The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1320 The question of who goes first

Lao Wang smiled awkwardly, pointed at his dark and big face and said, "For example, I have no money to marry, so I am still single in my thirties."

Talking about kung fu, out of the corner of her eye, she looked vaguely at Bei who was sitting there staring at the glass bottle in her hand with a cold expression. The broken glass contained the poisonous spider she had caught before.

Li Zedao smiled, looked at this guy who was swallowing saliva desperately, and said in a joking tone: "I thought it bought it or even kidnapped it, and you wanted to escape, so you locked it up."

"Ah..." Old Wang's expression was obviously stunned, and then he quickly explained: "No, no, it's against the law to buy a girl and kidnap a girl... Yes... it will be struck by lightning, how can we do that?" To do something like that?"

"Ha, I was just joking." Li Zedao comforted, "I've heard that girls from outside are not willing to marry in such a poor and remote place, and even if they want to, they can't marry them." The gift money is used, so it is usually bought, as for those who have sisters in the family, when they grow up, they will exchange relatives for their younger brother or elder brother... Is there such a thing?"

Last time in Yanjing, after Li Zedao rescued the two women who were imprisoned as sex slaves in the cellar, he also learned about similar things.

Every year, many women are kidnapped to that kind of ghost place where they are called every day, and they are sold to people in that ghost place like livestock.

Many human traffickers rely on deception. If the distance is long, they have to rely on medicine. Once the medicine is used, it will inevitably cause some imaginable consequences. Either the medicine is dead or the medicine is stupid.

As for these women, it is basically impossible to run away, let alone call the police. Of course, it is useless to report more often. They will tie you up like a dog on a leash. The only end is to become a tool for giving birth to children.

Even, sometimes the women bought by the elder brother are also enjoyed by the younger brother.

Li Zedao knew very well that the woman who appeared behind the small window was most likely also kidnapped and sold to Lao Wang's family.

Lao Wang quickly waved his hands and smiled dryly: ", there is no such thing."

Li Zedao smiled slightly and ended the topic.

Bei Ze glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, then glanced at Pharaoh who was over in a panic, snorted softly, and muttered in his heart: "Mind your own business." Then he took out a female cigarette and continued to smoke.

The violent storm gradually showed signs of stopping at night. Of course, it was impossible to travel in the dark. The three of them decided to rest in this cave for a night and set off tomorrow morning.

After all, Lao Wang took money from others, so naturally he had to do his duty. Now let Li Zedao and Bei sleep at ease, and he is responsible for watching the fire and vigil to prevent anything from sneaking in.

Li Zedao leaned his back against the cold cave wall, and closed his eyes to rest his mind in peace of mind. Bei did the same, sitting there with his long legs stretched out, his arms folded over his chest, and his eyes slowly closed. .

Old Wang looked at the long legs tightly wrapped in leather pants from the corner of his eyes, couldn't help it, and swallowed again, under the light of the fire, those eyes gleamed with undisguised obscenity- Dirty gloom.

The flames burned more and more vigorously, and the night became darker and darker. The breathing sounds of Li Zedao and Bei had become even, as if they had entered a deep sleep... At least the old Wang who secretly looked at Bei from time to time said That's right.

Then, the phone in his pocket vibrated slightly, and a text message came in.

At that moment, he swallowed, picked up a burning torch from the fire, got up quietly, and came outside the cave.

At this time, the violent storm has stopped, and even a crescent-like crescent moon appeared in the sky, but the temperature on the mountain at night is already low, let alone a heavy rain, so when I came out, my old man Wang couldn't help but shuddered.

"Damn, why is it so cold? I really want to hug that girl inside to sleep." He muttered in his heart, swallowed again, and then waved the torch a few times.

Soon, two black shadows approached quietly in the darkness. They were familiar with the road in this area, and they were extra cautious, so they basically didn't make any movement.

The old Wang who saw them spotted them and quickly greeted them with a torch.

"Big Brother, Second Brother..." He greeted in a low voice, "The pair of dogs and men were exhausted from climbing the mountain, and now they are fast asleep, just like the dead pigs raised by our family."

Well, at this moment, Lao Wang completely forgot that when he climbed the mountain before, he was sweating profusely and panting heavily, and his body was scratched several times by thorns, but the pair of dogs and men in his mouth didn't even have a drop. no sweat...

