The woman's legs were very long, and her chest was extremely full, as if two large bowls were turned upside down and tightly wrapped by a leather jacket.

More importantly, it seemed that she was about twenty-seven or eight years old, and neither her appearance nor her body looked young at all. She was just a ripe peach.

So, this very standard Yujie will whip your Yujie with a whip.

It's just that her eyes are so cold, like cold knives, making people feel cold.

I have seen many beautiful women, so Li Zedao was not surprised by such a superb stunner, but he naturally thought of Nanji, because Nanji used to be dressed in such a standard leather jacket and leather pants, but Nanji's figure is compared to this woman She looked a little thinner, not so full, and although her eyes were cold, compared with this woman, it was as warm as spring.

At the same time, the woman's cold eyes were staring at Li Zedao like two knives, as if Li Zedao had done something beastly to her.

"This beauty is the Bei I just told you about." Dong looked back at Li Zedao and smiled.

"Hello." Li Zedao nodded politely.

The woman gave him a cold look, didn't speak, but stepped aside to let them in.

How rude! Li Zedao murmured in his heart, and then followed Dong, bypassing the woman's icy body, and entered the courtyard he was quite familiar with, and then Bei closed the door behind him.

"Wait..." came a cold voice.

Li Zedao turned back with Dong.

"You, damn it!" The woman stared at Li Zedao, her red lips were slightly parted, revealing a mouthful of neat and white teeth, but there was no human emotion in her words.

Li Zedao smiled: "Because... Nan? Because I killed Nan you love?"

Li Zedao was very slandering in his heart. Women like Nanji like Dongfang Ming's kind of man, so this woman who is more ruthless than Nanji must also like Dongfang Ming's kind of transvestite, right? Even, she likes a real ladyboy? Tsk tsk...the taste is so unique!

Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous aura on his body became even stronger.

Dong looked at Li Zedao, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and said gloatingly: "Brother, what you said just now completely pissed off this sister Bei, and the person she hates the most is Nan's sissy, you You actually said that she liked are dead..."

Bei glanced at Dong like a knife, and the latter was startled, raised his hand in surrender, and smiled apologetically: "You are busy with your work, I will go in first."

Talking about fleeing for his life, he slipped into the backyard, leaving the dazed Li Zedao there very disrespectfully.

"Uh... It can't be because I didn't drool when I saw you, so you think I deserve to die?" Li Zedao, who was a little dazed and didn't know why this woman hated him so much, muttered to himself, "Or it's because of the South Pole. ? This woman named Bei has a good relationship with Nanji, but she killed Nan and caused Nanji to have a miscarriage, so she wants to vent her anger on Nanji's behalf?"

However, before Li Zedao could say anything, the other party suddenly made a move, and the fist was already hitting him hard.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and didn't dare to be careless at all, because he clearly felt the murderous intent of the other party, she really wanted to kill himself! Immediately, he quickly clenched his fist with one hand, and slammed towards the fist that was coming towards Bei with a stronger force.

"Hiss..." Before the fists touched, the gust of wind contained in the fists had collided together and made the harsh sound of strangling each other.

In the next second, there was a muffled "Boom!", and the two fists smashed together fiercely, and two majestic atmospheres swept out, and then the bodies of the two shook at the same time, and they exerted force again.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao and Bei's body flew upside down at the same time.

Li Zedao's back hit a big tree behind him heavily,

The tree made a terrible sound, and the leaves fell one after another. But Bei's body simply crushed several pots of blooming flowers.

Then, the two quickly got up and stared at each other.

"You, damn it!" It's still the same sentence, the murderous aura emanating from the whole body is even worse than just now.

"Wait... I don't seem to have provoked you?" Li Zedao twisted his neck, feeling aggrieved. What's the matter with this woman? Why do you want your own life so much?

Also, what happened to those people inside? What happened to Huang Wen? Their important "guest" is about to be beaten to death, why don't they hurry up and stop this crazy woman from going crazy?

Believe it or not, I won't cooperate with you if I turn around and leave?

Bei didn't answer Li Zedao's question, her figure spread out again, her leather boots slammed on the bluestone floor, and she was about to pounce on Li Zedao again.

Damn, this handsome guy seems to be afraid of you! Li Zedao gritted his teeth, his legs tensed slightly, his body jumped high, and then he rushed down like a vulture feeding, his fists were clenched, and he punched head north.

