The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1354 Two Psychopaths

He Xiaofeng was even more shocked, because when this woman exuded a palpitating coldness and looked at Zhou Pingguang with such terrifying eyes, He Xiaofeng knew that this woman was about to make a move.

However, he only heard the dull sound of "bang!" that made the scalp numb, and he didn't see the movement of the opponent's foot at all. After he reacted, Zhou Pingguang had already got down on the ground and the woman Her foot stepped directly on his head, one can imagine how fast she was.

After being shocked, He Xiaofeng's heart was filled with sadness, because he found that if this woman kicked him, even if he was on guard, he couldn't avoid it.

"what you do?"

"Let go of Young Master Zhou..."


The policemen headed by Team Zhao and the gangsters headed by the red-haired man finally came to their senses. When they saw the woman's long legs tightly wrapped in leather pants stepped on Zhou Pingguang's On the head, it is decisively messy.

Dui Zhao was so angry that his face turned red. He had never seen such an arrogant woman who dared to beat someone in front of the police, and it was the nephew of Deputy Mayor Zhou. It was too shameful and lawless. up! This is provocation! Serious provocation to national law enforcement agencies!

"I advise you to let go of Young Master Zhou and don't resist the law." Captain Zhao had already pulled out the pistol from his waist, aiming the gun at Bei.

The same was true for several other police officers. They took out their pistols one after another, pointed their guns at Bei, and another pointed at Li Zedao. They seemed to regard these two people, especially this woman, as violent hostage-takers.

As for He Xiaofeng who was handcuffed, his heart was full of sorrow and resentment, because these policemen actually threw him aside, could it be...he was not at all dangerous? Isn't this too contemptuous?

When the security guard and the red-haired man saw that the policemen had pulled out their guns, they quickly retreated with their own people. Of course, the red-haired man did not forget to take that chubby son of Zhou Pingguang away.

The same was true for those who were watching from afar, and they disappeared in an instant, for fear that a bullet would hit them, so what should they do?

Bei looked up at Team Zhao with unusually indifferent eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Stared at by such eyes, Zhao Dui's hand gripping the pistol was inexplicably cold sweat, and he was nervous.

"Have you heard that, let go of Young Master Zhou,

Hands up, or we'll be rude to you. Captain Zhou grabbed the pistol in his hand even harder and shouted loudly.

"You can try it." Bei Leng said coldly, his feet were still pressing hard on Zhou Pingguang's slapped face, so crisply, Zhou Pingguang's face was rubbed off a layer Skinned, "Before you shoot, I can kill you at least ten times."

"..." Captain Zhao only felt that his face was twitching so much that he could hardly feel it, and the other policemen also looked messy.

This a psychopath? Otherwise, how did you read the lines of the movie?

Li Zedao yawned and said kindly: "Don't doubt her words, before you shoot, she has the ability to kill you at least ten times... Besides, there is me, I can kill you at least fifteen times !"

"..." The hearts of these policemen were once again trampled by a group of mud horses. It turned out that this man was also crazy.

So a gun was removed from Bei's head and aimed at Li Zedao's head... There was only one pistol, I'm afraid it couldn't subdue him, I heard that the explosive power of neuropathy is very powerful.

He Xiaofeng lowered his head slightly, he was ashamed to death, he felt that the coercion of his "guess" just now was far inferior to what these two guys said, it seemed that he was on the road of pretending to be coercive , still an absolute novice, there is still a long way to go.

Bei turned his head, looked at Li Ze with cold eyes and said, "Are you so much better than me?"

"Uh...Of course not, at most eleven times, wouldn't the effect be more shocking than fifteen times?" Li Zedao smiled apologetically.

"..." The policemen only felt that there was something dripping from the corner of their mouths, and then the phone rang suddenly, and the cell phone in Captain Zhao's pocket rang.

Captain Zhao has even set different ringtones for some important phone numbers stored in his mobile phone. For example, the current ringtone belongs only to the director, so it is the director who is calling.

But the two hostage-taking psychopaths with strong aggressiveness and paranoia were right in front of him, and Zhou Shao was still in their hands, so even if it was the director's call, Captain Zhao couldn't care about it.

"Don't move, did you hear me, I said don't move, I really shot..." Captain Zhao saw the woman's foot lifted from Zhou Pingguang's face, and she was about to step on it again, and shouted loudly, Then... the cold sweat came off his face all of a sudden, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was no different from that of seeing a ghost.

A second ago, the pistol he held tightly in his hand disappeared, and at the same time, he clearly felt that his forehead was being pressed against a cold, hard object.

