The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1304 Great Grandpa

.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

"Big fool, isn't that the case?" Shadow turned his head, his big eyes flicking around Li Zedao's body.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Yes, it is indeed going to enter the devil's lair."

"Damn, you idiot, how dare you lie?" Shadow hummed dissatisfied, and then helped Li Zedao find a good reason to lie, "But, you idiot, you can't lie, The Devil’s Nest is very scary and dangerous. Going in standing is basically coming out lying down. The living go in and the dead come out. So, you have to lie, otherwise, those women are crying to death, you idiot, don’t you want to die of headaches? gone?"

"..." Li Zedao looked at the shadow blowing bubbles with wide eyes, thinking that she would say such a thing?

"Are you... not worried?" Li Zedao asked. After all, the shadow has a special status, and the master must have told her something, so Li Zedao knew that she must know the place of the Devil's Nest.

The shadow looked at Li Zedao, first spit out a bubble, and then sighed heavily, looking very sad and helpless... Li Zedao forced the ninja not to dare to laugh, because the shadow looked so small and nondescript, quite Funny.

"Big fool, isn't the beautiful girl who is talented today worried that you won't go?" Ying Ying looked at Li Zedao with big eyes and asked, "It's like the beautiful girl who is talented today doesn't really like you to bring one woman after another to your home. If you climb into the beds of other sisters and sisters, don't you take the woman home? Don't you climb into the beds of other sisters and sisters?"

Li Zedao looked embarrassed: "Uh... this..."

"So, it turns out that worrying is useless. If that's the case, why would this talented girl waste her energy and feelings on worrying?" Shadow spit out a bubble.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, it sounds so reasonable.

The shadow glanced at him, and continued: "The old king gave me something. When you want to enter the devil's lair, let me give you that thing. If you don't enter the devil's lair, just pretend that he didn't take that thing. Give me."

Li Zedao's expression was slightly messed up: "Okay, what is that?"

"you guess……"


"Damn it, you idiot, what's that expression on your face? That's how Lao Wang replied to this talented girl." Shadow was too dissatisfied with Li Zedao's expression,

At that time, she also asked Lao Wang what it was, and what Lao Wang gave her were these two pieces.

"Okay." Li Zedao was speechless, and had the urge to pick up the whip on the ground and slap this poor girl's ass hard.

"Later, Old Wang gave me that thing." Shadow looked at Li Zedao, with a devilish smile on his face.

That kind of feeling is like saying, little girl, let me leave you well, don't struggle, the more you struggle, I will be excited too... Li Zedao felt this feeling in his heart.

"What do you want to do?" He put his hands on his chest and looked at the shadow with vigilant eyes, as if I would call for help if you dare to mess around.

Shadow's index finger stretched out and touched Li Zedao's lower bar, smiling evilly: "Handsome guy, do you want to know what that is? If you want to know, just obediently donate your ass, and let this talented girl smoke some Come on, when the beautiful girl feels good today, I will tell you naturally."


At this moment, Li Zedao thought of Dong Cunrui, who sacrificed himself to blow up the bunker, thought of Qiu Shaoyun, whose body remained motionless as the fire burned, thought of Sister Jiang, who was still brave and unyielding in the face of the enemy's torture, and thought of Langya Mountain Five The strong man, in order not to fall into the enemy's mobile phone, resolutely jumped down...

So, for the sake of the new motherland, for the victory, for... knowing exactly what the master gave to the shadow, what is this little humiliation?

So, Li Zedao fell down on the ground with tears in his eyes: "Come on, gentle."

"Get out!" Shadow stomped on Li Zedao's butt a few times.

After the shadow had had enough trouble, he found a pen and paper, and then he tilted his head at forty-five degrees to think about something.

Li Zedao didn't dare to disturb her, he probably knew what Master was trying to let Ying remember, and now Ying was planning to write down what she remembered.

After chewing the gum in her mouth, Shadow started to write and draw on the paper. About ten minutes later, Shadow threw the pen aside, then threw the paper she wrote and drew to Li Zedao and said: " At that time, Lao Wang wrote and drew like this, and then let the talented girl remember it, and draw it for you when the time comes."

Li Zedao glanced at the shadow with some worry, and then took the paper, and saw that it was full of lines, as if drawing a design drawing of a certain building, with some markings on it, and then His eyes widened slightly: "This is... a map?"

