The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1301 Blacklisting the number

.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

Alice on the side looked at this scene very surprised. She was not surprised that a girl showed love to Li Zedao, but was surprised that Li Zedao didn't accept it after the girl showed her love to Li Zedao... This is too unreasonable, after all, this girl is not It's ugly, you want to have breasts and buttocks.

After going out, Alice asked about this matter, Pan Xiaoyan and Wu Xin's eyeballs also fell on Li Zedao. Wu Xin was fine, because Pan Xiaoting had contacted her a long time ago and told her that Li Zedao was saving her and she wanted to chase him. At that time, Wu Xin asked her to cheer her up. Later, Li Zedao didn't accept her, and Wu Xin didn't ask much.

But Pan Xiaoyan was a little stunned. She never expected that her cousin would like shameless people too. Could it be that when she was in the hospital that day, the shameless people released her domineering aura and gave her cousin's heart all at once? Shocked?

Well, Pan Xiaoyan didn't know that Li Zedao had known Pan Xiaoting for a long time.

Li Zedao briefly talked about the things between her and Pan Xiaoting, and finally touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "So, she came to Phoenix City this time to pick on me."



That night, three experts from a large hospital in Yanjing rushed to the First Hospital of Phoenix City one after another. After a short meeting with Alice and several experts from the First Hospital, they entered the operating room. Li Zedao also Follow in, because his silver needle can slow down the loss of Pan Xiaoting's vital functions.

Afterwards, the operation lasted until midnight. Several experts, Li Zedao and Alice came out one after another and walked to Pan Fangguo, Fang Qing, Pan Xiaoting, Wu Xin, the school leaders of Phoenix University and several others who were tensely guarding there. In front of a teacher, he said gently: "The situation has stabilized for the time being. Although the person is still not awake, his life is basically not in danger, but he will have to wait a few days before he wakes up."

These people looked at Li Zedao, and they believed in Li Zedao's words more than these experts.

These experts also looked back at Li Zedao. They already knew the special status of this young man, but what they didn't expect was that this young man had such a powerful acupuncture skill. During the operation, this acupuncture helped them A lot of help, simply put, it was the silver needle of this young man that held the patient's breath, otherwise the patient would probably die on the operating table.

In addition, the person standing next to this young man is a teacher at the School of Medicine of Phoenix University, but he is actually a graduate of Harvard Medical School, and he is also an extremely talented surgeon, which makes them very interested, whether it is the one from a big hospital in Yanjing. Three experts or these experts from the First Hospital,

They were all very active, and wanted to find an opportunity to get in touch with this brilliant female surgeon, to see if he could poach a corner.

"No life is in danger." Li Zedao nodded.

Then, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's's okay..." Pan Fangguo and his wife hugged each other and wept, Pan Xiaoyan and Wu Xin's eyes were also red.

After that, the school leaders and Pan Xiaoting's classmates and friends who rushed over left one by one. Li Zedao also opened a room for Pan Fangguo and his wife in a hotel next to the hospital. They didn't want to go there and wanted to stay outside, but Li Zedao and them She said that it would take at least three days for Pan Xiaoting to wake up. They had to rest well and prepare for the long-term war of resistance. They were persuaded by Li Zedao to go to the hotel to rest.

And Li Zedao also drove back to the villa with Pan Xiaoyan, Wu Xin and Alice.

After the morning class the next day, Li Zedao went to the hospital. Fang Qing, who looked much better, took his hand and said, "Zedao, I want to go to Putuo Temple to replace Tingting. Please be safe, will you accompany me?"

Although Fang Qing is an educator, he also believes in ghosts and gods, and he is very devout when he worships Buddha.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Okay."

Putuo City is the largest temple in Fenghuang City. It is located next to Phoenix University. It was built in the late Tang Dynasty. It is also a famous scenic spot in Fenghuang City. People who come to Fenghuang City will definitely come here to worship, or It is to climb the mountain that is not too high, or to sit down and taste the special vegetarian pie made by this temple and the tea Tieguanyin.

After arriving at Putuo Temple, Fang Qing went in alone to worship. She said that she would finish worshiping all the Buddha statues inside, and begged them to bless Tingting's body to recover as soon as possible.

Li Zedao knew that this woman was looking for sustenance for her soul.

Seeing Fang Qing kneeling and praying devoutly, at this moment, Li Zedao was willing to believe that the Buddha was really listening, and that all sincere requests would be answered.

In fact, Li Zedao cannot be regarded as an atheist in the true sense. After all, he has actually seen ghosts and knows that ghosts do exist. However, he does not think it is useful to worship Buddha, even if there is a Buddha. People are begging, but is Buddha really busy? When it is finally your turn to help you, you may have already encountered bad luck.