His pistol was inexplicably taken away by that woman, and even that woman held his gun and put the muzzle directly on his head!

Seeing this, the other police officers were also stunned, and then their faces flushed as if facing an enemy, and the muzzles of the two guns that were aimed at Li Zedao before were also moved to point at Bei.

Of course, they didn't dare to speak casually, let alone speak. They were afraid of irritating this woman. What if she killed the captain with a single shot?

"What a master, it seems that he came from which mysterious department, Shenlong Organization?" He Xiaofeng muttered in his heart with his eyes wide open.

"It should be your immediate superior calling you, answer the phone." Looking at the face that was already dripping with cold sweat and the corners of the eyes still twitching violently due to fear, he said coldly, and then took the pistol from his forehead move away.

The strong sense of oppression and the feeling of suffocation as if standing on the edge of death disappeared in an instant. Captain Zhao looked at this terrifying woman in horror, and at the same time, he didn't care about her image. He gasped for a few breaths, frantically Swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva... Things have come to this point, if he still thinks this woman is crazy, then he is really crazy.

At the moment, he tried his best to give a gesture to his subordinates, telling them to put down their guns, and then hurriedly took out the cell phone that kept ringing all the time. It is conceivable that the director is very anxious to find him, thinking about what this woman said... You provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked this time?

Captain Zhao tried his best to hold the phone steady with trembling hands, connected it, and put it next to his ear: "Hello..."

"Zhao Qingyang, you f*** don't want to do it anymore, do you? Why are you only answering the phone now?" The director's almost growling voice came over, "Are you taking someone to the third floor of Taihe Tianjie now? Are you talking? ..."

"Yes..." Captain Zhao's heart sank, and it turned out that his thoughts were right.

"What are you doing to them? Say..."

You can't hide it anymore, Captain Zhao said in a low voice, " of them, point a gun at two of them..."

The director's growl came over: "Zhao Qingyang, you really want to die and don't drag me... Why don't you let him go quickly, apologize and get back to me? Hurry up..."

"Bang!" This is the sound of the phone being hung up heavily.

Captain Zhao raised his head and looked at Bei eagerly, while the other police officers looked at him eagerly.

Bei returned the pistol in his hand to Captain Zhao, and said coldly, "When you leave, remember to take this guy with you."

While speaking, he kicked past Zhou Pingguang's mouth again.

Zhou Pingguang wailed, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood, with more than a dozen teeth in it. Bei's level kick broke most of his teeth .

Captain Zhao's body trembled, he didn't dare to say anything, he nodded his head in a hurry, then trotted to He Xiaofeng, and tried his best to squeeze an extremely embarrassing and mean smile on his face: "Mis... Misunderstanding... Misunderstand……"

Then he quickly uncuffed the handcuffs on He Xiaofeng's hands.

"I'm really a policeman." He Xiaofeng nodded and said, "My name is He Xiaofeng, the chief of the Lihu District Police Department in Fenghuang City. You can go back and investigate my information."

"...Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..." All he could say was that his face was about to cry. Although he was not from the same city, in terms of rank, he was the same as their bureau chief.

"Your actions... shame, just because of what he is... Oh, the nephew of the deputy mayor, you just let him go? If I am really taken away by you, you know exactly what will happen next Right?" He Xiaofeng sneered, but also felt inexplicably bitter, alas, there are still too few good people's policemen like me who are upright, handsome, upright and not afraid of power.

"Misunderstanding... Misunderstanding..." That's all I can say.

The red-haired man not far away and his younger brothers were stunned when they saw this scene.

They saw that Captain Zhao's gun was inexplicably snatched away by that lunatic, they saw that lunatic put the gun on Captain Zhao's head, and they also saw that Captain Zhao hurriedly gave a shit after answering the phone In the past, I helped someone untie the handcuffs...

So... This scene was more shocking than the previous scene, and I didn't have enough brains to react... It wasn't until the police handcuffed their hands that they realized it.

Captain Zhao and the others did not make this trip in vain. They took away Zhou Pingguang, who was almost half dead, and the red-haired man. They were charged with viciously threatening, intimidating or even beating others in a public place...

Captain Zhao quickly moved his position, and was relegated to the traffic police brigade to be a traffic policeman at the bottom. As for Zhou Pingguang... he was severely whipped by the deputy mayor's uncle who took time to go to the hospital. Slap photo, and said that I will not be your uncle in the future.

Of course, these are things for later.

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