The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1376 Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons

"Tell me your purpose.--" Li Zedao looked at this guy, his eyes were already a little wary, "Don't tell me that you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, you are a master with such terrifying skills How could you do such a boring thing?"

Jin Suyan looked at this suspiciously... crazy, thinking, this is actually a master? Or a master who makes Ze Dao's brother afraid and nervous? Could it be that masters are walking all over the place these days, and several of them slip away from your nose in the blink of an eye?

Qingxuzi looked at Li Zedao, and said very modestly: "Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao is not a master, he just spent many years practicing his strength."

"..." Li Zedao really felt the urge to kneel down and kowtow to call out to Master, listen to you, how high is the "force" of what you said, it is so high that it is even higher than Mount Everest up.

I have to say that in this world, many things require talent, such as pretending to be 'forceful'! Li Zedao felt that he didn't have such a talent, but there was no doubt that this guy was really talented in pretending to be 'forceful'. Even if the master was resurrected, he had to kneel!

He said he just practiced his strength? So what is a master like yourself? Li Zedao felt that he was insulted to death.

"As for the purpose of what you said... Pindao said that when he woke up in the morning and was hungry, he made a fortune teller. The hexagram showed that there are not only delicious food in the north, but also people who are destined to meet, so Pindao came here Already." The Taoist said the same rhetoric just now.

"...Do you think I'm a fool?"

The magic stick looked at Li Zedao seriously: "The benefactor is not stupid, on the contrary, the benefactor is a man of great wisdom and wisdom."

Li Zedao discovered for the first time that it was such an uncomfortable thing to be praised: "So, I am the predestined person you mentioned?"

"Yes, you are the predestined person that Pindao is looking for." Qing Xuzi looked at Li Zedao and said.

"Where's that 'female' person just now?"

"Just now, the 'female' benefactor and Pindao are predestined, after all, they are not destined to meet each other, right? What makes Pindao feel regretful is that she doesn't seem to believe what Pindao said." Qing Xuzi said helplessly.

Li Zedao didn't know what to say at all, and said with a sense of powerlessness: "And then?"

"Then... Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Pindao has a few words that I would like to say to your benefactor."

"Then tell me, I'll listen." Li Zedao said, thinking that this guy who came out of nowhere really came close to him on purpose. Of course, there should be no malicious intentions.

After all, if there is really malicious intent, there is no way to stop him from doing something based on the gap between him and him, for example, killing himself!

Of course, I still suspect that this guy is actually Huang Wen, so no matter what he wants to say next, Li Zedao will basically listen to it as bullshit.

Qing Xuzi stretched out his hand, patted Li Zedao on the shoulder, and said with a look of pity for heaven and man, "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, benefactor, I'll leave it to you to kill demons and fight against evil forces. Thank you for your hard work." gone."

"..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded, and said with difficulty, "Just... this sentence?"

"Wuliang Tianzun, there is one more word." Qing Xuzi said, "Pindao is optimistic about you, come on!"

"..." At this moment, Li Zedao almost recklessly threw the table over to fight to the death with this crazy psychopath who came out of nowhere!

Then, Qingxuzi reached over, grabbed the croissant on the table, stuffed it into his mouth, and said to Li Zedao, whose expression had already collapsed, in a vague tone: "Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao is leaving now... Oh, don't bother!" It’s too stressful, it’s up to people to make things up to God, and if it really fails... Hey, God’s will can’t be violated, God’s will can’t be violated... Let’s talk about it when the time comes, you just need to remember, but do your best to keep to your fate, and, Pindao is with you."

As he said that, he sighed and shook his head with a look of pity on heaven and man, then stretched out his hand again, picked up a croissant again, and stuffed it into his mouth... His face suddenly changed slightly, this is... It was too big and I choked on the croissant.

Immediately, he hurriedly picked up the coffee in front of Li Zedao in a 'chaotic' manner, drank it to the end, and then burped with a comfortable face.

He looked at Li Ze and said, "Wuliang Tianzun, before Pindao left, he wanted to say something, benefactor, your real seal hall is black, this is a sign of recruiting villains... and you have a sign of violent anger..."

Li Zedao covered his face, his voice was full of breakdowns and begging: "I beg you, don't talk to me anymore, please go, please..."

"Brother Zedao..." After an unknown amount of time, Jin Soyan's caring voice came from beside her ear.

"Huh?" Li Zedao moved his hand away from that face, only to see Jin Suyan looking at him with concern, as for that bastard who is so innocent, he doesn't know where he is going.

