The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1295 Melancholy

Do you want to take care of the pregnant woman's emotions or just want to hear her voice? Li Zedao couldn't understand it himself, but he just felt that he was becoming more and more... Qiong Yao? Obviously you can let it go, but you are dying, why? But after making such a phone call, Li Zedao was undoubtedly stabbed several times in the heart by several invisible knives.

Nanji said on the phone: "Nan, your child kicked me today."

Li Zedao said childishly in his heart, he played well.

Nanji said on the phone: "Nan, when are you coming back?"

Li Zedao said a few perfunctory words on the phone, and then said in his heart, that bastard will never go back.

Nan Ji still said on the phone, this time her tone was very gentle: "Nan, I miss you."

Li Zedao said in his heart, I miss your sister, after you give birth to the baby smoothly, I don’t care about you, I don’t care, this time I really don’t care, you will be alone in the dark holding the crying baby pitifully cry!

But when he thought of that scene... he couldn't take it anymore, Li Zedao felt that he was really too kind.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of Baili Real Estate Community, the two got off, and Li Zedao took Yang Xueer by the hand and walked inside.

Inevitably passing by the first villa, Li Zedao stopped and looked at the villa.

She's in there!

Of course, Li Zedao couldn't see Nanji's figure, couldn't feel any breath of her, and didn't feel like being peeped by any pair of eyes.

"Big pig, what are you looking at?" Yang Xueer asked.

"Oh, it's okay, I think the bougainvillea in the courtyard is pretty." Li Zedao pointed to the vigorously blooming bougainvillea potted plant.

Bougainvillea is a very common flower in Fenghuang City, and it is also the city flower of Fenghuang City.

Yang Xueer raised her head at forty-five degrees and thought for a while and said, "Big idiot, when did you meet the owner of this villa and knew that she was a lonely and beautiful woman, so he wanted to pick her up?" Bar?"

"..." Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, wondering when did your mind become so bright? He said speechlessly at the moment: "You think too much, let's go."

After taking Yang Xueer's little hand and walking forward a few steps,

Li Zedao's movements froze slightly, and then he continued to walk forward.

At the same time, the curtain of a certain window on the second floor of this villa, which was originally opened with a small gap, was drawn. Behind the curtain, Nanji gently stroked her already swollen belly, her face full of tears. It's all the brilliance of mother's love.

"Son, your father is coming back soon, isn't Gao happy?" she murmured.


In the next few days, Li Zedao's life was in a peaceful and beautiful state. After leaving for such a long time, these women naturally miss him, so they have to take care of their bodies and minds one by one, of course. , "Take care" is basically done at night, and occasionally during the day, for example, Susan called Li Zedao to her office, and then... the lock broke again.

For example, Nintendo will invite Li Zedao to the office on the grounds of reporting work to the boss, and then directly press him on the door panel, provocatively provoke him with his fingers, and say with a smile that you can just follow my wife, little handsome guy.

As for Chef Shabert Beckham, he was sent by Li Zedao to become the head chef of Jade Restaurant. The result is that the business of the restaurant is extremely hot, if he didn’t make an appointment a few days in advance. In terms of location, you don't even think about having a location.

Afterwards, Li Zedao did not skip class anymore, and went to class with Lin Susu and Miffy on time every day. Occasionally, when there was no class, he would go to other colleges to find Su Xuan and Pan Xiaoyan, who had just become a student of the Department of Architecture of Phoenix University, to accompany them to class.

In class, seeing Yang Baishu with a coffin face and Qi Xiaohei who looked like a follower, Li Zedao remembered that he still had two roommates.

The other students and their roommates are like brothers, especially in the novels, the one or several close friends next to the hero are basically his roommates.

And myself... Li Zedao thought about it, the relationship with his roommate was so bad, and even Ma Renjie was almost in a life-and-death situation, it was really his fault, who made him good and handsome? Girls like this kind of person, and boys are envious and jealous when they see this kind of person! Li Zedao's roommates are all men, so...

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that this peaceful life would not last for too long, because there was a super powerful weapon buried beside him, which was Huang Wen's phone call.

When did this titular great-grandfather call him, then this peaceful and beautiful life that people dream of will be directly broken. At that time, what kind of darkness or ending will Li Zedao face? Can't imagine it at all.

In the past two days, Li Zedao also visited Pan Sumei, Wu Huhu's younger sister Wu Xique, and Gao Niu's father. Gao Niu's father was the first recipient of the Tiandao Foundation's help. He had a successful kidney transplant. Do rehab.

