The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1312 The Wronged Zhou Qian

So at noon, when the two of them went out, the other women basically slept on the bed, and they were almost torn apart by Li Zedao and couldn't get up.

"Where do you want to go?" Li Zedao looked at the little junior sister and asked with a slight smile.

"Brother, let's go see Master." Miffy said, "I haven't been there for a long time."

Li Zedao felt sad, nodded and said, "Let's go to Zhenfeng to pack and order some good food first. As you said, he likes the dishes made by that private restaurant."

"Yeah." Miffy nodded, looked at Li Zedao, and whispered, "Brother..."


"I'll go to the back seat to lie down and sleep for a while. I've been tormented by you, and now my back hurts and I'm exhausted." Miffy stretched her waist and said lazily.


At that moment, Li Zedao drove to Zhenfenghuang, packed a lot of good food, and found a place to buy candles, paper money, incense, and a bottle of expensive red wine, and then drove towards Fengming Mountain .

Fengming Mountain is still so bleak, coupled with the bleak autumn wind, the desolate grass, and occasionally a crow named Twice, it adds a lot of horror, even though it is broad daylight, it still gives people a sense of caution. A feeling of panic.

After parking the car, the two got out of the car with a basket of delicious food and paper money, and then walked up the grassy hill road.

The two turned into the desolate, narrow and difficult path one by one, climbed up, and finally came to the steep hillside, and the big rock appeared in front of them.

Facing this big rock again, Li Zedao's state of mind naturally changed again. Now he knew that his father was a puppet manipulated by Huang Wen from beginning to end, just a tool in his hand. After that, it was thrown away.

What about yourself? Is it also a puppet? Did he end up like his father, dying so uselessly? So worthless to die?

Li Zedao shook his head firmly, he didn't want to die, and he couldn't die! He has so many women, he must be responsible for their future.

In addition, there are many darkness and filth in this world, and he needs to work hard to clean up and restore this world to a bright future...Of course, such a great idea Li Zedao actually just thinks about it occasionally.

"Although this is very outrageous,

But I still want to are indeed a self-righteous fool! Li Zedao looked at the big rock and murmured to himself, "You are sorry for my mother, she still fantasizes that you are still alive, and one day our family will be reunited... I will find a suitable one." Timing, you can persuade her to find a good man and remarry, you are not worthy of her guarding you like this. "

"Squad Leader Li, if Master can hear such rebellious words from you, I'm afraid he will be so angry." Miffy leaned his head on Li Zedao's shoulder and said.

"Then continue talking and see if he can really come back to life." Li Zedao said.

"Brother, you are so naive." Miffy's voice was choked up, and her eyes were a little red.

Then, there was a long silence until the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang.

Li Zedao took a look, but it was an unfamiliar phone number. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone, and then a girl's voice who was a little familiar but couldn't remember who it was came over. crying.

"Handsome, they won't let us go."

" are?" Li Zedao asked with some doubts. The only information he got now was that the "handsome guy" was referring to himself.

"Ah, you really hate it. How did you forget about her? I'm Su Li, your Qianqian's buddy, we've met before." The girl's tone was already a little speechless, obviously, Li Zedao took her Forgetting made her very depressed.

Li Zedao already remembered who this girl was, Zhou Qian's best friend, a very righteous girl.

"Qianqian is right next to me, and they even slapped Qianqian..." Su Li said with tears, "They hit me too, obviously it was their dog who wanted to bite first, so I kicked her subconsciously." The one who kicked the dog...they said they would lose money..."

Li Zedao's complexion suddenly became ugly: "Where are you? I'll go right away." Someone actually slapped Zhou Qian across the face? This is unbearable!

At the same time, Li Zedao also understood the reason why Su Li called Zhou Qian and Su Li together. Such a weak girl must have been wronged and terrified after receiving such a slap. Lina's tough and cheerful personality was there, and the panic in her heart was finally reduced.

And the other party allowed Su Li to make a call, just to ask her to call the adults over, asking for so-called compensation, right?

At that moment, Su Li said the location, a small park not far from their school.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked at Miffy and said, "Qianqian was slapped and refused to leave."

Miffy was stunned for a moment, and a trace of murderous look appeared on her small face: "Looking for death!"

The two quickly returned to the car, and Li Zedao made a call to Zhou Qian's cell phone while driving the car forward quickly.

The call was finally connected, and Zhou Qian came over weakly and aggrieved with a crying voice: "Brother Ze Dao..."