This time, Li Zedao really wanted to kill him! Since you don't stop and acquiesce in this kind of thing happening, then I don't have to be polite! Li Zedao felt that it seemed pretty good to get rid of such a master beside Huang Wen.

Therefore, Li Zedao used all his strength in this fist without any reservations. If the punch is solid, the opponent's head will burst like a watermelon that has been hit hard, and the juice will splash.

Bei's eyes froze slightly, but she couldn't avoid it, because she was confident that she could blow his body away before the opponent hit her head!

But at this moment, Li Zedao's fist that was originally aimed at the opponent's head moved down silently, and appeared on Bei's chest in an instant, and then punched Bei's plump and strong chest.

In other words, bombarding the opponent's head before was actually a false move, and Li Zedao's target was actually the opponent's chest... Who made this woman's chest so eye-catching? People can't help but pass by as soon as they see it!

"Bang!" Bei's body was hit hard, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew back.

But at the same time as her body flew upside down in the air, the military boots under her feet suddenly came off, like a jet of gunpowder.

"Bang!" Li Zedao's chest was simply hit, and he snorted, and his body, which was flying in the air and wanted to take advantage of the victory, fell heavily to the ground. , I'm afraid the blood has already spurted out.

"You, shameless!" Bei stood up, staring at Li Zedao with sharp eyes. At this time, there was already a smear of bright red blood on the corner of her mouth, and the shoe on her right foot was gone, revealing a delicate white foot without any cover.

Li Zedao also stood up and rubbed his painful chest. At this time, there was a clear shoe print on the clothes he was wearing.

He looked up at this powerful woman, and even glanced at her chest several times, um, it was still strong, so it was real, not stuffed with balloons or something that would explode or Depressed, it's a pity that just now I didn't have much thought to feel the softness there.

Seeing that the other party's eyes were so presumptuous, Bei wished to dig out his eyeballs to relieve his anger.

Li Zedao said a little speechlessly: "Sister, who is shameless? Do you know that what you are saying now is shameless? I didn't provoke you at all. You wanted to kill me as soon as you met, even your boots Hidden weapon? Can you be more despicable?"

"Go to hell!" Bei yelled angrily, and was about to pounce on Li Zedao again, with a posture of not dying and not giving up.

Just then, a voice stopped her: "Bei, that's enough."

This voice was familiar to Li Zedao, sharp and hoarse, as if a handful of sand was stuck in his throat.

Li Zedao looked up, and sure enough, he saw Jia Ming, that is, Huang Wen, coming from the backyard. He was still wearing Jia Ming's mask, and did not show his real face.

Behind him were four men, including Dong.

Li Zedao guessed that the other three men with different figures, appearances, and completely different expressions, but none of them are as handsome as Dong Shuai, let alone himself, should be Xi and the three from the top, bottom, left, and right?

"Yes, Master Huang." Bei looked back at Huang Wen and nodded, all the murderous aura on his body subsided, but the coldness that seemed to be born in him was still there.

This woman is really like a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

"It's okay." Walking to the front, Huang Wen looked at Li Zedao and said with a slight smile, "Bei hates those men who obviously already have women who are still hanging out with other women, and have killed many scumbags, so will want to kill you."

" in her heart I'm... a scumbag?" Li Zedao felt so upset, he glanced at Bei, then bent down to pick up the boot that Bei regarded as a hidden weapon on the ground.

"Don't touch my things!" Bei Leng shouted coldly. If it wasn't for Huang Wen being here, she would raise her fist again and rush towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked at this woman, grinned, and then exerted a little force on his hands.

The boots in his hand were released, and he drew a beautiful line in the air, and flew out of the wall very simply.

"You...damn it!" Bei glared at Li Zedao with gnashed teeth like a knife, and clenched his hands tightly, after all, he didn't rush towards Li Zedao, and left just like that with one bare foot, resentful.

Standing behind Huang Wen, Dong and several other men stared at this scene with wide-eyed eyes. It was the first time for them to see Bei being bullied like this! Then Dong looked at Li Zedao adoringly, and gave him a thumbs up, brother, you are awesome!

Huang Wen looked at Li Zedao as if he hadn't seen this scene and said with a smile, "Come with me."

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