The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1356 Depends on the situation

After spending double or even triple the price on snacks and beer in the supermarket inside the ktv, Li Zedao asked the waiter to carry those things and deliver them to the box.

"Sir, do you need to call some box princesses?" The waiter carrying a basket of snacks recommended to Li Zedao, "Our ktv box princesses can be said to be the highest quality in the entire city of Chengdu, with attractive looks, hot bodies, hot voices and sweet voices." ..."

Then lowered his voice: "And very obedient."

Very obedient? These words really make people fantasize, and even make blood spurt, but who is Li Zedao? He is a good boy with ideals, ambitions, five words, four beauties and three passions. How could he be called the princess of the box... Well, the main reason is that the woman in Bei is inside. Will the princess of the box be killed by her directly when she goes in? ?

"No, my...girlfriend is here." Li Zedao said.

Then, the waiter already had an extremely ambiguous smile on his face, and said, "I understand, I understand." Many men and women are looking for excitement in the box, and they are not surprised by such things.

Li Zedao was speechless, you wretched fellow, you don't know what to do, what are you thinking?

When he returned to the door of the box, Li Zedao clearly heard the familiar melody and brother Xin's heart-piercing voice coming from inside.

"You have to love even after you die, and you won't be happy if you don't get to the bottom of your heart..."

So, she really ordered the song "Love To Die"... Didn't sing? It should be sung, but there is no microphone.

Pushing open the door of the box and walking in, the waiter helped to arrange the plates containing the snacks, then nodded slightly and left with a smile on his face. Before leaving, he didn't forget to take a few more glances at that beautiful and cold woman, and he didn't forget to give Li Zedao a The ambiguous eyes that men can understand, no wonder you don't want a ktv princess, there is such a stunner here, why do you want a princess?

And from the beginning to the end, Bei sat there, smoking a cigarette in a cool and unrestrained manner, without even looking at the two of them, completely treating them as air.

Li Zedao picked up the microphone and handed it to her with a smile, "Sing...what else do you want to sing, I'll give you some."

Bei raised his head, looked at Li Zedao indifferently, and said, "No singing."

"You still order if you don't sing?" Li Ze said helplessly.

"I ordered for you." Bei said, "I know you can sing well."

Li Zedao said very modestly: "Actually, it's not as good as you think.


Of course, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, when they say this, they hope that the other party will strongly refute him. The more aggressive the counterattack, the better.

For example, when Li Zedao said that he was not that good, he naturally expected Bei to say: If you dare to say that you are not good, I will kill you!

But the woman's answer made Li Zedao very disappointed: "Don't worry, I don't think of you very well, so I won't be surprised how badly you sing."

"...Why do you like hurting me so much?" Li Zedao asked angrily.

"What I said is the truth." Peking University stared at Li Zedao indifferently, and said these words coldly.

"..." Li Zedao wanted to press her tightly as he was in the car, and then leaned his mouth towards her... After thinking about it, let's forget it. After all, this woman has said it before, and next time, it's not about biting Instead of hurting the tongue, bite off the entire tongue.

Bei flicked the cigarette butts in his hand into the ashtray on the table, picked up a can of beer, opened the tab, drank most of the can, stared at the screen in front of him and said: "Before, every once in a while I would When you come to this kind of place, you need a few dozen beers, and listen to "Only Mom Is Good" while drinking... listening to it all night until the ktv closes."

Li Zedao listened, and sighed softly. This is a lonely and arrogant woman who lacks family affection and warmth.

"Then, usually around two o'clock in the morning, I leave the ktv and walk on the already deserted street. Occasionally, I will meet a few hooligans who drink too much, and they want to tease me when they see me..."

Bei's voice was indifferent and deep, so the atmosphere in the whole box had become depressing.

"Then they are all unlucky?" Li Zedao could imagine what would happen to those hooligans who tried to molest her.

"My lower body has been destroyed by me." Bei glanced at Li Zedao, and said coldly, "You are the first man who molested me... remember first."

"...I've said it all, it's healing." Li Zedao was helpless and aggrieved, "Besides, I also got your consent."

"What about the time in the car?"

"...Please, it was provoked by you." Li Zedao argued, "I am a normal man, and you are a beautiful woman. Can a normal man not react when he is provoked by a beautiful woman? The other way around Say you have to feel like a failure if I don't respond?"


"Hey..." Li Zedao nodded, and went to order some songs, feeling emotional in his heart, it seems that women of any personality want to be praised, for example, when he just told Bei that you are a beautiful woman, Li Zedao obviously noticed Bei's His expression softened a bit.

Li Zedao clicked a song, "Only Mother is Good in the World".