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao asked softly.

Zhou Qian whispered, "'s okay, brother Zedao..."

It turned out that at noon, Zhou Qian and Su Li met and left the school to go to a bookstore not far from the school to pick up two reference books, and walked back through the park. It was still early in the afternoon class, so I went in and planned to hang out for a while Swing, look forward to love... These are Su Li's original words.

Then a woman with heavy makeup passed by leading a puppy. The puppy didn't know why he was in such a bad mood, and tried to pounce on Su Li and Zhou Qian who were passing by, barking wildly. At the same time, the woman didn't hold her hand. , The dog just rushed towards the two of them.

Instinctively, Su Li kicked over while being startled.

"Aw..." The puppy wailed, rolled over in mid-air, and then fell to the ground. Then, probably because of being frightened, it ran away screaming, and the woman couldn't come back no matter how she shouted.

Then, the woman tried to catch up, but the high heels on her feet were too high, she accidentally sprained her ankle, and she sat on the ground.

Seeing this, Zhou Qian hurried over to help her up, but who knew, the woman slapped her right away.

Su Li got angry and wanted to reason with the other party, and then she also got slapped by the woman.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man appeared with a few people, surrounded the two girls and asked them to pay for the purebred Chihuahua that didn't know where to go now, and he had to compensate his woman Medical expenses, or make them look good!

"Well, tell them, I'll be there soon, and we will pay for it." Li Zedao said softly.

"Well, brother Zedao."

"Don't cry, my heart hurts." Li Zedao said.

"Well...I'm not crying anymore." Zhou Qian whispered, "I...wait for you to come over."


Li Zedao drove very fast, so he drove to the park very quickly. Of course, the car couldn't enter the park. After parking the car outside, the two got out of the car and entered the park, and then headed towards Su Li. Said that position ran over.

From a distance, Zhou Qian and Su Li could be seen standing there, surrounded by five men, and a man and a woman were sitting on the stone chair beside them.

The man is tall, with a full face, and the gold chain around his neck is especially eye-catching; the woman is heavily made-up, and her dress is extremely eye-catching, and the hip skirt she wears can hardly cover her buttocks.

At this time, the man was holding the woman in his arms, with a flattering smile on his face to comfort him.

"Squad Leader Li, I won't go there, and I won't bother you as a hero to save the beauty." Miffy felt relieved when she saw that Zhou Qian was fine, looked at Li Zedao with ambiguous eyes, and said in a tone full of grievance and jealousy on purpose , "Hurry up, hate it, today you only belong to others."

Li Zedao pinched her nose and said, "It will be over soon... Donkey, see if I don't scare them to death!"

At that moment, Li Zedao didn't go there immediately, but took out his mobile phone and called Brother Haobei first.

"Young Master Li..." Brother Haobei's voice was both respectful and anxious. Of course, it goes without saying that he is respectful. What is disturbing is that every time Young Master Li calls him, nothing good seems to happen.

"Damn it, which bastards who don't know how to live or die are messing around outside again? Do you believe that I'm going to kill you?" Brother Haobei cursed in his heart!

"You bring people to Bailu Park immediately, the more people the better." Li Zedao said.

"Uh...Okay, Young Master Li, I'll gather people and set about fifty enough?" Brother Haobei was stunned for a moment and said hastily.

"Almost enough, enough to scare them to death." Li Zedao looked at the man and woman, his eyes full of evil spirits.

It can be said that these women are his inverse scales, but now someone has violated his inverse scales! Of course, Li Zedao is a reasonable person, so he will naturally talk about the reason first.

As soon as Li Zedao appeared, Zhou Qian, who had always been weak and shy and had no nerve to take the initiative, threw herself directly into Li Zedao's arms.

"Brother Zedao..." She snorted softly, the original grievance and fear disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Su Li on the side looked envious and jealous, why didn't she have such a handsome guy who she could pounce on? Xiaobai in the next class seems to be secretly in love with him, he's quite sunny, but compared to Qianqian's brother Zedao... Sigh, Xiaobai is suddenly not sunny or handsome, and even a little childish.

Therefore, under the influence of Zhou Qian, now Su Li has also decided to find a boy older than her to fall in love with, and after a while, she asked the handsome guy Ze ​​Dao if he had any buddies to help introduce him. He is so handsome and powerful. My buddies must be very handsome and powerful, after all, people flock together, for example, Zhou Qian is very good-looking, so as her best friend, I am also very good-looking...

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