The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1371 Don't give face

Then, his expression darkened, and his voice became cold: "In that case, I will get angry. Once I get angry, even if you were introduced by Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu, the consequences will be least , you don’t want to have a good learning environment in the future.”

"Forget it, I'm giving you another chance, who told... I like you?" Cheng Yang muttered, already smiling all over his face.

"Hey, isn't this Senior Brother Cheng?" A laughing voice sounded.

Cheng Yang looked up at the young man who appeared in front of the car window, and said with a smirk: "So it's Junior Brother Lu, why did you come to school? Didn't you accompany Xiao Mengjun with your family today?"

Lu Xiaodong, another closed disciple of Teacher Li Gu.

Before, Cheng Yang and Lu Xiaodong both liked Xiao Mengjun, a fellow junior, but Xiao Mengjun's attitude towards them was the least on the surface, this woman liked boys who were really jealous of her, so the two were secretly competing.

More than a month ago, the appearance of Jin Suyan immediately made Cheng Yang's heart itch, so he immediately alienated Xiao Mengjun, and Xiao Mengjun didn't accept Lu Xiaodong immediately, but there is no doubt that Cheng Yang, a strong competitor like Cheng Yang, was missing. , he has a greater chance of catching up.

Your sister, knowing that I haven't caught up with her yet, what a jerk! At that moment, Lu Xiaodong smiled: "Talk about me, why did you go back to school... Oh, I understand, come to accompany your dream lover, Junior Sister Jin?"

"Stop talking, you'll be taken for a fool." Cheng Yang was a little depressed.

Lu Xiaodong immediately became interested: "Do you need any advice from my junior brother?"

"You? Forget it, get in the car." Cheng Yang said.


Of course, Jin Suyan didn't go back to the dormitory. She stayed in front of the dormitory building for a while, then made a detour, and walked towards the school gate from another road.

"I hate this kind of guy who pretends to be stupid the most." She muttered helplessly.

Although it is estimated that Cheng Yang should have driven away long ago, when she arrived at the school gate, she still deliberately hid her body behind a tree, so that in case Cheng Yang hadn't left the school yet, he would come out later. It would be bad if he saw it.

Jin Suyan is not worried about the lie being exposed, but she is afraid that Cheng will continue to pester her facelessly after seeing it, and maybe say something too exaggerated. What should I do if I only focus on dating and don't concentrate on studying here?

At the same time, in a black Audi on the opposite side of the road, Cheng Yang in the car looked at Jin Suyan who walked out of the school gate and was still hiding behind the tree, with a mocking smile on her face, she was really a little girl, I was there You waited here one step ahead, and you didn't even know it, and you were still hiding there.

But... Looking at her like that, it seems that she is really waiting for someone.

"Senior Brother Cheng, it seems that Junior Sister Jin is not an excuse. Looking at her posture, it seems that she is really waiting for someone who is very important to her." Lu Xiaodong laughed.

Seeing him gloating so much, Cheng Yang had the urge to kick him out of the car.

"Get out!" He said very depressed, "You better pray that I catch up with Jin Suyan, otherwise I will continue to chase Xiao Mengjun later."

"No, I'll help you pray now." Lu Xiaodong said.


The Ford Focus stopped steadily at the entrance of the conservatory. Li Zedao opened the car window, then took out his mobile phone and called Jin Suyan.

"Brother, you're here..." Jin Suyan, who was hiding behind the big tree in a daze and fantasizing about various scenes, appeared with a surprised face, and then looked around.

In the Audi car, Cheng Yang looked at this scene with a gloomy expression: "It looks like he's a man, should I go down?"

"Of course it's good to spoil the situation." Lu Xiaodong laughed. It doesn't matter whose game you mess up, just don't mess with mine.


"I saw you..." Li Zedao got out of the car and waved to Jin Suyan. I haven't seen you for more than a month. This girl has really changed a lot.

The previous gloomy depression has long since disappeared without a trace, replaced by sunshine and cheerfulness. In addition, because the nutrition has kept up, there is more flesh on the body, which looks moist and lively, not As skinny as before.

Kim So-yeon waved to him excitedly, and trotted up to him.

At the same time, Cheng Yang quickly got off his Audi, waved at Jin Suyan and said with a smile: "Junior Sister, what a coincidence, we meet again."

The beauty's lies cannot be dispelled, so Cheng Yang seems to have forgotten what Jin Suyan said before, and just met here by a coincidence.

Then, he took a look at Li Zedao, feeling a little blocked in his heart, just like himself, young and handsome, so... he really is a boyfriend!

Fortunately, the car he drives is really nothing special, and the clothes he wears are also ordinary, so Cheng Yang's inexplicable self-confidence has increased a lot.

These days, the true meaning of picking up girls is: if you don’t have enough good looks, you need money to make up for it! Not to mention that he has both, so he doesn't think he will lose to this kid.