"That crazy person, is he gone?" Li Zedao asked.

"Let's go." Kim So-yeon nodded.

"Damn, crazy!" Li Zedao looked at the empty plate and cup in front of him, remembered that his saliva was eaten by him, and couldn't help but cursed, feeling even more disgusted.

Seeing Li Zedao's depressed look, Jin Suyan thought it was 'quite' interesting, and asked, "Brother Zedao, is that... psychopath really a master?"

Li Zedao took a deep breath, then nodded with lingering fear: "I'm not his opponent... Forget it, it's probably someone I know who pretended to be like that and deliberately came here to amuse me, so don't worry about it."

Li Zedao still thinks that Huang Wen's insanity is a fake, the old bastard is really a pain in the ass! Or is this a disguised warning from him? Don't run around or do any tricks, your every move is under my control?

At the moment, Li Zedao looked at Jin Soyan and said, "This is too much to eat, if we are not full, let's find a place."

Jin Suyan's face turned red, her eyes looked expectant but shy, like a newly married daughter-in-law: "It's ready."

"Then... take you back to school?"

"Ah...Brother Ze Dao, you really hate me..." Jin Suyan was so ashamed that she knew that Li Ze Dao was deliberately teasing her.

The beauty was embarrassed, Li Zedao was a little proud, and took her little hand: "Let's go."

The two left the restaurant with a very sweet hug, and went to the parking space outside the restaurant, planning to drive to find a more comfortable hotel to have a good exchange of life and ideals.

However, when they saw the Ford Focus parked there, their eyes widened.

The Ford Focus that was parked there before had been sprayed with red paint, with these words written on it: "A good man is 'Sao', five hundred a night!"

Such a color, such a word, really hurts people's eyes.

At the same time, many passers-by were no longer there, pointing at the Ford Focus, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures and send them to Moments.

"Tsk tsk, who did the Fox owner offend? He was played like this?"

"What else can I do, I guess some sugar daddy's mistress was found out by his original partner and took revenge..."

"Little San... Tsk tsk, Xiao San basically looks flexible and better, five hundred a night, motherfucker, let me take it easy, uh, I can pay for more than one night..."

"Go away, this kind of 'female' is meant to sleep with rich men in their 40s, 50s, or even 60s and 70s. When will you get you..."

"Too much." Li Zedao said. Of course, I didn't feel depressed or angry. After all, I was on the verge of collapse just now by that Qing Xuzi. Compared with the incident of encountering that psychopath, this matter is nothing at all... Okay The main reason why Li Zedao was not depressed and angry was that the car was not his, but Sun Jundong's, so what he lost was also his face.

Besides, how could he not know who did this? They have already followed all the way, he and Jin Suyan walked into this restaurant for dinner, they also sneaked in, and from time to time they glanced at them with malicious eyes, thinking that he is Jin Suyan's senior brother, in the future Jin Suyan will return I have to meet him often, so Li Zedao didn't bother to bother.

But I didn't expect that he would do such a deadly thing! Do you know whose car this is? It's the car of Sun Jundong, the son of the mayor of Chaoyang District. How dare you move his car?

Li Zedao gloated a little.

Then, he suddenly remembered what the so-called Taoist priest with a brain problem said a few minutes ago. He said that your dark seal is a sign of recruiting a villain... No, you really recruited a villain?

Li Zedao frowned, if he wasn't Huang Wen, who would he be?

There is no reason for such a peerless expert to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with such a small person like himself, right? Therefore, there must be a picture!

"It's really too much...Is it because someone misidentified the car?" Jin Suyan said indignantly. After all, the scolding in the car was a 'female', but Brother Zedao was a man, so in her opinion, it was a wrong car.

"That's right." Li Zedao said.


"It's okay, let's go, take a taxi, leave the car there, and deal with it later, it's important to do business now." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Getting down to business... Jin Suyan blushed obediently and nodded obediently, without asking any further questions. Of course, she also knew that it was really inconvenient to walk over to drive that car now. If it passes, then people will be photographed.

At that moment, Li Zedao took Jin Soyan's little hand and walked to the road, stopped a taxi, and the two got into the car. Before getting into the car, Li Zedao glanced at an Audi parked by the roadside seemingly unintentionally, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched. It tilted a little weirdly.

This guy is really daring.

At the same time, in the Audi car parked on the side of the road not far away, Cheng Yang looked at the two people just like those onlookers, took a few glances at the car, and then drove away , as if the car wasn't his, my heart was full of wonder at the moment.

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