Pan Sumei is already terminally ill. She cannot recover without a kidney transplant. She also suffers from other serious diseases, so her physical condition is not ideal. However, she has undergone careful treatment, and she is now completely relaxed physically and mentally, so she is living a peaceful life. For a long period of time, I believe it will not be a big problem.

As for Wu Xique, with the help of the foundation, she has already found a kidney source that matches her. She had an operation a few days ago, and the operation was very successful, and she is now in the recovery stage.

Then, Li Zedao received a call from his brother-in-law He Xiaofeng.

"Boy, did Xiaoyu tell you? The wedding between me and Xiangjun is scheduled for next Sunday, and the place is on the Angel." On the other end of the phone, He Xiaofeng was full of vigor and pride.

"Nonsense." Li Zedao said with a smile, the day was settled a few days ago, and He Xiaoyu also mentioned it to him, and even his younger brother is getting married, and He Xiaoyue, a super rich woman, will sell a wedding room and a car A luxury car for my younger brother as a wedding gift.

"Why, you want me to be your best man?"

"No, please be kind." Without even thinking about it, He Xiaofeng immediately refused and let this bastard be his best man... He Xiaofeng is not that stupid! Besides, he had already decided on the best man, and his two bachelor men were very suitable, which could set off his heroic spirit to the greatest extent.

"Hey, I'm so handsome. It's not my fault that the handsome people around me are overshadowed." Li Zedao said with emotion.

"Get out!" He Xiaofeng scolded with a smile, "But you can be the master of ceremonies and the witness of the wedding, after all you are the matchmaker between me and Xiangjun."

"Then I'll be a guest emcee and witness." Li Zedao agreed, thinking that a master of ceremonies like me would stand next to you, and I would compare you, the groom, in minutes!

"I'm in the hospital now." He Xiaofeng smiled even more proudly, as if he had eaten bee poo, "Your sister-in-law was unwell in the morning and vomited a few times, I immediately picked her up and sent her to the hospital... ..."

"Yes?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes." He Xiaofeng was so happy, "I hope to have a daughter, don't they say that a daughter is a considerate little padded jacket? In this way, I will have both sons and daughters... Don't talk nonsense with you, I still I have to call Xiaoyu and other relatives and friends to tell them the good news."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao felt inexplicably melancholy.

Not long after, He Xiaoyu's call came in.

"I miss you." He Xiaoyu said softly.

Li Zedao knew that Teacher He had received a call from her brother He Xiaofeng, so he quickly called himself to try to comfort his wounded little heart.

"I'm fine." Li Zedao said softly, "I just feel... I'm sorry for you, and what I gave you may be a very incomplete home in the end."

"No, don't say that." He Xiaoyu said softly, "Zedao, you are not allowed to say that, you are not allowed to think too much, you just need to know how much we love you and how much we care about you. I am always afraid that one day you will not want me because of guilt... You can not want them, but you can’t want me. I would not even want my life for you. I would die without you. You know that .”

"I know." Li Zedao said softly, how could he forget the scene where He Xiaoyu blocked the bullet for him?

"I don't think too much, and I don't leave quietly, that's not my style." Li Zedao said jokingly, "And how do I feel, you want me to abandon all your other sisters so much, and then How about taking you far away?"

"Get out!" He Xiaoyu scolded with a smile, and after a while of silence, he said, "I was just thinking, what I did before was too stupid."

Li Zedao asked: "What is it?"

"Get you out of my small apartment!" He Xiaoyu said, "If you don't get thrown out, don't you belong to me alone?"

Li Zedao gave the answer: "Impossible."

He Xiaoyu's voice was full of resentment: "Why?" I thought it's okay for you to lie to me, I'm easy to deceive, and I'm not a primary school student, if I don't lie, I'm a good boy and there are rewards! The little bastard.

"Because all of you together are no match for me, let alone you alone." Li Zedao pretended that I was thinking of you, "Look? You joined forces with Sister Mengchen last night, and the result was not good. Also obediently begged for mercy, and when I woke up this morning, my legs were shaking."

"Ah? Get out!" On the other end of the phone, He Xiaoyu blushed and spat, "Besides, I won't mess around with you from now on."

Li Zedao on the other end of the phone was silent.

"Hey... Zedao... Hey..."

Li Zedao remained silent.

He Xiaoyu thought something was wrong and became a little anxious: "Zedao, don't make trouble, or I won't talk to you."

Li Zedao's aggrieved voice came over: "Sister Xiaoyu, didn't you say that you won't make trouble with us anymore? I was so scared that I didn't dare to speak."

"...Bastard, pervert!" He Xiaoyu scolded with a smile, his voice was full of ambiguity and indulgence.

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