So for most of the next night, the two drank in silence for most of the night, and listened to the song "Only Mother is Good in the World" repeatedly. From the beginning to the end, Bei didn't say a word, but halfway through, Li Ze said When I went to pee and came back, I saw this woman wiped her eyes. Before she wiped, there was a crystal teardrop hanging on it.

It was nearly eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and the two left the ktv. At this time, the heavy rain that had been raining outside for a whole day finally stopped.

"So, return to Yanjing tomorrow?" Li Zedao asked after getting into the car.

"The day after tomorrow," Bei said.

"Uh... so what are you going to do tomorrow?"

It was the answer that made Li Zedao collapse a bit: "Whatever."

Half an hour later, the two returned to the hotel where they stayed. Of course, this time Li Zedao did not see that kind of small card on the floor of the room.

Washing, undressing, lying down, unable to sleep, and then the delicate little faces, He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen, Nintendo, Bailibing... Thinking about it, the saliva slipped down the corner of the mouth quietly, and then... Fell asleep.

The next day, when Li Zedao heard the door being opened, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up.

When he saw Bei appearing there, the muscles on his face twitched and he said, "Sister, why did you come in like this? What do you want to do so early in the morning?"

Then he quickly wrapped his chest exposed to the air with a quilt. It wouldn't work if he didn't wrap it tighter. What if this woman was attracted to her?

"I want to go out." Bei said coldly.

Li Zedao was in some pain: "Then you go out."

"I'll wake up the driver," Bei said.

"...Then you can't come in without saying hello, you know it will scare people to death?" Li Zedao wanted to cry, "If I sneaked into your room in the middle of the night, what would you do?"

"Kill you!"

"...I'll kill you too!"

"Whatever you want." Bei said, and already walked to the sofa and sat down, as if returning to his own room, even picked up a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

Li Zedao had a bitter face: "Well, can you go out first? Or go to the bathroom and stay there first, I want to get dressed?"

Bei slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and responded coldly: "I didn't let you wear clothes."

"But... I am in a vacuum." Li Zedao said, "I have the habit of sleeping naked."

"What's the matter with me?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and then he pretended to be about to lift the quilt, and said with a smirk: "Okay, then I'll get dressed, it's cheaper for you."

Bei's reaction was more or less within Li Zedao's expectations. This woman is really tough. Most women will blush when they encounter men playing hooligans. While covering their faces and peeking through the gaps between their fingers, they said coquettishly, " I hate it, you hate it', and then ran away in a panic, but she was fine, looking at you with an indifferent expression, and even her eyes showed... Expectation.

Therefore, Li Zedao hesitated, not daring to reveal it.

"Don't you want to wear clothes?"

"You... hooligan..." Li Zedao scolded aggrievedly like a little daughter-in-law who had been bullied, then wrapped the quilt around himself and jumped out of bed, picked up his clothes and fled into the bathroom.

"Idiot!" Bei looked at the closed bathroom door, and the corners of his mouth curled up again.

Li Zedao finished dressing and walked into the bathroom. He glanced at the female hooligan sadly, and asked while putting on his shoes, "Where is it? Don't talk casually to me. If you talk casually, I won't go out if you kill me."

As if afraid that Li Zedao would not go with her, Bei didn't say anything casual this time, but gave a very detailed address: "Wanjiawan Community, Bilin Community, Unit 401, Building 7, Unit 2."

"Uh... what's that place? Going to have breakfast?" Li Zedao asked in a daze.

"There is an old breakfast shop at the gate of the community. The fried dough sticks in that shop are very famous in the surrounding area. If you want to have breakfast, you can go there." Bei said.

"That store should still be there," Bei added.

Li Zedao frowned and looked at the woman and asked, "Why do I feel that you are very familiar with Rong City?" Before Bei said that she was taken away by Huang Wen in an orphanage in Fenghuang City, Li Zedao thought that Bei She is also from Fenghuang City, but looking at her various reactions now, it doesn't seem like it.

"I was born in this city, and I spent the first five years of my life here." Bei's eyes did not fall on Li Zedao, but looked out of the window.

The voice was calm and indifferent, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Wanjiawan Community, Bilin Community, 401, Unit 2, Building 7, that's the residence of Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua..." Bei turned his head and looked at Li Zedao, his tone was still indifferent and calm, but Li Zedao could understand clearly Feeling a wave of violence, "Oh, in terms of blood, I should call Zhang Guanxin Grandpa and Ms. Liang Chunhua Grandma."

"..." Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, so, her grandparents are still alive, so why was she sent to the orphanage when she was so young?

"You don't want to kill people, do you?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

"It depends." Bei said.


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