"Yes, the old king said that this is the internal structure diagram of the ancient tomb in the devil's cave." Shadow said, "The old king also said that there are various organs in the ancient tomb, including poisonous gas, fire, and water. Yan, there are ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, where the mechanism is located, and how not to violate the mechanism are all marked on it, you should pay attention to it when the time comes, and don’t accidentally hang up.”

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he said in a broken voice, "Master has gone in?"

"you guess……"

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, he knew that Shadow must have asked this question, and then Master gave such an answer that made people want to go crazy.

After scanning the design drawing of the ancient tomb in Duanmu Weizhuang, Li Zedao had already firmly remembered every line and every mark in his heart. After thinking about it, he looked at the shadow very worriedly and said: " Are you sure what you drew is correct? There are no omissions or mistakes?"

This can't be sloppy, Li Zedao didn't dare to make fun of his own life.

"Damn it, you idiot, how dare you question the IQ and memory of this talented girl?" Shadow was furious. It's all over tonight."

Li Zedao was really startled, rolled out of bed, and rushed out the door.


The next day, Li Zedao came to the villa next door where Mr. Pete lived, Shabert Beckham and several bodyguards responsible for protecting the safety of the girls looked for Mr. Pete. The two were in front of the stone table in the courtyard After sitting down, Li Zedao sent someone to bring a tea tray, boiled water, and made tea.

Of course, the tea leaves used to make the tea were exactly the small pot that Huang Wen had asked for. He had also obtained some from Grandpa Wang before, and Li Zedao gave all of them to his mother.

Li Zedao showed off his tea art in front of Mr. Pete in a decent manner, washing the tea, cleaning the cups, brewing, and the movements are skillful and graceful... At least in the eyes of Mr. Pete, he felt that just smelling the tea and watching the tea art performance It is a beautiful enjoyment, and I feel that China's culture is really broad and profound.

After the tea was brewed, Li Zedao brought a cup of tea to Teacher Pete with tea tweezers, and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Pete, please."

Teacher Pete picked up the cup of tea, smelled it, and took a sip, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help sighing: "Oh, God, this is really delicious, Ze Dao, your skill in making tea is really amazing. "

Then, regardless of the heat, he directly poured the whole cup of fragrant tea into his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and enjoyed it.

Li Zedao wanted to say, what does this have to do with my skill in making tea? It would be difficult for anyone to brew this kind of tea, just like a super handsome guy like myself would be difficult to see for himself in that kind of old-fashioned clothes.

After Li Zedao poured tea into the empty cup in front of Teacher Pete, he looked at him and said, "Mr. Pete, I'm going to make a break and leave the day after tomorrow."

In Li Zedao's view, this trip is indeed to make a break with the so-called great-grandfather.

Now he already knows the layout of the entire ancient tomb and the location of all the organs, so...why not "Mr. Pit"? After mercilessly cheating my grandfather, leaving him in the grave forever, I was freed. As for how huge and terrifying that fc organization was, Li Zedao didn't want to know.

Of course, even if Huang Wen failed to cheat in the end, Huang Wen entered the grave and got the medicine smoothly, and then became a master of returning to nature, then he could be freed... Li Zedao believed that Huang Wen at that time was basically He won't be embarrassing himself anymore. After all, he has already reached that height. Is there anything he can't do?

But, will he be unable to restrain his abnormally inflated ambition, and thus do something out of the ordinary?

Teacher Pete's eyes narrowed: "FC organization? Huang Wen?"

"Yes, Mr. Pete." Li Zedao nodded.

"Oh, Ze Dao, this is too dangerous, I don't want you to take risks." Teacher Pete said, "With you and me here, I don't believe he has the chance to do anything extraordinary."

Teacher Pete said, continue to drink tea, this kind of tea is so delicious that he doesn't want to stop.

Li Zedao smiled wryly and shook his head: "After all, you can't stay here forever, right? Besides, Huang Wen's ruthlessness is far beyond your imagination. If I don't cooperate with him to do something, he will kill not only the people around me , and many other innocent people, even those who just said a word to me, he wants to kill."

"Oh, this kind of behavior is really despicable. He is still a master in vain." Teacher Pete was very angry, and more worried, "I still can't let you take risks, I think I should stop you..."

Teacher Pete continued to drink tea, reluctant to stop.

"Mr. Pete, don't worry, there is basically no danger, because Huang Wen is actually my great-grandfather..."

"Well, grandpa... Puff..." Mr. Pete spit out the tea in his mouth very simply, looked at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and asked very hard, "Oh, God, I think I'm listening Wrong... great grandfather?"

Li Zedao nodded: "Grandpa." (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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