.

But now, she is acting like a goddess, so polite, and she doesn't bother to scold you and fight with you, but she is like a sick crazy woman. What kind of?

"Thank you for your concern, everything is fine at home now." Kim So-yeon said.

"...Damn it! Damn, you're crazy!" Zhou Lin was going crazy, can she still have a good chat?

Jin Suyan smiled slightly and nodded towards her, then looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Brother, let's go back."

Zhou Lin felt like she was a clown, and felt that the punches she threw out one after another seemed to be hitting cotton, which made her feel full of powerlessness, so she couldn't bear it at this time. He shouted at the top of his voice, "Sisters, beat her and tear her clothes off..."

"Slap!" Before she could finish her sentence, she was slapped across the face.

It was Kim So Yeon's brother who came out of nowhere but was undeniably handsome who hit her.

Looking at this handsome face, her eyeballs slightly widened,

It was unbelievable, and then she reacted and screamed: "You fucking dare to hit..."

"Slap!" Zhou Lin received another slap on the face.

Zhou Lin was completely dumbfounded by two consecutive slaps. She stared at the handsome boy with a faint smile on her face, as if she was looking at a devil smiling at her.

This man... how could he hit a woman? Is he a man?

"Damn you... who are you? You dare to hit Sister Zhou, do you believe that Sister Zhou's boyfriend makes people unable to get out of this school?" One of the young ladies swallowed, and bit the bullet to attack .

"Slap!" She also received a slap in the face.

The young ladies headed by Zhou Lin were frightened, and looked at this silent but desperately slapping man with panicked eyes.

They were full of aggrieved anger, but they didn't dare to take any actions, including swearing at each other, because they knew that they were weak and weak, and they were not the opponent of this shameless beast who beat a girl.

"You...there's no end to this..." Zhou Lin covered her cheeks, and being slapped by Jin Suyan's brother in front of Jin Suyan made her feel unbearable, and her lungs were about to explode.

"Slap!" She was slapped on the face again.

Li Zedao smiled and looked at these young ladies who were backing away again and again, and asked, "Call your so-called boyfriends over, I'll wait for him here."

"You...you...wait..." Zhou Lin cried and fled with the little girl.

Li Zedao looked back at Jin Suyan and said, "Don't worry, they are not my opponents."

Jin Suyan couldn't hold back, smiled again, thought for a while and said, "Brother, I know why you did it, because you are a person with a great sense of justice."

Li Zedao nodded: "I can't even talk about a sense of justice, it's just... well, I can't understand school violence, very much."

Once, Li Zedao himself was a victim of school violence, and he didn't take off the label of "victim of school violence" until the second semester of his senior year.

Li Zedao felt that the school and parents were too gentle when dealing with school violence incidents. Those offenders were always forgiven easily because they were still children or the so-called "Minor Protection Law". They either went back to reflect for two days or wrote a A so-called self-criticism or demerit...it looks like no punishment.

The price they paid was too light, as light as a feather, just like this Zhou Lin, under the premise that Jin Suyan didn't want to care about anything, she was aggressive and even planned to have Jin Suyan's clothes stripped off , This kind of behavior doesn't seem to be so different from Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai, the two beasts, right?

Li Zedao looked left and right.

"Brother, what are you looking for?" Kim So-yeon asked.

"Things like wooden sticks, don't you think it's more handsome to beat people with sticks?" Li Zedao laughed.

Jin Suyan imagined it, and it was really true, so she also helped to find it, and soon they found a small dead branch about three fingers thick under the tree beside it, with a few dead leaves on it, Li Zedao took the extra I tore off the dead branches and rotten leaves, and weighed them in my hands. It was still good enough to deal with these guys who knew how to play cool and bully without reading all day long.

Soon, more than 20 people, men and women, quickly surrounded them, including Zhou Lin who had just been slapped several times by Li Zedao. He said something tearfully, and pointed to Li Zedao who was standing there.

The boy's face still had a very immature aura, but he wanted to pretend to be old-fashioned, and with that attire, he looked extremely nondescript.

"Damn it, you dare to beat me up, you're looking for death..." Walking up to him, the boy let go of Zhou Lin, looked at Li Zedao gesticulating, and cursed arrogantly, "Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death and play with you!" Die your sister..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a black shadow approaching his face, making his muscles tense for a moment, but it was too late to dodge.

Li Zedao slammed his stick on the guy's red-stained head with an echo-like sound. The guy's eyes widened and looked at Li Zedao. Then his body went limp, and he fell down on the spot.

The remaining 20 or so people were dumbfounded. They thought that there were so many of them, and the other party wouldn't be scared to pee their pants, but the other party didn't say anything, and just came over with a stick. The stick fell down.

When they were dumbfounded, Li Zedao didn't stop his movements at all. He raised his stick and dropped it, regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, each person had a stick, so it was very straightforward. In less than two minutes, or even shorter, the ground was already dead. It was full of people lying all over the place.

Some had their heads knocked out and were directly in a state of concussion, while others had their thighs knocked out and couldn't stand up. The pain was so painful that tears came out, and they felt like their legs were broken.

Li Zedao stood there, looking down at them. Everyone who looked at him, without exception, showed a look of extreme fear.

"Actually, I don't like beating people, and I don't even like beating women." Li Zedao said.

"..." The people lying on the ground cried even more, especially those little sisters.

"Anyway, just a word, if anyone dares to bully those honest and weak students in this school from now on, he won't study hard..." Li Zedao looked left and right again, and finally buckled the sidewalk bricks on the side road , Looking back at this group of delinquent teenagers.

"Looking good," he said. Then the palm of the hand was lightly printed on it.

The brick was still the same brick, nothing had changed, so there was a trace of bewilderment in their terrified eyes, they thought that this great man was going to perform a show of splitting bricks with his bare hands.

Li Zedao put the brick back on the ground, and then a miraculous scene appeared, the brick suddenly turned into a pile of rice pieces, as if it was crushed by a machine.

The pupils of these unscrupulous boys dilated, and their faces were full of horror.

"I will treat his bones as the bricks just now, crush them into pieces." Li Zedao finished what he had just said, "Don't doubt my words."

As he said that, he picked up the stick he used to beat people, and in front of them, he broke it off in small pieces about two centimeters, just like breaking bread.

This scene, in fact, shocked these students more than the scene where the brick turned into a meter, because some students thought that the brick might have been replaced by him, but the stick in front of them...they were I can't get up after being whipped by this stick.

So the anger in these people's hearts has completely disappeared, like frightened rabbits.

The purpose of the threat has been achieved, Li Zedao took Jin Suyan and left in a cool way.

After a long period of time, this problem school really did not have any incidents of students bullying students or meeting and fighting after school. The original problem students sat in the classroom obediently and listened to the old students. Then, the enrollment rate of this school increased little by little, and it even became a prestigious school in Yanjing in the end... This was something Li Zedao never expected. Of course, these are things for later.

"Aren't you scared?" Li Zedao asked with a glance at Jin Suyan.

"No." Jin Suyan shook her head and said, "What's more... I've seen that tragic one before, just think about it...Brother, how did you come up with that method?"

"The scenery of your school is very nice."


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