Seeing that Cheng Yang reappeared with lingering spirits, apparently he had been waiting around for a long time, the excited smile on Jin Suyan's face froze for a moment, then she glanced at Li Zedao carefully, and bit her lower lip lightly, feeling really sad in her heart. I hate this lingering guy.

Just about to say something, Cheng Yang looked at Li Zedao enthusiastically, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, my name is Cheng Yang, Suyan's senior brother."

"Hello." Li Zedao smiled slightly, reached out and shook his hand, his attitude was neither cold nor enthusiastic, and it was just a simple greeting, and he did not introduce himself.

Li Zedao could tell that this senior was interested in Jin Suyan, and even more so, Jin Suyan obviously didn't like this kid.

"Damn, you want to chase my sister? I didn't even chase you! What's more, if I chased you, what else would you do? So, stay where it's cooler!"

Li Zedao stretched out his hand while muttering in his heart, then looked at Jin Suyan with a smile and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

"Yeah." Jin Suyan smiled like a flower, with a little shyness between her brows, and nodded heavily. She couldn't be more satisfied with Li Zedao's reaction in her heart, and she didn't give Cheng Yang any chance at all, and left him alone.

"Goodbye, brother." Jin Suyan did not forget to turn her head and waved to Cheng Yang politely, then pulled away the passenger seat of the car next to Li Zedao and sat in.

Li Zedao smiled at Cheng Yang, then got in the car and drove the Ford Focus away.

Cheng Yang wanted to look in the mirror, he wanted to see how ridiculous and stupid the smile on his face was at the moment.

The smile on his face had gradually froze. He originally thought that his appearance would disrupt the situation, right? But I didn't expect the other party to ignore him so much that he didn't even introduce himself, and kicked him aside without any intention of asking him to speak... How rude!

Then, he returned to his Audi car with a gloomy face, looked at the cheerful Lu Xiaodong and asked, "Is it funny?"

"No, I just feel that Junior Sister is too proud to even look down on you, Senior Brother." Lu Xiaodong fanned the flames, "What is she so proud of? She thinks she is Xiao Mengjun?"

Xiao Mengjun does have the capital to be proud of. Not only is he extremely talented in music, he is also the niece of Teacher Li Gu, and his parental status is not simple.

Cheng Yang's expression darkened again, yes, what is she so proud of, just because she was introduced by Zhou Xiaolu? Maybe, Zhou Xiaolu has already forgotten about this matter by now, right?

"Keep up?" Lu Xiaodong asked, it seemed like it would be nice to help Cheng Yang play around when he had nothing to do.

"Why not? It's okay anyway, we'll go out and wander around too." Cheng Yang looked at the Ford Focus going away in front of him, and said coldly.


Li Zedao said to Jin Suyan who was beside him while driving the car: "That boy looks very handsome. Looking at that car, he probably has a good family background. He should be quite capable to become Teacher Li Gu's disciple. Don't you like it?"

Jin Suyan looked at Li Zedao, and said to herself, I already have someone in my heart, and I can't accommodate others. Immediately shook his head and said, "I don't like it, it's very childish, not mature at all."

Compared with Li Zedao, Cheng Yang can only be described as childish, even though they are about the same age.

Li Zedao couldn't help laughing: "You are still naive? It seems that you are not very old, right?"

"I've grown up, I'm not childish at all." Jin Suyan pouted, she didn't want Li Zedao to treat her as a child.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Are you tired? I heard from your sister Zhou that learning those things that are very tiring will make you want to cry and give up."

Kim So-yeon clenched her small hands into fists, her face full of longing: "I'm not tired, I don't give up, I'm full of motivation every day."

"Well, let's work hard." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Yes, I want to sing for you on the biggest stage." Jin Suyan looked at Li Zedao's handsome profile and said seriously.

"I'll wait." Li Zedao glanced at her and said with a smile, "What do you want to eat?"

"Listen to your arrangement, I will eat whatever you eat..."

What she wants to say is, actually, I'm not hungry, I just want to get close to you, to be with you, to be with you, to do whatever I want to matter what I do...Her face is inexplicably hot, and her eyes are a little bit In a panic, he hurriedly moved away from Li Zedao's face, how could he think of such a thing? It's embarrassing.

Then, inevitably, she thought of the scene that had ravaged her soul, thought of the heart-piercing pain, thought of the pain that seemed to come from the depths of her soul.

Li Zedao didn't think too much, and said with a smile: "Then find a western restaurant to eat steak. Last time I went to one, the environment there is quite good..."

Looking back at Jin Suyan's face, seeing that her face was pale, her expression was painful, and her shoulders were trembling slightly, she quickly asked, "Suyan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Jin Suyan looked at him, shook her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "'s's okay..."

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