"Damn it..." Old Wang swallowed, and said in a low voice, "Kill that man, as for the woman...just go to the bridal chamber...I'll come first."

"Let me first..." Wang Xiaowang quit. When Lao Wang took people back, he was in the house at that time. He saw the woman through the window, and his eyes almost didn't fall out. After that, he fantasized about that woman. The woman then raped the woman in the house who was chained by them.

"Boss, when you bought that woman last time, you went first, is it my turn this time?" Wang Xiaowang said.

"I am the boss." Boss Wang refused to budge.

"I'm still the second oldest, you know that..."


"Okay, okay." Pharaoh looked at his two beast brothers who didn't know how to love children angrily, and said in a low voice, "I brought people back, so I will first, otherwise, I will quit. After I'm done, can't you just be together? Damn it, women don't just have one hole. "

"Okay, you go first." The two beast brothers compromised.

Then, Wang Dawang and Wang Xiaowang both clenched the sickles they carried with them, followed behind Lao Wang quietly, and came to the entrance of the cave. Then, the king and Xiao Wang looked at each other, and the two entered the cave one after the other. In the cave, the man inside is about to be killed.

However, when they entered this bright and warm cave, both of them were dumbfounded for a moment, then rubbed their eyes, and looked again, it was still the same as before, no ghosts were seen, and there was no one inside at all!

The two looked at each other in a confused way, then turned around and walked out of the cave.

"Third brother, where is he?" Da Wang asked aloud.

"People?" Old Wang was taken aback, "Isn't it inside?"

"There's a bear inside, not even a ghost." Wang Xiaowang said, and then looked around, but the surroundings were dark, let alone two people, but he didn't even see a ghost.

"Impossible, they were sleeping soundly when I came out, and I was looking behind when I came out to meet you later, they didn't leave this cave..." After saying that, Old Wang was about to enter the cave to check one time.

At this moment, a ghost-like black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and then Lao Wang felt his body go cold, and a knife with a flashing cold light appeared on his neck, and then his neck felt hot Yes, as if something was spraying out.

"Uh... Mother..." He exclaimed, his hands trembled, and the torch in his hand had already slipped from his hands.

A slender hand stretched out and grabbed the torch.

"Don't move, or your head will be separated from your body." A cold woman's voice sounded behind her.

Lao Wang's body tensed instantly, and he didn't dare to move casually anymore, and he was obviously very cold, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

From the corner of his eye, he already saw his two older brothers, Wang Dawang and Wang Xiaowang, collapsed there for some reason, motionless, life or death unknown.

Then, Old Wang felt that the knife that wiped a bloodstain on his neck had left his neck. Then, he felt his legs were very weak, and he really wanted to sit down and talk.

"Okay, turn around." Another man's voice that seemed full of sarcasm sounded.

Lao Wang swallowed, and then slowly turned around in fear.

I saw the pair of dogs and men standing there at some point. The woman was holding the torch he raised just now in one hand, and a dagger in the other hand. There were bloodstains on the dagger. Under the light of the fire, she His face was so cold that Pharaoh shuddered when he saw it, and then those two legs could no longer bear the weight of his body, and he knelt down directly.

As for the man, he had a mocking and pitying smile on his face.

"If you think you have little money, you can discuss it with me. Why do you want to be a bandit and rob? Is it too immoral?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Old Wang looked at Li Zedao, swallowed his saliva, and said with some difficulty: "No... I'm sorry, the people in the mountains are simple, you know..."

"..." Hearing such shameless words, Li Zedao's heart was directly trampled by the grass mud horse. He has always thought that Zhou Yan is the most shameless person in the world, but now... Li Zedao feels sorry for Zhou Yan, he misunderstood him.

Then, he looked at Bei and said, "You can deal with it according to your needs. After all, it was you, not me, who made them worry about being washed away by the heavy rain..."

Li Zedao shut up resentfully, because the way this woman looked at him was no different from looking at a dead person. Li Zedao knew that this unreasonable woman not only hated the three guys who dared to discuss behind their backs who would fuck her first and how many holes she had, but also hated him. , the reason is very simple, he was the one who found this tour guide.

However, Li Zedao risked his life and said cautiously: "Well... I mean, let's keep alive, we still have to rely on him to find Wolf Village."

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that Bei should not have the idea of ​​killing him, otherwise this old king would have become a dead man long ago.

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