Li Zedao did not follow Fang Qing and worship Buddha one by one, but strolled casually aside, in such a thousand-year-old temple, smelling the fragrance, listening to the Sanskrit sound, and watching those people there While kneeling down so piously, Li Zedao felt a rare moment of peace in his heart.

Then, he saw a man and a woman pointing and saying something, the man's face was flushed, and the woman's expression was ambiguous, giving people a feeling that the boss brought Xiaomi or the uncle came out with mistress The taste of play.

The man is very strange, but looking at his rich face, the clothes on his body, the shining golden watch on his wrist, and the big gold chain around his neck, he can tell that this is a man with good economic conditions but bad taste. What a man.

The female is very familiar, who is it not Deng Xiaomin? It seems that she came out behind Zhou Yan's back to catch some money and spent some money. After all, she couldn't get the branded bags and expensive clothes she wanted from Zhou Yan at all. Being with Zhou Yan seemed like her It's like keeping Zhou Yan.

So, this old man's taste is really's on the same level as Zhou Yan!

At this time, Deng Xiaomin turned around inadvertently, her charming peach eyes met Li Zedao's, and the smile on her face froze instantly.

"Xiao Min...Xiao Min..."

"Oh, ah...Third brother, what's wrong?" Deng Xiaomin turned her head around, forcing the smile on her face to bloom again.

"I'll go to the bathroom, wait here obediently for me to come back, and I'll take you to dinner later." The third brother looked at Deng Xiaomin with a smile and said, showing half of his big gold teeth, "Then go shopping and buy you some clothes know what styles I like."

"Third brother, you are so annoying, of course I know, you go, I will obediently wait for you to come back here." Deng Xiaomin replied shyly and coquettishly.

"Haha, as long as you know, wait for me to come back." The third brother turned around and left with a wretched look on his face.

Watching him leave, Deng Xiaomin's face was pale, her body trembled slightly, then she turned her head slowly, and then subconsciously took a step back in shock, because Li Zedao didn't know when she had appeared before her behind.

"Li...Li Shao..." Deng Xiaomin's voice was trembling, she knew how terrifying this man was, "I...he..."

"How many times have you done this kind of thing behind Zhou Yan's back?" Li Zedao asked lightly.

Deng Xiaomin was extremely flustered: "Just...just this time, Young Master Li, I was wrong, I..."

Li Zedao shook his head: "Oh, you don't need to rush to explain, it has nothing to do with me, I just want to say... Well, for you, Zhou Yan is a burden now, right? Kick him away, don't you dare, don't kick him away , you are really in pain, right?"

That's true, but how dare Deng Xiaomin admit it? Immediately said quickly: "Li Shao... I... no, really no..."

"Call Zhou Yan immediately and tell him not to meet again in the future," Li Zedao said.

"Ah?" Deng Xiaomin was taken aback.

Li Zedao sneered: "Could it be that you want to grow old together with him? And then often come out during the process of growing old together to earn extra money and wear green hats one after another for him?"

"..." Deng Xiaomin was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I won't blame you, and I won't take revenge on you. I'm not that boring." Li Zedao said, "That idiot Zhou Yan understands your extravagance, let alone me. However, he is obsessed with your tenderness, so he just pretends not to understand, so call him and say that I'm done using you, I've had enough of you, and don't see each other again in the future. "

Deng Xiaomin glanced at Li Zedao helplessly, feeling that he didn't seem to be joking, so he hurriedly found out his mobile phone, dialed Zhou Yan's number, and the call was quickly connected.

Deng Xiaomin glanced at Li Zedao again, and then pressed the hands-free button.

Zhou Yan's gentle voice came over: "Xiao Min, I just want to call you. Where are you? I don't have class in the afternoon."

Deng Xiaomin glanced at Li Zedao again, took a deep breath and said, "Zhou Yan, that... I've finished using you, and I've had enough of you, so don't see each other in the future."

Deng Xiaomin actually wanted to say similar things to Zhou Yan a long time ago, and the tone at that time must have been domineering, like a proud big white goose, instead of soft like now, with a trembling voice, There is no confidence at all.

Zhou Yan froze for a moment: "Xiao Min..."

Deng Xiaomin hung up the phone very simply, because she saw Li Zedao's mouth shape: "Hang up!"

"Okay, block his contact information, don't contact him again, that's it." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "Go on fishing for your winner, don't bother me anymore."

After finishing speaking, Li Zedao turned around and left in a cool manner.

Deng Xiaomin stared blankly at his back, confused, thinking what the hell is this guy doing?

The phone rang, Zhou Yan called, Deng Xiaomin refused to answer, and then blocked the number. (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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